the night breeze carries something sweet (trying to fish)

Bubblepaw is still a fresh-faced apprentice. She is bright eyed and bushy tailed, even despite the more recent demoralizing events. Their short stint in ShadowClan had just been a chance for her to make friends and for them to prove themselves against the rogues. The famine was an opportunity for her to learn to share. Even the passing of Cicadastar is just another opportunity for growth and resilience, as devastating as it had been to all of them. You see, the glass is always half full for the bubbly Bubblepaw.

Given all the recent changes and events, Bubblepaw hasn't necessarily had the chance to get any formal lessons or training. But that won't stop her from trying. The silver tabby sits quietly on the shore of the river, her excited gaze flitting over the rippling waters in search of a small fish or crustacean to fish up. Bubblepaw has poor aim- she's never had a successful fishing attempt- but her thrill of the hunt never seems to cease. She nearly jumps to her feet when she spots a few minnows darting around just under the surface, but remembers she might send the flighty creatures scattering.

Bubblepaw raises a confident paw, controlling the hum of her own excitement as she aims as carefully as she can manage. The apprentice sticks her tongue out in her concentration, focusing hard on the tiny school of minnows. Finally, she picks one that is plumper than the others- sure to be a good bounty for a kit if she can nail the blow, she thinks! Bubblepaw hesitates no longer, darting out her paw and bringing it down sloppily into the waters with a large splash. Her dip misses all the minnows, not even brushing any of them, and she pulls her paw back out empty-pawed as per usual.

She doesn't let it deter her though. Bubblepaw shakes the few droplets off her paw, eyes searching for another fish all the while. She considers moving to another spot on the shore, but before she can make the decision to do so she sees another minnow within reach. With a small grin the silver tabby raises her paw once again, and she takes aim to try and snatch it out of the water as she previously had tried to do moments before.
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THE HERMIT ─── There was something magical about being optimistic, of finding the silver linings within the rolling clouds of dark storms and heavy rains. To pull the very thin threads of untouched purity and hold it tight was an admirable trait. One, he had failed to maintain during his own time in the past yet that did not deter him from wanting and wishing the same for the kits and apprentices of the clan. With everything that had happened, with the hardships that could sink and stick to their bones, he admired the ones who managed to turn their face to the warmth of the light. The sickness, the rogue invasion, and Cicadastar were now...gone, there had to be something to keep them going. And to him, that was rebuilding and returning to the proud clan status they used to be. With the journey cats returning with the root needed to save the lives of the sick, he was relieved that it had not spread and caused further damage. His attention seemed focused on the recovering sick, relieved to see that the ghost of ruthless death was not hovering above their bodies and eyeing each move. His back pressed gently against the cool bark of the tree he sat under as his long claws gently dragged themselves down a stone to shorten them. They had such a tendency to grow quickly for him as the tom eyed his work by lifting his paw until the sound of splashing caught his attention.

Turning his head toward the direction the erratic sounds were coming from, Rookfang was quick to rise to his paws and stride over, the tips of his jagged fur bristling as he was preparing himself for the worst situation, which would mean a drowning clanmate. However, it appeared to be just the tall figure of Bubblepaw who appeared to be attempting to catch a fish. His quickened pace began to settle back to a gentle stride once she was in his line of sight as the large warrior halted behind her to watch with curious perplexion at her attempts. She didn't appear to have a natural gift for fishing, though he wasn't one to talk, as he could recall the many times he had only managed to catch water splashing against his face. Or a wiggling fish smacking furiously against his jaws and nose only for him to let it loose. He noted some warriors were exceptionally talented at fishing, their ability to hone down on one swift and agile move was admirable and one Rookfang had been given many moons to attempt and finally pick up. Rookfang excelled better at aviation prey than water-based ones but he knew his clanmates had a preference to diet on the rich scaly creatures that danced through the streams and river.

"Try not to hover over your target, your shadow is their first indicator something is about to go wrong." He stated flatly, not too loud to startle the youth but enough to show he was behind her as he went over to settle down next to her. He lowered his head slightly, expressionless eerie stare locked onto the water to ensure his own shadow was not aiding their prey. His intense stare flashed briefly towards her with a small tip of his head to indicate she should do the same before he tried to continue any further explanations.​


Nettlepaw is on the shore as well, though he's put a few tail-lengths of distance between himself and the other apprentice. While she splashes about trying to catch minnows, Nettlepaw simply stares sightlessly into the bubbling depths of the racing river, entirely uncertain as to what he was supposed to be doing.

He had yet to catch any prey, much less a fish, and truthfully, he doesn't even know how to go about it. He can't track the fish down by smell... they were under the water's surface. He can't hear them, all he hears is the gurgling of the river itself. And he can't see them, he's blind.

What is he supposed to do here, exactly? Ears twitch as Rookfang joins them, offering soft words of advice. Nettlepaw blows out a quiet sigh, dips his paw into the water experimentally... all he feels is the cold liquid and the tug of the current through his toes. At least the ambiance is peaceful. He can enjoy the sound of the water, even if he cannot fish in it.

"This is impossible." The apprentice huffs bitterly.

((mentor tag -- @PIKESPLASH ))

The first time he ever tried to fish was before the camp had become overrun by rogues. Before the blood flashed across his vision and before all he smelled was the suffocating scent of iron. He tries not to think about it and instead focus on his lesson. Afterall he wants to he a warrior worth his salt right? Taking in a breath he tries to see what he can in the water, remember how that first fish had decided to come on land by itself. Perhaps that will happen again? Although he feels like that was a rare occasion. Shifting his paws a little his eyes narrow and he lowers his head as if he might jump into the very waves in front of him. Though he doesn't get to make a move before Bubblepaw dashes their paw in and comes up empty pawed. He frowns but also understands and gently nudges her shoulder encouragingly though he doubts she will give up from one simple fail. "It takes time, can do it, Nettlepaw."

Normally his face rests in what most perceives as an angry stare. Almost vicious in nature. But right now it is neutral, calm. He turns back to the water himself hoping that Lakemoon is watching him and his technique. He listens well to Rookfang, perching off to the side as he watches the fish and with a quick movement of his paw he smashes the water. And comes up with nothing. "Oh....."

And as folks walk by, you see with your eye​

Glass half full, glass half empty, neither of those things matter to Swanpaw. The glass is currently on its side with the water seeping into the ground while he desperately tries to shove it back into the cup. The only good thing that had possibly come from everything was that it distracted him from the fact he didn't know anything about how to hunt or fight, which was in turn caused by the world around him seemingly collapsing in on himself. He's well overdue for some practice, so when he spots his sister Bubblepaw, Rookfang, Nettlepaw and Bristlepaw hovering over the riverside he timidly approaches. There's comfort in familiarity, he's forever selfishly grateful his sister survived through the yellowcough epidemic.

Careful to keep his accident prone self away from the very edge and under the guise of keeping his shadow from the water like Rookfang had said, Swanpaw hovers just behind the small group. He makes no attempt to copy the others actions, as if he's waiting for an invitation to do so. Knowing him, he'd slip and scare the fish away, or the fish would try and pull him in, or- He cuts off his own thoughts with a shake of his head, as if they were nothing but raindrops sitting on his fur and takes a single step closer. Damn his coward mind, if he wants Lilybloom to not give up on him by next moon he needs to prove that he can actually do it.

"You'll get one next time sis" He tells Bubblepaw. He doesn't doubt his sisters ability, even if she can be ditzy. Her heart's in the right place.
"Hold me" is repeatedly given​
  • ooc -
  • info -
    Swanpw riverclan apprentice he/him bisexual npc x npc sibling of bubblepaw penned by catburger

Bubblepaw's silvery paw splashes down into the water, unsuccessful in catching any aquatic creatures once again. The droplets splash up onto her fur, littering her leg and chest as she leaves it in the water for a long moment. Briefly, she wonders if it might be possible to snatch a fish when she's already submerged before her thoughts are interrupted by the appearance of Rookfang. Warriors always make fishing look so easy. Their deft paws enter the water so quick and seamless- during plentiful times it feels like some hunting patrols bring home huge bounties. Bubblepaw is certainly thankful for any advice she can get.

"Ohhh..." she breathes in realization that her shadow is, in fact, being cast quite heavily over the river. The shadow of her paw reaching over the surface is probably scaring them away, too! "Thanks, Rookfang!" Bubblepaw grins widely at the warrior before leaning away from the water to ensure that her prey can't detect she's there based on light and shadows. "How do you take aim when you see one?" the silver tabby turns her bright and curious eyes to Rookfang, hoping he might offer her some more advice. She hasn't had much of an opportunity to learn and practice hunting yet.

Bubblepaw's ears twitch as the other apprentices on the shore express dismay and frustration at their own misses. "It's okay!" she calls to Nettlepaw and Bristlepaw from where they're fishing a few taillengths down the river "You can do it!" She isn't the type to let herself feel dismay and disappointment easily, but she knows why they might feel that way. "You're still learning. All the warriors make it look easy- that'll be us all someday!" She beams at them before turning back to the water and Rookfang. If she had hands, Bubblepaw would probably be giving them a thumbs-up right about now.

Bubblepaw grins at Swanpaw's reassurance, though she doesn't really need it. "Have you managed to catch one yet?" she asks, punctuating her question with the slightest tip to her head. She remembers that her brother's mentor had retired from warriorhood part of the way through his apprenticeship. Something that she hadn't thought was fair, but he would learn to grow through anyway. She wonders if Lilybloom has had the time to take Swanpaw out for hunting lessons yet, and if she has if there's any wisdom her brother can pass down to her.
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