camp The Moon will sing || o. Intro


I will protect you!
Jan 6, 2024

[ ༻ 🗲 ༺ ] Icepaw came bursting from the entrance of the camp, a squirrel in their jaw and their head held up eyes while eyes burned with eagerness as they rushed their way to the fresh-kill pile to drop off his catch, Cloudflame not far behind with an annoyed look crossed on his face, he could hardly control the apprentice, after all, he would no listen to him, at all. "Okay! I'm finished with my duties, can I go and relax now?" he called to the other, yet before Cloudflame could even respond Icepaw was rushing off, having taken a mouse from the pile and ran off to join some other apprentices who were already relaxing after their long day from training and other duties. "You don't mind if I join you?" he asked brightly before making himself comfortable, his orange gaze training on his mentor and sticking his tongue out.

"So, how was your guys training today? Anything interesting? I'm sure it beats whatever I had to do" A roll of his eyes was warranted from the tom. All he did was learn battle moves or hunting, learning the warrior code and such, it was boring. Icepaw wanted to just...explore the territory on his own, see every inch of Thunderclan's land, and turn up every rock or whatever, anything was better than going to train or show off what he had learned the previous day and such, yet perhaps one day they would learn to appreciate their time as an apprentice (and perhaps not), either way it definitely sounded more fun.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Icepaw 🗲 He/Him , apprentice of Thunderclan, 8 moons.
    Tall blue silver tabby with high white and orange eyes
    Cloudflame x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

. ° ✦ Bravepaw had wanted to be a good, model apprentice the moment Howlingstar had graced him and his siblings with their new names. As a newcomer to the apprentices den, Bravepaw behaved dutifully to whatever instruction and guidance Sunfreckle had for him, keen to impress and make his kin proud.

He had noticed not every -paw was like him, though. Some were more rebellious in nature. Defying the orders or expectations of their mentors and challenging the tasks they were given. It confused Bravepaw, certainly they understood the foundation of their work was to prepare them for the life of a full fledged warrior? His mother warned him of what happened to apprentices that were unprepared to earn their name, held back to stay in their den another moon until they succeeded their final assessments. Bravepaw would not be such a cat, he decided. He would not disgrace his father in such a way.

Icepaw was one such apprentice he worried for. His own kin mentored him, and what Bravepaw wouldn't give to be trained by his mother or father (but Sunfreckle was undoubtedly just as skilled), it stirred something he couldn't recognize when seeing Icepaw dismiss Cloudflame. He would come to find it as frustration, an emotion he may confront more often rather soon.

"Ah, I'm still practicing on my crouches. Mister Sunfreckle has been teaching me how to improve my balance." Bravepaw glanced toward the maw of the warriors den as if the red furred tom would appear from it, but no such luck.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.

Sky-blue eyes bored a hole into Icepaw as he burst into camp, a squirrel so casually clamped between his jaws like it was nothing of note. Shinepaw had been on patrol earlier and hadn’t caught anything. How had this newbie picked up a squirrel when he was having trouble? Was Icepaw a better tracker? Were they more skilled? The ball of nerves felt the bile of jealousy rise in his stomach, holding back a hiss as Icepaw made their way over to him, and a single, illogical thought cemented itself in Shinepaw’s mind. “He thinks he’s better than me.”

Clearly, Shinepaw had not taken failing his assessment well. The boy believed there were whispers behind his back, mocking and making fun of his hardships. Now, Icepaw would simply be another cat to join the choir.

Still, he had to at least try and be polite (even when staring daggers). Despite everything, the boy still wanted people to like him.
“I’ve been going over stalking prey” Shinepaw responded curtly, tone surprisingly much softer than one would expect, given his circumstances. Maybe that’s because he was thinking of his mentor. “Flycatcher is…very patient.”