The moon will sing ✧ Momowhisker

Feb 20, 2024

The routine that Flora had settled into complemented her quite nicely. She had slowly grown accustomed to traversing from her twoleg nest to the skyclan camp as dawn broke on the horizon and then going back when the sun itself prepared to sleep for the night. Whenever the sunlight fades from view a familiar creep of anxiety crawls up her spine, the last time she saw Pyrrha was when the sun had started to dawn. She tried to not let the shadow of her missing friend haunt her decisions but whenever she saw a daylight warrior by themselves when it started to become dark she couldn’t help but see her friend in them. Walking by herself was no concern to her, Flora was of the opinion that nothing dangerous could ever happen to herself when alone but that judgement was not extended to others.

She stretched and yawned as she rose from the nice spot she had taken up when the sun was still high. Dusk was here again, she noted as she watched the sky bleed in various shades of pinks and oranges. Her anxiety possessed her like a puppet as she started to do her rounds of keeping an eye out for other daylight warriors who had not returned home yet, or who were going to but didn’t have a friend to travel with. Flora stopped as she noticed Momowhisker by himself, she hadn’t spoken with him other than that one delightful time he brought song to the camp. She knew he was a daylight warrior though, that was enough for her to walk to his side.

“Heading home?” she meowed, voice full of curiosity. She didn’t really pay attention to where anyone went, only knowing that they had to go through the same general direction. The brown molly looked up at the sky again, it would be properly dark if she didn’t leave soon. She wanted to at least spend some time with her younger sibling before going to sleep tonight. A highlight of her evening was recounting her day to Ditto, sometimes she found herself too tired to do and that saddened her deeply.

A frown made it’s way onto Flora’s maw as she thought about the possibility of missing out on recounting her day to her sister. That concern was still miles away though, she shook her head and smiled at Momowhisker, stretching her hind legs as she yawned. “Would you like company on your walk? We’re probably heading the same way!” She was as bright and cheerful as ever. Not letting her concerns overtake her general demeanour, she was quite good at that.


Everything on his Twoleg's block seemed to be done to near-perfect routine. Food would be replenished before nightfall, the curtains would be closed and all windows would be shut not too long after. They would head to bed, and that was when he would slip into the nest, hoping to avoid the eyes of prestigious and nosy onlookers and the alarm of the colourful bird that slept near his owner's nest. The daily stealth mission was tense, anxiety-inducing even, especially when Momowhisker knew he would arrive home much later than usual. Quiet as he prepared for his journey, a sudden voice breaking him out of his own plan caused the Daylight Warrior to jolt as he turned to face Flora. Their rank alone created a kinship sometimes lost with others within his home, but other than that, he knew little about the larger feline other than the fact that she was new. "Ope, yeah," he chuckled. softly. "Got a biiiig day tomorrow, want to get some shut-eye before that," he accentuated his small talk with a yawn, lithe muscles rippling under his skin as he stretched each one. Everyday was a big day in SkyClan, the place could be equal parts lovely and exhausting.

Then, the tabby asked him something that caused the whites of his eyes to show immediately. "No!" Panic stilled his heart for but a moment before it raced at a pace he could hear drumming in his ears. "I mean... no, no thank you. It's... we probably don't go the same way." Flora wasn't like them, her muzzle didn't slope downwards, her tail didn't coil like a snakes, her meows weren't as honky as the ones he'd come to know. Momowhisker didn't know when the nearby Twoleg dens had become full of cats that looked like him, all he knew was that they weren't fond of wilder looking cats like the long-furred Flora may have been to them. Guilt gnawed at him after his outburst and, staring at Flora after the fact, the Daylight Warrior felt compelled to make amends. "I... don't really live close to anyone," he lied, knowing it was better than admitting he lived with and alongside some of the snobbiest cats the Twolegplace had to offer. Ears pinned back, the tom mewed, "We can talk for a bit until we go our separate ways." Hopefully, that would be appeasing enough.


Flora recoiled at the exclamation from the tom, she had riled herself up enough to be on edge before speaking with him so it didn’t take much for her panic to reach his own heights. She recovered quickly enough from it, tufted ears that had twitched down to flatten against her skull had pointed back up to their usual posture. It was easy enough to laugh off, she didn’t make a verbal acknowledgement to what had just occurred and followed Momowhisker’s lead on recovering from the outburst.

“Maybe we do! Isn't that the fun thing about walking home with someone?” she offered, trying to keep her tone light hearted. She glanced down at Momowhisker, trying to figure out what had caused him to be so alarmed at the suggestion. What did she say that sparked such a reaction? Of course, the maine coon didn't really know him so she wouldn't be able to glean anything from his demeanour. There was just an assumption that maybe he was scared of something, her thoughts didn’t extend into much other than assuming that fear resided within the forest rather than having something to do with his neighbourhood.

She didn't pick on the fact that he was lying, Daylight Warriors seem to be spread out all over the Twolegplace so it made sense to her. It was very likely that she lived on the other end of it, so he just didn’t want to put her out by having her walk somewhere that was far from home? After spending some time thinking on that reasoning she had realised that it made sense, if anything she admired the consideration. “Oh! I understand, we could always just walk to the border together? It's better to walk in pairs then alone y'know the offer felt reasonable, at least to her.

“I'm happy to just talk for a bit though if you'd rather” she wanted to offer the tom an out as the outburst from earlier still danced in her mind. The last thing she wanted was to cause him anymore duress, if he really didn't want to talk to the border then she would be happy to just talk. At any given time Flora always had a conversation starter in the back of her mind, being social was her strength after all. What's the weirdest thing you've seen since joining SkyClan so far?” she tilted her head, ears twitching as she thought abt the answer to her own question. “Personally, I've seen a little bug use a leaf as a way to cross some nasty puddles! That's probably the weirdest thing I've seen so far.” She wasn’t too focused on the creature, trying to avoid walking into puddles herself, lest she subject herself to what felt like hours of brushing upon returning back to her home. It was just a little bit of mud but she had noticed that since joining SkyClan her 'spontaneous cleaning' had become less spontaneous and more of a nightly occurrence.