Maybe it's her imagination, but it already feels like prey is beginning to dwindle in preparation for leaf - bare—and what is present is frustratingly evasive. Doeblaze permits herself a disgruntled, bullish huff through the nose as a cardinal slips deftly from between her outstretched claws, its red fan of tail - feathers feeling distinctly mocking as she perches on her branch and glares at its retreating back. Thankfully, picking up another scent isn't as much trouble as her last couple of attempts—the ozonic, musty scent of a bird she tracks until she's nearly on top of the small black - capped bird pecking at a branch, its ruddy breast fluffed up against the lingering dregs of morning chill. Leaf - fall is already beginning to announce itself.

She springs forth and the chase is on—unwilling or unable to make a greater escape, the nuthatch flutters languidly from branch to branch. Doeblaze luxuriates in the burn of her warming muscles as she springs through the pines, following the small flutters of its wings and the thick, distinctly birdy scent trail it leaves behind. The next jump that presents itself is just a hair far enough that she hesitates, which gives the bird a head start to escape—if not for the dusty brown figure she can see crouching amidst the opposing boughs.

" Nuthatch! Get it! " she calls slightly breathlessly as the shifting, lanky figure of @FANG becomes more apparent between the branches. His face is one that she thinks of as lingering at the edges, like the dregs of a muddy puddle—always half faded out of the scene, but he seems dutiful enough despite his silence. Crouching as she estimates the jump, she waits to see what he'll do as the small bird pinwheels near his perch.

OOC : Please wait for Fang to post!