the next chapter | moving into the apprentice den


untamed 10-04-23
Oct 1, 2022
If you don't like me, that's your problem
The realization hit her hard after the meeting. Tornado stood at the entrance of the nursery as soft flecks of alabaster sprinkled her smokey coat, staring into its depths as a slow flash of memories flickered before her. Despite how she droned on about how slow life could feel here in camp, it felt like only yesterday she'd been brought to live here in shadowclan. Now she was an apprentice, just one step closer to warriorhood. A soft puff of steamy air billowed and wafted about the bitter cold as she moves to pull her nest a little closer, or what was left of it. Most of it had torn in her struggle to maneuver around the flood of other nests created by the clan's surplus of kittens and now a new queen. Regardless she pulled it over to the apprentice's den, dropping it once she got inside and abruptly huffed with indignation at the sight of it. "Seriously..." There was even less space in here than in the nursery. Her lips pursed into a thin line as she mulled over where she could even place her nest at this point. Well, at least it would be a little warmer with all the extra bodies. Turning towards the nearest apprentice, Tornadopaw parted her jaws to speak. "You guys never mentioned how cramped it was in here. How do you avoid stepping all over one another?" She murmurs, sweeping a few bits of fragmented moss closer to her battered nest.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

It's weird, the prospect of moving out of the apprentice den.

Ribbitleap had been sleeping in its confines for so long. Back before he was even Ribbitpaw - when he was still Frog's Ribbit and was a twin, rather than an only child. When his brother's name was connected to him, and not Ribbit.

But, he's all grown up, now - a warrior. The day has come for him to sleep elsewhere. He's watched others move into the den, others move out. Now it is his turn.

He's busy collecting his things in his corner of the confines when a voice speaks, complains about how little space there is to another apprentice. Amused, the young warrior turns, seeing the newest apprentice and what's left of her own nest. Tornadopaw - his replacement within the apprentice den's walls, he supposes.

"Just wait a few moons when you've grown some more," he tells her, "Then you'll really be complaining. That is, if Eeriepaw doesn't take up all the space in here first." The strange kid, he didn't seem to stop growing. Legs longer and longer every time he sees him within the shadows of the den. They'll have to build him his own den, at this rate.

"But, hey, I'm freeing up some space, so you can just set your nest where mine was." He tilts his head towards his corner, nearly swept up of all his things. Hopefully, the warrior den won't be as limited in space, once he steps foot in it.
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Truth be told he is still a little put off by this whole apprentice thing. It is one thing for him to be responsible for himself and then another thing entirely for him to he responsible for a kit. It simmers in him like molten rock and he can't seem to find an acceptable answer for the situation he is in. A part of him wants to barge up to Pitchstar and tell him to train her. But then another part wants to prove he can do it. It can't be that hard. With a huff the man shakes his head a little and merely makes a soft snort. "You'll only be sleeping during the day anyway. I do everything at night. So you will learn from the darkness around you. Hunting at night suites me better and you will pick it up quickly." No if, ands, or buts about that.

After all his way of teaching can be considered brutal. But he will make sure she is one not to be messed with. If anything Shadowclan will have the best warrior out of the clans. "So I advise you start resting up now. Push those other nests out of the way." He barely gives Rabbitleap a glance as he watches his apprentice.[/COLOR]
siltpaw | 07 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

Dull green gaze peers up from beneath heavy lids - a quick glance, a lingering observation. Another apprentice - another set of paws to help with tasks. Another cat for silt to avoid. She says nothing from her spot coiled within her spot nestled into the shadows of the den, only observes. Listens to the whining complaints, to the warriors responses. A snort threatens to slip past her lips at the ridiculousness of it all - of the needless platitudes, of dewspiders barked out order. Push those other nests out of the way indeed - might as well push the other apprentices out of the way while they're at it. Shadowclan has always felt that way for her - a fight to the top of the pile, troding upon your clanmates along the way. "You better not push my nest," she says softly, liltingly - and though dull gaze does not meet yellow her tones holds a quiet warning. There is very little Siltpaw cares about enough to speak of, and her hard-earned place within the safety and warmth of the den is one of those.
If you don't like me, that's your problem
The girl looks in the direction of Rabbitleap, blinking as he admits she would have a tougher time once her growth spurts kick in. She frowns a tad at the thought of it. She was already larger than many of the kittens her age she and it could be a challenge getting comfortable within the nursery. She could only imagine once she got larger. There is a mention of Eeriepaw and Tornado emits a low huff in remembrance of the tom's time in the nursery. How could she forget? The boy was practically all legs. "I hope not." She chimes in just as Dewspider walks over. Quietly she looks him over, wondering what he thought of them being paired together. Before she could properly mull over the thought he mentions the timeframe of her new schedule, brows raising in the process. It would take a couple of days for her adjust to waking at night rather than rising early.

"Alright, I'll go ahead and take a nap so I'm prepared." Tornadopaw voices with a nod just as her ears pick up a soft voice than certainly does not go unnoticed by the black smoke. A scowl contorts her features, cool yellow eyes darting in the direction of Siltpaw. "Maybe don't assume I want your spot to begin with. I never said I was pushing anyone's nest out the way." Irritation coats her tone although her voice never rises above its usual gruffness. Although it was clear she did not appreciate the other girl's idle threat nor her assumption. Dewspider might have suggested it, but Tornado knew that she wouldn't have wanted such a thing done to her. "Ribbitleap, can you show me where your nest is so I can put mine there?" The laperm's tail lashes behind her as she finally peels her glare from Siltpaw's back to focus on the young warrior.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
( ¡! ❞ ) Granitepaw pads to the mouth of the apprentice's den with glimmering, smug green eyes. He'd once been cramped in here, remembers setting his nest beside Starlingpaw's and commiserating with her about the lack of space, the stale smell of unwashed pelts and carrion. He no longer has to suffer that indignity; Starlingheart has a spacious den now, and the only scents are theirs mingling with the sharp bite of her herbs.

"Must suck to be so crowded. At least you won't be cold," he says, a sneer on his face, though his tone is almost bleeding-heart sympathetic. "I'm going to Starlingheart's den. With me and Ribbitleap leaving, there should be enough space for you."

He gives Siltpaw a curious glance, wondering if she'd retaliate after Tornadopaw's curt response. His sister is a quiet she-cat, but she's got her own ways of biting back.
Ghostpaw didn't mind the space. Cause it made the den cozy and warm like the nursery. He tries his best to make room for Tornadopaw, though. And he's good at playing the quiet game. At least she can have Ribbitleap's spot. It's a good thing, he thinks it's supposed to be, but it's weird. Ribbitleap's always been here, and now... he wouldnt be. Ghostpaw hopes when he's a warrior, his friends will go with him.

But that's already sorta ruined. Really ruined, because Starlingpaw— Starlingheart's a medicine cat now, with a big name and everything. She got to skip so many steps... It wasn't fair.

His ears prick at the interjection of who he assumes to be her mentor. He looks all intense, and stuff... Like Geckoscreech, but less so. Eventually, he'd nod along. "Day naps are more roomy," he tells Tornadopaw. He likes to take them when Geckoscreech would let him. It's easy to hide from the sun in here, and the sun was scary. That makes sense, but pushing doesn't. Pushing was...rude. But an adult said it, so maybe it wasn't really. Ghostpaw is confused. Siltpaw doesn't like the pushing, so clearly it's bad, but Tornadopaw doesn't, anyways. He's glad. He looks kindly at Siltpaw, before his blank gaze turns to Granitepaw.

Again, confused. Why is he talking like he isn't sleeping here too? Because he doesn't, apparently. Since when? "Why?" sincerely, he asks. "Are you dying?" He doesn't look...dying. Granitepaw doesn't like questions, he knows, but he has to know... Starlingheart's supposed to take care of dying cats, he thinks. But that doesn't make sense. She didn't do anything when Spark-kit died. Neither did Bonejaw.