pafp The Name Of The Game // Prompt

Scorchedmoon was used to just observing other cats from a distance, as much as he would love to yap on and on about…well, anything really. He can be awful about invading personal space, but right now he is just lazing about. But for the first time in like, ever, he hears his name being spoken. Whoa, other cats actually talk about him? Cool!

It’s not just about him, though. It’s on the topic of names, specifically about how cool his name is. Also cool! But he hears another name come up, that being Bloodpaw. To be fair, it is a really epic name. And who says they have to compete? These cats, apparently. They almost make it seem like the most pressing issue to ever exist. Maybe even Bloodpaw too…

Speaking of. Bloodpaw herself is nearby as well, and Scorchedmoon isn’t quite sure how to read her expression. Scorchedmoon sighs really dramatically, and then turns his full attention to her. “So, what do you think?” He asks the apprentice, genuinely curious. Though he probably already knows the answer.


- Yeah they both have really cool names but a conversation is overheard asking who has the actual coolest name in all of ShadowClan. Obviously its Bloodpaw, or maybe its Scorchedmoon? A verdict must be decided soon, the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
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The corners of the tabby's mouth were curled up in pride as she listened to the conversation, the fur on her chest puffed up like a rooster's. Bashfulness was often absent from Bloodpaw and the name debate was no exception to the underaged apprentice. Her tail swished left and right with each new opinion thrown into the gossip circle. 'I'm gonna need a totally amazing name when I grow up!' She came to a silent decision as she sat there. 'Bloodmonster, Bloodraven, Blood-destroyer... Bloodmoon?' Wide eyes briefly gawked towards the chimera that remained nearby, unaffected by how unbothered he seemed compared to her. 'Bloodmoon's the coolest name ever, it's the best of cats! Argument over!' She would have to remember it when she played 'warriors' with Singepaw. Bloodpaw began to fidget on her spot as if preparing for a zoomie when a voice suddenly pierced her ears, causing her to blink incessantly. "Hmm?" Her head tilted in Scorchedmoon's direction. "What did you sa— oh, you mean this name malarkey?" She jumped to restless paws and flashed her teeth towards the other, needle-like claws unsheathed and sinking into the marshlands below.

"We gotsa fight for it!" She exclaimed as if it were a rational solution, jumping left and right with faux spits escaping her. "You kill me, Scorchedmoon is the best name ever! I kill you, Bloodpaw is the best name ever! Three... two one go!" Bloodpaw careened forwards, aiming a sharp headbutt into the bottom of the other's shoulder. After that, the tabby just stood her ground, laughing with a wide grin upon her maw.


BRIARPAW — hello, my old heart.

Naturally, Briarpaw had given thought to her name in the past, though she often chose not to think too hard about it.
Her namesake was a legend, an historic figure, who had demolished by a rumbling heap of metal. Perhaps Briarpaw should feel some pressure to live up to who Briarstar had been, or draw some sort of ambition from it. Yet, as of now… it was simply a name, one she didn’t necessarily mind, but didn’t carve it into the core of her identity.
That would be silly to do so with any name, surely.
When a commotion from nearby is quick to snag the adolescents attention away from whatever task she had been keeping herself busy with, Briarpaw cannot suppress the intrigued slight quirk of her brow at the scene.
Watching as Bloodpaw proclaims that she and Scorchedmoon must fight over… something. A name? The best name?
The ebony apprentice inches closer, if only to observe from a closer proximity, but ultimately decides not to get involved.
Besides, even if she didn’t center her being around it- Briar was much cooler than Scorchedmoon or Bloodpaw, it was… elegant, sharp.
Yeah. Briarpaw affirms her thoughts with a soft scoff under her breath.



"Malarkey!" Gigglekit piped up, echoing what her sister had said - it was a funny word, and Gigglekit had taken a few moments saying it to herself under her breath until she was sure she could say it correctly - and even then, it had come out a bit slurred, but still understandable. But the funny word didn't distract her from the greater matter at paw: cool names.

She thought her name was pretty cool, and also very nice and elegant and sweet and cute and just about any other way of describing names, but she picked up that the competition right now was between Scorchedmoon and Bloodpaw. It was so clear who the winner was! Bloodpaw was Gigglekit's sister, so of course she had the coolest name!

"I say Bloodpaw!" She announced confidently from where she was watching on the sidelines.

I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — Unlike the already present trio, Onyxpaw had never really taken the time to ponder her own name. Her mother had told her before why the two of them had chosen it - the darker spots of her coat looked like the same shade of darkness that she had seen in the unrefined rocks in a time before Shadowclan. It was decent enough reasoning to her, although the apprentice did wonder why they had chosen to focus on the darker patches of her pelt. Wasn't there far more of her fur taken up by lighter colors? She thinks that if she had had to name herself, she probably would've chosen a title more like Creampaw, although the sound of it caused her to wince. It certainly wasn't as regal sounding as Onyxpaw, even if it could've been fixed by an appropriately strong suffix.

Perhaps it was a blessing that she was nowhere near having to name any kits of her own.

As far as Scorchedmoon and Bloodpaw's names went... well, maybe it was better for her not to weigh in at all. She didn't want either of them to feel discouraged about their own name, especially when Bloodpaw seemed so eager to tussle about it. Although honestly her fellow apprentice always seemed pretty ready to throw herself into any kind of trouble. Eventually she pushed through her hesitance, piping up not long after the cheerful announcement of Gigglekit cut through the air. "I... I think I prefer Scorchedmoon, personally. But Bloodpaw is still a good name. Obviously." Onyxpaw nodded in her direction, desperately hoping that she wouldn't be the next one subjected to a headbutt. She couldn't help her own opinion though - it was just that Bloodpaw seemed like such a brutal name. Not the kind of thing that you should bestow upon a kit, regardless of the circumstances surrounding their birth. Not that she would ever voice as much aloud.

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    6 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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A conversation ignited some curious thoughts from his peers. Scorchedmoon and Bloodpaw debate who's name is better, but Jaggedpath wondered what made a name better at all. The inspiration that came from it? The history it held?

Before he had joined the marshes and still traveled with his nomadic family he had a simple name. Jack, it meant nothing except that his father's father had that name. And a cousin somewhere over the hills and through the rivers had the name, too. Most of his family granted their kin based on such loose tradition, and he never thought of doing anything different himself.

But then he had joined the marshes and they configured into something more sustainable, ShadowClan, and no one in ShadowClan could be named something like 'Jack'. Briarstar had blessed him with the name 'Jaggedpath' instead, and an unfortunate turn that took her lives prevented him from ever asking her why. But was his name still a good name, to these folk?

"S'whats th-the story here?" He murmured as he sat beside Briarpaw. "A fuh-fight t'the death. Ov'r a w-wee name?"
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  • // OOC
  • image here optional
  • (( jaggedpath )) fluffy white tom with black speckles on his muzzle and bright blue eyes
    ↳ shadowclan, warrior, cismale he/him
    easy to make friends with | bad at romance | good at teaching | bad with kits
Ptarmiganpaw watched the scuffle about names and wondered what they thought of his. He was the only Ptarmiganpaw he knew, and Frostbite says its the name of a bird that can be just as puffy and white as he is. He takes pride in his name, its unique. He's never seen a real ptarmigan before, but it doesn't bother him. He's the best ptarmigan in the forest and thats what matters.

Frostbite says so.

So he sits beside the others to watch the duel. Who will emerge victorious? Who's name will be cooler? It's hard to say. Bloodpaw is fierce and Scorchedmoon is a warrior. As usual, Ptarmiganpaw has nothing to say, ever the quiet observer watching others talk or play. He doesn't prefer either name, because that felt like choosing favorites. So naturally, the only way to choose is the scuffle before him. A fight for supremacy. Eagerly he watches through his bangs for the winner to be declared.​