private THE MOON WILL SING - private


the wonder of a fairy tale
Nov 7, 2023

It had been a few hours since Daisykit had gone to bed, hearing the small story that Butterflytuft had shared with them of predators and twolegs, and the kit had decided that it couldn't be that bad if their cousins had taken this journey before - multiple times in fact - with Fantastream, so it had been hard to fully fall asleep, dreams of venturing out into the territory to see what was there stuck on his mind. When he'd finally woken up he had carefully poked siblings awake to speak with them.

It had taken Daisykit a lot of convincing to get his siblings to come with him. He argued things like if they saw the territory now - just a small couple steps outside the camp - they'd be prepared for when they were made apprentices soon, so that it wouldn't be so scary. If they showed that they weren't scared when they became apprentices then they could be made warriors early and their mom and dad would be proud of them. Once Weedkit had agreed to venture forth it had been easy to drag Fluffykit along, and so the trio had moved paws out from the safety of the camp that they had grown accustomed to and into the thick pine forest of the territory.

"See, I told you it couldn't be that bad! Just dark like the camp is." He tried to ignore the way the shadows of the trees danced in the moonlight, how they reached for him and his siblings, and he didn't notice the small rustle of the leaves or the movement in the grass on the ground as something moved closer to the trio.

  • @FLUFFYKIT @weedkit @butterflytuft
  • 74552753_0pIQpDakQalkZSq.png
  • 75464780_U8u1TptlfIUl4pp.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    brother to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
𓆝 . ° ✦ How Daisykit had managed to convince not just Weedkit, but the flightier Fluffykit to make their way out of the den is a wonder. Daisykit had put up a fierce argument though: one of hushed tones that spoke of their cousins, facing unfamiliar things with confidence, and getting a move on being brave apprentices. Despite his skeptics, he had been the easier of the two to convince. Perhaps it was his skeptical nature bending to the will of their brother that made Fluffykit more inclined to tag along on their rouge voyage, too.

Weedkit is probably the least curious out of the triad of kits. He takes everything at face value (as much as someone his age can, at least), and does not wonder about the things he doesn't already know or see on a day-to-day basis. He hadn't wondered about the outside world; if it had been just him, he would have never asked Butterflytuft about what it was like outside of the camp walls. Weedkit would have to face what it was like to venture outside of his comfort zone when he would become apprenticed, but he had no intentions of doing otherwise before that milestone had been reached.

"I don't like it," Weedkit decides after a long moment of reflection. His blue eyes scan cautiously ahead. Though the moonlight which filters through the budding spring foliage overhead and dapples the ground below is admittedly beautiful, the shadows around them fill Weedkit with apprehension. "The dark of camp is fine," he explains, feeling as if he might need to justify himself to his brother "But out here we don't know what's in the dark like we do in camp." Weedkit grimaces outwardly as a cool night breeze wafts past them. He casts a glance over his shoulder. Surely someone must be missing them by now...?
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!
Fluffykit follows her brothers with trembling, uncertain steps. Despite what Daisykit says, every atom in her body is screaming that this is a mistake, that there are monsters even bigger than the ones Candorkit fights in his imagination in this forest. The trees bend in the wind. The moon is a pale circlet in the sky; she can barely glimpse it through the oppressive crowns of the pines reaching for the stars. The shadows seem to shift as they walk, and leaves shudder and whisper with a night-language all their own.

"See, I told you it couldn't be that bad! Just dark like the camp is." Daisykit's voice is bright and confident. He had been the one to intiate this little excursion. Fluffykit knows Coffeekit and Sangriakit make this trek during the day and at night, but they're never alone when they do, she'd tried to argue. They always had Figfeather or Fantastream by their side, or some other daylight warrior who dwells in Twolegplace. She tries her best to stick close to Weedkit's flank, bopping her head up and down in agreement with his words. "W-we should go back, guys," she whimpers, her fur fluffed out and her eyes wide as moons. "Mama will be worried if she wakes up and we're gone..." The thought of upsetting Butterflytuft is enough to cause tears to prickle the corners of her eyes.

Something rustles in the grass, amidst the pine needles. Fluffykit stiffens, her body going rigid with fear. The movement is uniform and quiet, but she's all-too-aware of the foliage parting to reveal a long-bodied serpent with gleaming scales and slitted eyes. She feels as though her limbs have turned into water—she can't move away. "G-guys, help!" She remembers the adder coiled at Johnnyflame's paws, the rigid pattern printed along its spine; this one mimics it, but this adder isn't dead and still. It moves like liquid, its head darting as it evaluates its prey.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

It hadn't been the easiest thing in the world to get her kits to go to bed, but once they were asleep, she followed suit shortly after. She dreamed of twoleg gardens in full bloom and of birdsong filling the trees surrounding camp. It is so vivid, so all-encompassing, she does not notice the warmth that leaves her side in the night. It isn't until many moment have passed that she blinks marigold eyes open and instinctively glances to her belly, where she expects to find half-grown kits curled up and squished into their shared nest. She does not see them. Her head jerks up in alarm as she scans the entirety of the nursery. Hollywhisper's tortoiseshell form can be made out in the darkness. So can Bobbie's small body, Candorkit, Lionkit, and Hollykit visibly sleeping at her belly. "My kits," She murmurs, getting to her paws in an instant and looking around wildly. Where are my kits?!

The smart thing to do would have been to alert somebody. Shout, yell, scream for warriors to look for them, to send out search parties and turn the camp upside down. But she does none of these things, maternal instinct instead driving her out of the nursery and finding a scent trail belonging to all three of them. It leads right out into the forest...and she swallows hard. Her eyes blow wide with fear as she hurries after the trail, slipping out of the dirtplace tunnel where they seem to have gone. "Fluffykit!" She whispers into the darkness as she prowls through trees, feeling her pelt begin to prickle uneasily. "Daisykit! Weedkit! Where are you?" Her hushed voice is sent out into the shadows. Her head tucked low, she hesitates around ever corner, fear and anxiety coiling in her stomach. Where are they?!

G-guys, help!
It's Fluffykit's voice she hears cut through the songs of insects in the night. Butterflytuft perks up and immediately begins to scamper in the direction of her daughter's voice, ears pinned back. "Fluffykit?" She calls out, trying to pinpoint her kits' location. A flash of cream fur pressed against black and blue alerts her to their presence. "Kits!" Relief washes over her as she bounds towards them, her heart pounding. When she closes in on them, she moves to embrace them in snuggles and purrs, but the sight of slit green eyes in the night causes her to freeze.

An adder!

Every instinct in the cowardly she-cat screams at her to run, to freeze, to play dead, to hide. To do what she has always done, and flee in the face of danger. But her body does not move in such a way. As a gasp leaves her, she is already hurrying forward, closer to the threat she has always sworn to stay far away from. But the tiny tortoiseshell places herself in front of her children, in between them and the snake. "Stand behind me," She tells them, fur bristling. On trembling legs, she holds her ground, staring at the creature through narrowed eyes, confusingly fierce for the infamously soft she-cat. She will not let it lay a single fang on her kits, no matter how terrified she is.

A small hiss leaves her, not anything close to scary, but a far cry from anything she has ever sounded like in her life. The adder seems to watch her and the kits, considering its options, considering if it is threatened enough to strike and risk the claws of four cats. After what feels like moons, it seems to make up its mind and disappears back into the shadows, leaving the group alone. The queen lets out a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding, her shaking muscles relaxing before she turns back to her kits. "Are you all alright?" She asks worriedly, already moving to sniff them.

He was proud, proud that they had been brave enough to leave the camp all by themselves because it meant they'd be ready when they were apprenticed. He ignored the way his skin crawled the longer they stayed outside of the camp, deciding that it was just him being anxious due to it being the first time - he'd felt this way when leaving the nursery for the first time after all, so there had to be no harm in it now right? Weedkit spoke of not liking it and Fluffykit mentioned they should go back and slowly Daisykit nod his head. "Yeah I guess we could..." He'd begin before the rustling of pine needles caught his attention and head would swivel to see hints of green flash under what little moonlight they had filtering between the leaves of the trees.

Tears pricked at the corners of the young boy's eyes as he backed up a little, pushing into siblings before freezing as fur rose along his spine and his tail grew twice it's normal size. Fluffykit called for help while Daisykit couldn't help but let out a soft cry of fear before tortoiseshell fur surround them in soft purrs before Butterflytuft, too, freezes before moving in front of her children.

Time seemed to stretch on forever in that moment before it quickly smashed into itself and sped up. Before he knew it the adder was gone, slithering off to do whatever it was snakes did while Daisykit promptly sat down, tears finally breaking free of their hold as they rolled down blue cheeks. "I wanna go back home!" He'd cry out in response to his mother's question on if they were alright, he never wanted to leave camp again.

  • 75464780_U8u1TptlfIUl4pp.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    brother to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed