pafp The moon is shining for you, it knows that I adore you || Flowers

Things were scary in the territory right now. Wolves, Deer, It's really fucked up. Rabbitnose has never felt more stressed. Every step out of camp felt like it could be his last, and staying in camp felt like he was just waiting to be eaten or trampled. It's not like there's any stopping those two animals when they want to do something or go somewhere... If they were to find Thunderclan's camp.... Rabbitnose doesn't want to think about what could happen. He thinks he's seen a few new speckles of white appear on his pelt, with how nervous and stressed he's been from these animals and Sunshinepaw joining those apprentices on their stunt.

But on a border patrol, he finds something that offers him a welcome distraction. A bundle of flowers wrapped in crinkly material. He's never seen some of these flowers before, and he finds them to be absolutely stunning. Instantly, he thinks of bringing them to Sunfreckle. The idea brings so much excitement and joy to his heart that it washes away all of his stress and anxiety for the time being and he gathers as many stems as he can in his mouth- Almost the entire bouquet, and trots back to camp with his treasure. Those on his patrol are only given a big smile and shining eyes as he can't explain himself with his mouth full.

Immediately upon entering camp, he spots Sunfreckle and excitedly bounces over to him, dropping the assortment of flowers at his paws. Roses, lilies, daisis he thinks.... Others he isn't sure of... They're all beautiful! Thats what matters!

"My love! I found these flowers by the thunderpath and thought of you! I thought they would look lovely in your fur~" He says, his voice light and full of affection as he nuzzles lovingly into Sunfreckle's neck. He does not care if his mushy gestures of affection make those around them want to retch. This PDA isn't going ANYWHERE.

(( @Sunfreckle hes being gay in public again with some poor guys discarded valentines bouquet ))​

He had been sunbathing, enjoying the sudden warmth that came from leafbare's gradual end. It was nice enough to nap fully but he existed in a lucid daze, still faintly aware of the world around him as he lay on his side near the center of camp. He hears Rabbitnose long before he even speaks, his mate has long limbs and clumsy footfalls he has grown familiar with enough that he is already raising his head by the time the blue tom opens his mouth.
The tabby cranes his neck, turning it to curl himself partially around the other as he nuzzles, his green gaze widening at the flowers with delight.
"For me? They're beautiful, thank you."
Sunfreckle's smile broadens more, lighting up across his face as he leans back to touch his dark nose to Rabbitnose's pink one, his plume of a tail flicking out across the ground, "Come lay with me? You can help me put some in my fur."
It wasn't often he wore accessories of any kind, not since his days as a kittypet in the shelter had he worn anything really but a flower now and again was pleasant even if they had a tendency to fall off often and get crumpled as he went about his duties.
"There's so many, you should wear some to."


  • 75204774_KMaatSR8YhsJ99e.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.