
primadonna girl ♡
Feb 21, 2024
If Mockingbirdcry, with all her sprawling tendrils ever - seeking of gossip, of information, is aware of the rumors surrounding her own wispy - furred form, she's never shown it. The younger queens, the ones soft of heart, are easily led to the ever - shifting rumors surrounding her origins . . . chief among them, the rumor most likely to make its way to little ears, is that she never had a real origin at all; that the white form given to creeping on silent paws about camp is merely a well - formed apparition. The queen herself seems to do little to dissuade it—her very existence speaks to the potential of truth, all shadowy past and round - the - neck scars and fur as thin as dawn's just - broken mist.

If she is aware of it ( which she is not ), and if she deliberately encourages it ( which she does not ), well, that's nobody's business. It's true that her silken pawsteps mean she's given to appearing like a small lilac - marbled cloud at any given point, scaring the living daylights out of a sleepy warrior; it's true that the sunken scar around her neck appears hardly survivable; it's true that her voice is as hoarse as a grave - cry. But she's flesh and blood, mind you, as wispy and half - formed as she can seem.

" Branchkit, " she greets in whispery tones, voice ever stuck at a husky register. Long white legs, trailing fogs of ivory fur, wind past the smaller shape of Needlebranch's tawny charge ( one of thousands, it seemed ). Mockingbirdcry's feathery head dips to the little tom's level, heavy tail flicking behind her, itself caught full of stray tufts of greenery, heavy fur dappled with half - dried mud . . . none of this does anything to dissuade @BRANCHKIT from the impression that pale, wispy paws don't really touch the earth. " Your mother's doing well, I hope? "

OOC : Please wait for Branchkit to post!
𓆱 The little lilac tabby has spent his whole life in the nursery, and ever since the outside world became too loud and scary, he’s been spending even more time in the den. Which means he’s been listening to a lot of the queens’ stories, especially the newer ones. And one of the most frequent stories is the one about… about the weird ghost-cat who lives in the nursery with them. Bathed in spectral white and dull brown, with eye-like markings trailing down her body, Mockingbirdcry seems ghostly through and through. The kit tries to avoid her, shying away anytime she approaches, but he’s caught off guard today, and when she calls his name he turns to face her with a tight-lipped grimace.

Murky eyes meet the she-cat’s, then nervously flicker downward. To the gnarled scar upon her neck, the evidence of her passage from real life to the afterlife. Lower, lower… past muddied fur and a twig-tangled tail. Lower… to the pale paws that hover ever-so-slightly above the ground. When she speaks, her voice echoes in a faraway whisper, a breeze’s icy brush against his tiny ear. "AH!" His voice rises loud in contrast to Mockingbirdcry’s low tones, and he springs back a half-step. In his heart-racing panic, the boy trips over his own clumsy paws, wavering for a too-quick heartbeat before falling on his tail. He jumps to t back up, though, shrinking back even more. "Leave my mama alone…" he protests, his voice trembling just as his little paws do. Does the ghostly she-cat want to steal Needledrift’s soul, or something?

  • ooc:
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    BRANCHKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of shadowclan
    𖠰 fluffy lilac tabby with white spotting and amber eyes. quiet but cheerful, very naïve.
    𖠰 son of ferndance and needledrift ; brother to bonepaw, bloodpaw, shadepaw, snowypaw, gigglekit, morelkit
    𖠰 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𖠰 penned by foxlore