sensitive topics the nights are lovely, dark and deep | waking up

Patchpaw [in.]

i pray we meet again soon
Oct 4, 2022

cw for nightmares & trauma

She was standing in middle of a forest.

No—the forest. She had an inkling this was the ThunderClan forest, but not a single fern, tree or bush was even remotely recognizable, only the large fallen tree swarming with maggots facing her. When she tried to turn, it felt as though vines had wrapped around her paws, keeping her frozen to that same place. The clearing remained still and silent around her like someone or something had killed everything living. Cats, foxes, deer, even the mice and squirrels and birds, they were all gone. There was only the strange insects left which now surrounded her.
Her fur stood on end. Something was so terribly wrong with this forest, but no matter where she looked around, she was the only one standing there. Her claws dug into the dirt as she struggled to control her breathing when someone’s paws brushed along her spine—

Patchpaw jerked awake, scattering moss across the floor of a decently-sized cave with weak, scrambling paws. Her panicking lungs stung at the chilly air she was inhaling, but she welcomed the feeling quite gratefully. Her father rest in the nest next to hers, his face wrought tight with concern in his sleep. His paws twitched. That must've been what I felt, Patchpaw thinks to herself, and recognizing that it was in fact her dad, she could feel her hackles beginning to flatten again.
She gingerly rests herself back down with a wince. A new, dull, aching pain came from her face, and she rubbed at her nose with her wrist and cobwebs stuck to her white fur in tiny silvery strands. She couldn't open her left eye, either—everything was black, blocked by her scrunched up eyelid.

This was...not the apprentice’s den, surely...but if my dad's here, then... Now that she was waking up properly, her head had begun to throb and her limbs felt stiff and waterlogged as she shifts to look over at her father. With Berryheart’s permission, he stayed by her side all night, restlessly checking up on her until he had finally fallen asleep early in the morning. It must be… what, midday then? Patchpaw wasn’t sure. She turned her head in a slow circle, using her one good eye to inspect the den she rested in. She was beginning to recognize the herb storage nearby, the small pool of clear, tranquil water, and the fern tunnel that lead back outside to the rest of the clan camp. At the sight of the water, Patchpaw licked her lips; her mouth was incredibly dry. When she caught the metallic tang of blood, she spat it out and wrinkled her nose. Gross. It was hardly a leap to know this was the medicine cat’s den. She was safe back inside camp… at least, for the time being. That word wasn’t sitting right with her anymore.
But where was Berryheart? Where was Rabbitnose and the rest of their border patrol?
And what happened to that tom?
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The smell of herbs so concentrated in this place had taken a while to get acclimated to- originally he had felt cloyed by the intensity of it, and he did not blame his guests- his patients, for feeling the same way. With the comfort of her father at her side however, Checkers had seemed to let sleep come to her quite easily, having recovered from the wobbling falter that had overtaken her earlier. And thank the Stars she had stopped bleeding... he knew not how he would bear it, that dreaded scarlet weeping...

Berryheart had always been partial to sleeping as much as he could, but he was surprisingly easy to wake. The slight movement from Checkers was enough to jostle him from his dreamless sleep, lopsided eyes flickering to catch movement in the backlit cave. Someone would have yelled for him had they needed him, surely... how nice it had been to get this rest into the day, but his job he had now to perform.

Rising to his trio of paws the flame-flecked tom hobbled over, letting his vision linger upon the treatment for a few moments before bringing his attention back around. "How are you feeling?" He wasted not a moment in his soft-toned inquiry, voice as quiet and calm as ever. To shout would be to distress her, surely- that he would not risk.

Fear begins to swell up in her throat before she hears Berryheart's familiar voice ring out nearby, and Patchpaw whirls her head around in hopes that he would be standing there. Sure enough, Berryheart was standing nearby, the mottled tortoiseshell watching her patiently.

"...I don't know." She hesitated for a second, looking back at her sleeping father, then back at Berryheart. "I feel funny and drained of energy... And I can't--I can't see..." She was trying her best to explain how she felt, but her thoughts were drowned out by the cacophony of swirling emotions and an awful, overwhelming sense of dread.

Finally, she voice croaks softly, ”What…happened to me? Why can’t I-why can’t I remember anything?”

Patchpaw slowly props herself up with a wince, her forearms lightly quivering under her weight. Slowly, she sat up, until she had her hind legs beneath her and she could sit up properly to face Berryheart.
”All I remember is yelling and…and a cat.”