private THE OCEAN BREATHES SALTY | cricketcry


Aug 14, 2024
The day is finally cooler than most, and thank the Stars that it is… The tunnels are not unbearably damp and humid today, which makes for a good little patrol beneath the earth. The pair make their way along, with Stoatspot glad that her friend had agreed, with relatively little to no difficulty. They had set off to the barn, with the intent to just patrol around and scope out the surroundings but Stoatspot had a few other things in mind.

They emerge from the tunnel, with Stoatspots fur covered in dirt. She makes a face and then shakes, trying to dislodge the chunks embedded in long fur. Once thats done, she raises her chin to look out towards the barn, a singular ear flicking.

That used to be home, is a fleeting thought. Though times were hard in Windclan, she wouldn’t have it any other way… Thats not to say that occasionally she didn’t have the craving to cozy up to some of the hay- it always did make a good nest, comfy, warm… until she inevitably got poked.

Her lips twist with sudden emotion and her voice is light when it comes out, "I remember when y’all had to bunker down with us." perhaps not too good of a conversation starter, but nostalgia (whether good or bad) rolls through her bones. It’s a memory of fondness, wonder and… despair for the Clan cats situations. It was where she had made a pledge to help. "I remember we were all a little surprised. I mean, there were a few bunches of Clan cats… But never in the amount of y’all! Had me wonderin’ where we were gonna fit everyone." she puffs out a laugh, trying to steer to something a little bit lighter. "M’ glad that it all worked out in the end." she quickly tacts on.

A few heartbeats go by in silence. She’s unwilling to bring up any deeper conversation on the matter, nor does she want to let it die… She frowns, then moves on to something else. "Well, anyways… It’s been hotter than blazes recently," she casts her gaze to the sky as they walk. "N’ I reckon it’s gonna be a warm leaf-fall if it keeps this up." she pretends to sigh loudly. She pretends to not touch on whats going on back at camp. She pretends that shes not a little afraid of the sickness striking down a few cats and landing them in the medicine den.

She turns her head back. "What’dya think, Cricket?" she’s not quite sure if shes asking him about the weather, about their stay in the barn, or about the situation back home. She leaves it open for him, inviting him to share with a flick of her stubby tail.

  • @Cricketcry
  • stoatspot ʚ♡ɞ palomino
    cis female ʚ♡ɞ she/her ʚ♡ɞ 24 months
    windclan warrior ʚ♡ɞ mentoring n/a
    fluffy black / fawn tortie chimera with heterochromia ʚ♡ɞ short, but pure muscle
    "speech, bfdb81" ʚ♡ɞ thoughts
    single ʚ♡ɞ pansexual
    smells like straw, fresh rainfall & soil ʚ♡ɞ home on the range
    penned by chuff
Cricketcry brushes by Stoatspot as he leaves the tunnels, only to be pelted by the debris that the fluffy molly shakes off. It elicits a lighthearted but gruff chortle from the tom as he limps a couple pawsteps away to shake off the dirt his creamy fur has gathers like a magnet. In Cricketcry time, it's been only a moment since he spent some quality time with his fluffy friend but he's aware that this is inaccurate way to measure the time spent with his close ones. As he emerges from his isolationist habits, Cricketcry knows he must strive to be friendlier with those he cares about.

He limps back towards Stoatspot as her face darkens as she looks out towards her former home. "Wind...c-clan will always be g-gr-grateful towards your hospitality," Cricketcry croaks, tail swiping around his haunches. They'd shelter there in a time of need, yes... but so had Cricketcry after his accident, doted upon until help arrived. She'd been the only one to visit him as his leg healed, has he thanked her for that companionship? He peeps at Stoatspot through his peripheral, as though checking to see if Stoatspot's thinking of returning to the Horseplace. Brown ears flick dismissively, as though brushing that thought out of his mind- he knew Stoatspot was not the kind to abandon the clan. Humorously, he rasps, "I'd not be too h-hap..happy to welcome so many strangers." Silence ensues and Cricketcry lets the moments slip by, he understands needing to ruminate on the past... but he'd surely be here once Stoatspot returns from memory lane.

The palpable silence is broken by her and Cricketcry nods stiffly at her observation of the sweltering heat. Stoatspot sets off and so Cricketcry follows, lending his ear to the molly. He does not mind the lack of discussion surrounding the plague or the peculiar disappearance of Cottonsprig, so on and so forth. There's plenty of issues at the present. "I wouldn't mmm...mind a warm start to Leaf-fall, more prey..." More silence, a comfortable silence though which he frankly cherishes.

What'dya think, Cricket? The shortening of his name blooms a subdued smile upon his maw, tail swishing pleasantly. "I think..." Cricketcry pauses and thinks for several breaths. He pauses, feathery tail twitching against Stoatspot to ask her to also stop. "I think... I think I owe you an ap-p-pology, Stoatspot. I am sss...sorry for being so distant, but it won't happen again as it has before. B-be...fore I even knew you, you helped me at my worse, stayed at my side... it is not fair to... dismiss you everytime I..." He searches for the word, eyes adverted and focusing on an ant between his toes. "...struggle? I shh-should not push you away time and time again." Pale eyes focus upon his similary-sized companion, frown softening. "I'll mmm...m-make it up to you in some way. Lets walk some more?"


  • OOC—
  • CRICKETCRY —— Tunneler of Windclan 𓆧
    𓆧 he/him / 28 ☾
    𓆧 timid, cynical & wistful
    𓆧 has a slight limp
    𓆧 petite lh chocolate tabby/fawn chimer
"Well, it wasn't just me! Though, reckon I did put in more than my fair share of work." she playfully boasts, puffing out her chest. Cricket goes on to speak about how he wouldn't be happy in her position and she makes a noise, tilting her head left and then right and lifting her paw to shake it. "Well, what could ya do, you know? Suddenly you're outnumbered in your own home!" but Stoatspot is a hospitable soul, always had been... To the point where her pa said it'd bite her in the rear one day. Well, it certainly hasn't yet!

The weather thing elicits a hum from her, but shes much more focused on how he'd respond with his thoughts. I should get out more, is something idle that pings in her head as she raises her nose to sniff the air.

I think, Cricket begins and Stoatspots eyes crinkle with the beginning of a close-lipped smile. She's more than happy to keep going but he draws to a stop and so does she once his tail brushes against her side; she waits with anticipation to hear what he has to say but it wasn't about anything that she could have imagined. "An apology?" she echoes, the smile fading back in to a tight-lipped frown. "I only did what any good cat should," she uncharacteristically whispers, voice thick. "I stayed till the cows come home. You know I wouldn't have just left ya high n' dry." because truly, who would leave a young, scared and hurt creature by themself? Theres no need to apologize, she wants to say but cannot find the opening to.

In all honesty, she had panicked when she had found him, the noise of a crunch beneath a hoof will forever be etched in to her mind. She shudders at the sudden memory of it but recovers quickly to tame a few unruly patches in her chest fur. She's just lucky she had been around when it had happened, returning from a hunt she had gone on with her brother when the noise had kicked her in to a sprint. Well, at least it wasn't a stampede. She's grateful that it was a lone animal; she's seen it before, when a herd of sheep spook. They all race across, stumbling over each other with no regard for anything underfoot. Most barn-cats know how to stay away from the creatures, but a curious Clan cat?

He continues on, claiming he pushes her away. Well, she gets it. Everyone needs space sometimes. Suddenly her lips twitch back upwards and a paw reaches out to gently shove against his shoulder, mirth sparkling in her eyes. "Don't be gettin' all old and sappy on me, now! You'll make me cry!" she groans dramatically. "You don't gotta make up nothin', you hear me? Everythings fine, no hard feelings." she flicks her tail as he asks for more of a walk, a beckon for him to follow as she prances forwards in suddenly high spirits. "I'll race ya to that fence over there," she points with a paw to the fence of the horseplace off a short distance. "Just don't beat yourself up too much when I beat ya, kay'?" she grins, cocky and sure of herself, and with that shes off in a dash.

  • stoatspot ʚ♡ɞ palomino
    cis female ʚ♡ɞ she/her ʚ♡ɞ 24 months
    windclan warrior ʚ♡ɞ mentoring n/a
    fluffy black / fawn tortie chimera with heterochromia ʚ♡ɞ short, but pure muscle
    "speech, bfdb81" ʚ♡ɞ thoughts
    single ʚ♡ɞ pansexual
    smells like straw, fresh rainfall & soil ʚ♡ɞ home on the range
    penned by chuff