camp THE OCEAN BURNED — strange spots

✿—— she's taking a breath in camp, sitting and half-leaning to the side to give her fur a once-over before she finds something to do. she hasn't been a warrior for long, but she's been working as hard as she's able, and it's not only manifesting itself in sore muscles and scraped pads—her usually silky fur, while far from gross, has been made more than a little messy by the frequent duties. it's windswept, ruffled by awkward tree leaping and crouch practicing, a few pine needles tangled into the wavier parts; and so, she's trying to get it into some semblance of order when she spots them.

odd things they are; not uncommon for her exactly, white tipping her paws and her tail, but she's certain these white spots weren't here before. one slim paw reaches towards her lower back, which has quite suddenly become dappled with white freckles, not a lot, but enough for her to notice ... actually, it's more than a few. they're too large to be flower-seeds, or something, and they don't go away when she brushes them with a hesitant pawpad. do i have some disease? she worries, thinking of collapsed tallulahwing and the occasional coughing around camp, but she feels fine (if a bit footsore), and they don't hurt. well, there's no way in starclan she's going to dawnglare voluntarily, that's for sure.

"um, h-hey, do you see this?" she calls to a passing cat, a claw pointing out the strange spots. are her eyes playing tricks on her? warriorhood has been stressing her out a little, sure, but she isn't that stressed, enough to be seeing things anyways. right? she mutters worriedly, "am i sick or something?"

  • ooc: she has vitiligo recently triggered by stress :-)
    feel free to have your oc be the cat she called out to!
  • 68403446_KpQyDZrn5ORVKjb.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 40 ☾s
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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⭒✧ His ear turned sharply, like a sail swallowed by the wind, at Bobbie's call. Chalk came to a definite stop. He remained impassive until the rhythm of the molly's questions fell away, at which point his cheek dipped at an angle. What does he see?

Bobbie's pelt was made up of many colours, segments of paler fur bisected with tawny stripes. The area her paw hovered over however was somewhat anomalous. Specks of white disrupted the sequence. A discrepancy, though made not so odd in combination with the warrior's other snowy patches. Memorable, in the manner that it would be hard to recreate without the pattern to reference. Isn't that- the opposite of memorable? Chalk's tail warped slightly, betraying the disruption to his inner dialogue. He was getting distracted.

"Yes. Those weren't there before." Evenly spoken words glossed over the mild surprise he felt, that he hadn't noticed them before. Though he supposed he didn't take much note of other cats' appearances. "Any other symptoms? Dawnglare might know, something." A barely detectable breath marked a pause between the latter two words. He shouldn't be hesitant, the medicine cat likely did know what these mystery spots were. The predictably opaque, cluttered reasoning would be difficult to listen to.

Sensing the worry in her voice, Chalk raked his mind for something comforting to say. He couldn't baselessly reassure Bobbie that it was nothing- he didn't know. "If you get any more you'll look like a deer."
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒
His eyes graze over the strange new spots on the tabby she-cat's pelt, his mind whirring as Chalk offers his opinion. There is a worry in Bobbie's voice that sends a prickle down his spine, of course, but Tiggerbounce is sure that there is a non-lethal explanation to this sort of thing. In the back of his mind, he felt that tell-tale zing of knowledge, a little tickle on the tip of tongue. He couldn't quite put his paw on it, but he was mostly sure that he had seen this sort of predicament somewhere....

"Y'know what, I think there was a cat who had this sort of thing back in the marsh colony. Younger tom, he had... um, well, let me think.... he was all black.... can't remember his name for the life of me." A black tom with orange eyes... orange... eye.... with a patch of white spots right under it. "But I'm fairly certain he's still alive! Maybe it's just a very late coat change, you know, like how kit pelts will darken or lighten as they get older?"
Those weren’t there before,” Blazestar echoes Chalk’s wondrous words, but the Ragdoll’s are laced with anxiety. He’s never seen white spotting emerge on a cat’s pelt before—not on a cat as young as Bobbie, anyway. The Ragdoll gets closer to the ivory flecks on the backside of her fur, inspecting them with every ounce of concern he can muster. He wants to believe Tiggerbounce’s words—that it’s nothing to worry about—but with the disease plaguing SkyClan recently, and with Tallulahwing’s untimely death, Blazestar cannot take any chances.

He gives Chalk a look and murmurs, “The sick cats don’t have this, do they? Perhaps…” Worry darkens his blue eyes. “Bobbie, how do you feel?” The spots don’t look like a symptom of sickness, but one can’t ever be too careful.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

It was the raising of anxious voices and a gathering crowd that drew Sparrowsong over, their mouth turned into a frown that seemed near constant as of late. Cats were crowding around Bobbie, murmuring worriedly and gesturing. After leaning to the side to see, they caught sight of the source of conversation.

They all seemed to be worrying that the former queen was getting sick. Although their heartbeat had quickened from a flash of anxiety, the tabby didn't seem to be as worried as the rest, letting out a soft hum at Tiggerbounce's comment.

"They remind me of the spots Sheepcurl has," the warrior commented softly. Sparrowsong looked up at their leader. "Did Sheepcurl get her spots from being sick another time?"



✿—— chalk is the first to hear her call and it kindles a sort of gratitude in her heart, that she's answered by his mild curiosity as opposed to a snappier cat—more than a few of their clan's council members came to mind. she's slightly puzzled by how he stands quietly for some time before replying in an even tone, a mark of the perpetual serenity that always seemed to sit over the fawn-pelted tom's features. she almost envies it, how difficult—no, impossible—it seems to be to read his feelings in his face. it's a far cry from her own behavior, whatever she's feeling always painted over her features and manifesting itself in constant movement, twitching ears, shuffling paws, a flicking tail. suddenly she realizes she herself has been sitting in silent contemplation and hurries to mew, "i - no, nothing, i d-don't know if we really need to involve dawnglare ..."

she trails off, not particularly wanting the crimson-spined tom anywhere near her if she can help it, offers a weak laugh in response to his assertion that she'll look like one of the slender-legged creatures she's so rarely seen—only once, actually. tiggerbounce is the next to arrive, another friendly face and a cat a good deal older than her, a fact proven by him recollecting about some cat or another back in the marsh colony with the same thing. she squints, sighs, prodding at the strange spots again and mewing hopefully, "i hope that's all it is ... thanks, tiggerbounce." when blazestar and sparrowsong arrive she feels the fur on her neck rising for some reason, eyes darkening again with worry over the strange spots scattered over her hips.

blazestar's glance exchanged with chalk, his murmur about the sick cats, do little to soothe her and she paws at the odd things again, ignorant to sparrowsong's questioning about sheepcurl. she pauses, tries to think about how she actually feels rather than how she could be feeling—she's a little footsore, but her muscles have been aching ever since she began warriorhood, some sunrises before these spots appeared. she hasn't been having any trouble breathing, hasn't slumped over in camp like sheepcurl—and with new warrior duties keeping her working all day, her appetite is healthier than it's ever been. tentatively she replies, "i mean, i feel fine. maybe ... maybe it's like that cat you were t-talking about, tiggerbounce?" she can only hope it's no more than that, given how fast this illness has been tearing through their clan.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu


⭒✧ Chalk followed Tiggerbounce's proposition keenly, nose tipped low. The hypothesis was solid, though the information's incomplete nature didn't quite satisfy. Blue eyes rested on the older tom for a beat once he'd finished speaking as if waiting for more. Blazestar's tight words cast Chalk's attention off, the leader's worry not lost on him. The pair seemed to be close friends. A dropped shoulder and slack expression were offered in sympathy.

Bobbie's hesitance to call for the medicine cat was understandable and the daylight warrior simply blinked in response, needing no explanation. The sick cats don’t have this, do they? Chalk straightened at the question, mouth parted to answer before the ragdoll had even finished. "Not that I've seen, though illness can behave strangely." Slides of fuzzy graphics, line after line, clicked into his mind's eye. What was applicable to them, in comparison to twolegs?

Ever-pointed ears collected the remainder of the conversation, thoughts flitting through scraps of memory and reviewing. Then, suddenly, "It would be very odd." Chalk refocused on Bobbie as her tone teetered into an interrogative. "For it to be the sickness that is. If two other cats have something similar, it's likely that." The daylight warrior nodded to Sparrowsong. The chance Sheepcurl had been sick before though- silver whiskers pinched with irritation. Too many variables.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒