The Night We Met {Hyacinth}


𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓃𝓈 & 𝒱𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓃𝒹𝓈
Jun 14, 2022

—————————————【 She/Her | Windclan warrior | 32 Moons 】——————————
Moonshadow could not sleep. In truth, the molly didn't know if she had just had a dream or a nightmare, but the visions of her dream continued to float at the forefront of her mind as she awoke, her nest being jostled lightly by a twitching clanmate.

It had been them. She and Hyacinthbreath, with their kits around them. Snowshadow looked on proudly as the mothers reclined in the sunlight out on the moors and just out of the corner of her eyes she could see that her belly was round once more and the silver lynx at her side couldn't look happier. The dream dissipated like the surface of water that had been disturbed by a leaf. And Moonshadow would lay in her nest, her head remaining on her paws as she struggled with what to make of her dream. A soft, barely audible sigh, would flow from her nostrils, and as she finally lifted her head to stretch she would note that Hyacinthbreath was not in her nest despite it being so late in the night.

A frown of concern would touch her maw, and without really thinking, the warrior rose from her own resting place and she carefully made her way around her sleeping clanmates toward the entrance of the camp. She had a small idea of where the warrior would be, and as she allowed her paws to carry her, her mind became busy once more. What could that dream have been? In her old home, dreams had been the way their deities had spoken to them; had shared prophecies and warnings. But there were no deities in these skies. Only ancestors that barely guided their paws unless it was an emergency.

Why had it made her so happy? As she reached her destination, her paws would freeze as the question crossed her mind. Her ears flattened against a slender skull as she felt the painful clenching within her chest as she realized that the reason it made her so happy; was because that was the life she had desperately wanted. But now things were too stressed, and Moonshadow was no fool. Even a blind cat could see how close Hyacinthbreath and Pollenfur had become and the black smoke knew she had no right to try anything now.

Looking up from her paws, Moonshadow would take a deep breath and closed her eyes. Yes, Hya was here, and Moon couldn't help the sad smile that played on her lips. The Sun-warmed pools. Frozen now but always has been a place of peace and solitude for the silver lynx. Pushing herself into the space, Moonshadow would meow in a tone that was monotone, yet Hyacinth would hear the old gentleness within it. The pair had not been alone together like this since...

Moonshadow flicked her tail, no use thinking about that night now, was there? "Hyacinthbreath. Is everything alright?"


[penned by Zaeya].
♚ What was life, if not struggle? Hyacinthbreath made a mockery of herself in her first few moons of being a WindClan cat; lied to herself that she could be happy, make something of herself. That she could belong in a Clan where their Goddess was so powerful and protected them all. Sootstar was like a mask over Hyacinth's eyes, preventing her from seeing the truth with her blind devotion. She had fully convinced herself that Lavenderstorm and Sootstar were all she needed.

That was, until she had lost Lavenderstorm. Until she had disappeared into the night and didn't return. Until Hyacinthbreath had nearly starved herself searching for her mate for three whole moons, only to realize nothing would come of it.

She had been abandoned, and she had to accept that on her own. Until she met Lunaria, a molly born of a mysterious past- once a princess of a kingdom she will never truly understand. A molly she didn't understand. She was hesitant to get close to the smoky shadow, fearful that she would leave as well; abandon her in the dark of the night and never return. She'd believed herself cursed, the night the two had talked under the stars with each other. The night they spilled their pasts, flooding each other with affection she couldn't just end on a whim like she wanted to. Being in love meant danger, triggered her fight or flight response and made her want to run.

But Moonshadow remained, patient and quiet and understanding, and the Stars had forsaken her with such a fateful truth. Normalcy was never possible, she'd believed- she was bound to live a life of turmoil and loneliness, serving a Goddess who would never truly see her. "Ach, Sterne.." A mumbled prayer to the twinkling lights above- but no answer returns to her, as always. She wondered how it felt, to be noticed by your ancestors- to be graced by the stars, like Sootstar had been. To be noticed.

Her name is called, pulling her from her thoughts. She hadn't realized she had been staring at her reflection atop the frozen puddle until her gaze is pulled towards the quiet shadow. Is everything alright? She asks, and Hyacinthbreath pauses to ponder her answer. Was she alright? Is everything alright? Her eyebrows scrunch together, a bitter feeling budding inside of her chest. It ached, in a way she didn't understand. She'd accepted her feelings, embraced that her love for Moonshadow was built on responsibility and trust for her. And yet so many mistakes were made, and she could never truly atone- blame, a powerful thing.

"I will be, Mondlicht. Someday." Her voice is soft, accented mezzo-soprano filled with emotion. Emotion she couldn't quite understand, couldn't formulate on her own. Hyacinthbreath moves to the side, making room for the shadowy warrior; fur fluffed up against the cold winds. No matter the time, it was always windy in these lands- though she didn't mind much, the cold allowed her to feel something other than the bubbling bitterness that always remained in her heart. "I'm.. I'm doing my best, though it feels like that barely matters. No matter how much good I do, the Fates always have worse plans for me. They must enjoy this sick little game." She laughs bitterly to herself, sniffling as tears threaten to grab hold of her. Conflicted feelings, she was never good at regulating or understanding them. A white paw moves to stubbornly wipe at her eyes before tears can fall, the molly biting the inside of her cheek to bring herself back to some sort of sensibility. "Why do I always ruin everything I love? F-First, my parents- my family. My first mate, my second mate, y-you- I couldn't even do anything right with my own kits!" She grunts out a wail, choking on a sob in her throat; suffering, so much suffering. She wanted it to be over already. She inhales a ragged, shuddering breath- voice echoing with sorrow.

"Why am I so destined to be alone? Why do the Fates demand it so?"
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