the monster that you see, is it a part of me? // hawk


the loneliness that wraps around keeps deepening until i drown
fond memories we used to share pierce me 'til i no longer care
i cannot run, i cannot hide, i cannot think, i cannot find
i cannot move, i cannot leave

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———-,. ° ✧- GENERAL INFO -✧ ° .-,———

↪ noun ; a bird of prey with broad rounded wings and a long tail, typically taking prey by surprise with a short chase
↪ paw ; denoting apprentice rank
↪ previously hawk
↪ no current nicknames
female - she/her
↪ monogamous bisexual heteroromantic
10 moons
↪ ages on the 13th
skyclan apprentice
↪ ex-shelter cat
↪ ex-rogue
thoughts, "speech"
voiceclaim | brina palencia/touka kirishima

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———-,. ° ✧- APPEARANCE -✧ ° .-,———

fullbody ref
a shorthair dark tortoiseshell, with white markings on her chin, chest and paws. her white markings go further up her back legs, differing from her front paws which just have white toes. her fur has a base coat of black, with flecks of brown, red and gold. she has pale, muted green eyes. her body type is slender and lithe, on the smaller side of average height. her paw pads and nose are pink. her fur is perpetually messy, sticking out at odd angles.

↪ no current injuries
↪ no scars
↪ no accessories
↪ often looks bored or mildly annoyed

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———-,. ° ✧- PERSONALITY -✧ ° .-,———

defensive, impulsive, reckless, hotheaded, aggressive, blunt, protective, resourceful
underneath, still cares about others. doesn't want to hurt people. however, sees this as a weakness/vulnerability and will not admit to it. will pretend to do things for herself, knowing it will also benefit others.
when interacting with others, she will be critical of weakness, and little to no patience for complaining. does not like being vulnerable. abrasive and blunt when speaking. unlikely to be cheery and sociable. keeps to herself. believes that the world is an awful place, and that most people in it are awful, including herself. displays anger easily, believes her hate is all that she is. emotionally immature, struggles with expressing positive emotions. outwardly cold and distant. inwardly, quite sensitive. prideful.

↪ character is food aggressive
↪ character has a soft spot for children, will be more patient and forgiving, will show more care
↪ character is jealous of those she sees as having a better life than her
↪ character will show an interest in/be jealous of those that can be positive and caring, as she does not see the world or feel the way they do {e.g she feels hopeless, they are hopeful)

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———-,. ° ✧- RELATIONSHIPS -✧ ° .-,———

npc x npc | siblings with spider/npc, blue/npc
slow to trust, average/slow to befriend, does hold grudges
mentored by dandelionwish

↪ no previous mentor
↪ no previous apprentices
single, not currently crushing
↪ ask about plots
friends with ?
likes ?
dislikes ?
hates ?

↪ holds her own personal grudge against most black cats

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———-,. ° ✧- INTERACTIONS -✧ ° .-,———

may start fights, will end fights, may show mercy, will not run away
↪ glass cannon fighter - fast, can make dangerous hits, but would not win in a fight of brute strength
↪ burns energy quickly, good for short bursts instead of sustain
excels at fighting, climbing, agility-based skills
poor at swimming, stamina-based skills
peaceful powerplay allowed, ask about harmful powerplay

↪ character is touch-adverse, may respond negatively to being touched IC
Smells like petrichor and crushed fallen leaves
↪ penned by @UND3AD

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