pafp the morning hues; pafp


➥ apprentice
Sep 16, 2023

The small bundle of gray and white emerged from the nursery. Nights have been rather cold lately. Silverheart, her mother, was with Starclan now. She had no littermates to keep her warm, no soft belly to curl up to. Except for the nights she managed to wiggle between kits from a different litter. Most of the queens didn’t mind and others gently sent her on her way.

Troutkit let out a big yawn before rubbing her tired eyes. Her attention snaps towards another kit with slips out of the warm den behind them. Tidekit. She didn’t know them well. But, to be fair, she didn’t know anyone well. The kit had only experienced two moons of life and she barely remembers the first. She thinks Tidekit’s moms could have been good friends with Silverheart. Her mom probably wished her kit would have good den-mates to grow up with.

“Morning, Tidekit!” the smaller kit greets with a happy hum. “The nursery feels empty now that Beepaw, Cicadapaw, and Starlightpaw are apprentices. I wonder what their warrior names will be! Maybe something like… um… Starlightclaw.”

"Good morning," Tidekit mewed back, settling down in her usual spot to watch the old cats move about.

Her attention was torn away from the warrior she had chosen to observe as Troutkit continued to speak. She had given some thought to the names of both the apprentices and her denmates, more out of curiosity to see if she ended up being close.

Interested in the chance to share her insight, the blue silver tabby hummed softly. "Starlightclaw, hmm? I've never thought about that for them, though I do suppose it depends on the skills they develop as an apprentice. Personally, given that he already has... a name as special as Starlightpaw, I would go for something that leans into it, like Starlightgleam or Starlightglow. What about the others, or yourself? Any ideas for them?"

Tidekit hadn't given much thought to her own future name, so she was curious to see if Troutkit had thought about hers.


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With leaf-fall settling in quickly, some of their food sources seem to be diminishing. Thankfully, the river is less so - though she wonders if in time, it will, just like the land and trees. Regardless, Brookpaw returns to camp with a sizable fish clutched in her teeth. She was instructed prior to bring it straight to the nursery, to help feed the weaned kittens and mothers within it. It's then that she overhears the two discussing names.

"Either of you eating fish yet?" Brookpaw interrupts, tail twitching as she looks over the two chatty tots. She gives their conversation a short thought before offering, "Sometimes a leader will name you for things you're good at." She's only known Cicadastar, of course, but she's heard a few warrior names shouted at the gathering and figured as much. She nods to both Troutkit and Tidekit again, "What do you two want to be good at when you're older?"
Warrior names... He remembered when he was given his, although he was never sure why he was given the name Pikesplash. Originally his kittypet name was Pike, but it sounded clan like enough. There was no need to give him an entirely new name like some cats he's known within their ranks as former kittypets or loners. Still, it's not something he thinks about. There's a lot of thing that Cicadastar does that he doesn't quite understand. To be frank, he doesn't know what their leader thought when he was given their new name. Given being scolded by their leader, he knew their relationship was not great. Then again it wasn't like from what he felt, that Cicadastar liked him in the first place. It didn't seem like their leader hated him, which was good. He'd rather be met with indifference than hatred. Although he dragged my kittypet blood. Don't. Don't think about that right now. He could be mad all he wanted, but arguing with Cicadastar about it would do no good.

Given the new rule, he had brought a decent carp to the nursery. Trailing behind Brookpaw, he had heard what the kits have to say. Thus, the whole warrior names thoughts. He unceremoniously drops the carp, nodding at Brookpaw's answer. It is common for a leader to name a cat for what skills they excelled at. Not every leader was the same though. To be honest, he isn't entirely sure what Cicadastar goes to when naming cats. Ah! He raises his paw to add, "Sometimes you can be named in honor of someone. Ravensong our medicine cat was given that name in honor of our... Former medicine cat, Beesong. I think you ask for it though." With that, he remains silent. The tom is curious what both kits want to be good at. Even if he had a guess of what they wanted to be, the most wonderful thing was that they were in charge of their own destiny. He could assume both of them would be good at hunting, but who knows? Either of them could dedicate themselves to battling.

Snakeblink usually steers clear of the nursery. He has a poor record with it: between his accident-prone tongue and the magnetic pull his stick-like legs seem to have on any smaller cat seeking an obstacle course to barrel through, his presence around kits and their exhausted parents tends to spell disaster. But he does like kits, on average, and he finds himself slowing to a stop near a group of them anyway. He gives Brookpaw and Pikesplash an approving look: he likes this new code of feeding the vulnerable first, and their following of it in difficult times even more so.

”Are we discussing warrior names, then?” He asks idly, inclining his head at Pikesplash’s mention of Beesong.

”If your leader is more prosaic, you may also be named after physical traits,” he adds, gesturing to the long, thin scar that affixed a blink to his loner name. Looking at the kits, he wonders what he would pick for their name — that is, of course, if there were no particular skills to draw inspiration from. Tideripple, perhaps? And Trout…speck? Hm, perhaps it’s a good thing he’s not in charge of naming anyone.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Her eyes twinkle at Tidekit’s words. Their ideas were way better than hers. The kit hoped the leader would give herself something as cool as Starlightglem. Though, Troutgleam didn’t sound very good. Opening her mouth to respond she notices more cats around the pair. Older cats would probably have a better idea on warrior names than the kits.

Troutkit nods at Brookpaw’s first question. Focusing on their next question more. What did Troutkit want to be good at when she got older? Did she want to be known as a fierce fighter of Riverclan. Or maybe, a cat who’s fishing skills could feed the whole camp. In all honesty, when she pictured her future self she saw herself as a Riverclan warrior. Someone who would fight beside their clan mates no matter what. Would share a meal with a den mate. A cat who was the very image of what Riverclan stands for.

That was something very hard to put into words.

“I… I wanna be good at being a Riverclaner. Um- you know?”

Pikesplash brings a meal and her stomach growls loudly. She sheepishly rubs her underbelly before straightening up. Interest flooded her eyes. “I could be named after my mom then! I want to honor Silverheart everyday! Though, Troutheart doesn’t sound very strong…” a fish heart wasn’t anything to brag about. Maybe it would make the now Starclanner happy to see their daughter named after them.

“If I was named after my appearance… it would probably be about how small I am.” Troutkit said, thinking about suffixes that could fit that. She then turned back to Tidekit. Staring at them as she thinks of some names for her den mate. “Tidekit is really smart and always calm! They don’t play a lot, but they don’t turn down conversations either!” Troutkit nods with determination. “I think Tidepool would fit you! Oh! Or Tidewatcher!”