the one who knows who you are | kit search patrol

After ShadowClan's recent search patrol and Sunfreckle subsequently explaining the situation to him, Flycatcher was quick to gather a patrol together when he could. Kits going missing was not unheard of but still, it was a situation Flycatcher was keen to handle with the utmost respect and seriousness. He couldn't imagine if it had been his own kits that had gone missing. Certainly, if he found himself in that situation then no stone or leaf would be left unturned until he had found them. Having five cats on this search patrol - himself included - might have seemed a bit over the top, but Flycatcher had the smart idea of working in a small hunting patrol at the same time and kill two birds with one stone.

"I haven't seen any sign of any kits out here," Flycatcher mewed to his patrol, returning to them after breaking away to investigate a small thicket. "No ShadowClan scent either, besides that of the patrol that passed by earlier." He shook his head almost a little disappointed. The likelihood of the kits having made it across the Thunderpath, much less to ThunderClan was incredibly slim. "I'll be honest, I doubt they'd have made it this far at their age but I still want as thorough a search as we can muster," Flycatcher spoke. "Their poor mother, she must be beside herself."

// @BURNSTORM @ROEFLAME . @Tybalt [Stagstrike] @LIGHTSTRIKE .

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
It was a terrifying thought, that kits could seemingly vanish under a clans-worth of supervision, and while Roeflame had never truly given much thought- or really ever entrained the idea of her own running around one day, this whole situation with Shadowclan would surely be sticking with her for moons to come.
In all the hopelessness there seems to be at the kits likelihood of survival at this point, Roeflame is happy to accompany her former mentor on his expedition. The feeling of her flank brushing against Burnstorms every so often as they walked only giving the tabby warrior an extra surge of comfort.
Flycatcher wanders away, nose poking amongst shrubbery for a moment before he returns, disappointed musing on his tongue.
Roeflame frowns at the deputy’s last words, she couldn’t imagine the heartbreak of not knowing.
"Did they really just… disappear?" She prompts distantly, and whatever answer that would be given would be met with a small shake of her head.


This is a waste of time. He cannot help but think these words as they pick their way through the undergrowth. He would never say so out loud though, not to Flycatcher when the tom was evidently so worried, even for kits that are not his own. What the feeling is like, he cannot say he understands but perhaps one day he might. Golden eyes flash to the silver furred molly next to him for a brief moment and then his gaze is back on his former mentor as the blue-furred deputy pokes around the territory, looking for kits that he has no doubt that they would not find. "Something or someone must have taken them" because cats did not just vanish out of thin air. It was unfortunate to think about, but if he had to guess, the kits were long gone whether it be in the stomachs of predators or in a rogue camp somewhere impossible for them to find. Because surely another clan would not have taken them. At least, ThunderClan had not to his knowledge.

"I'm going to go look over there" he informs the small group. He knows this endeavor is pointless, but if Flycatcher still held onto the hope of the possibility that they were alive and well within the confines of their territory then he would at least try. For him and for Roeflame. Before he goes he flicks the she-cats shoulder with his tail, then turns to his apprentice. "Falconpaw come with me, two noses could be better than one"


Tybalt padded alongside the rest of the patrol, amber optics scanning the territory in front of him for any sign of the ShadowClan kits. It was unlikely they had made it this far, but he had gotten himself into worse trouble at their age. But he'd only had his parents looking after him. Going missing with a whole clan of cats to look after you was much harder.

Tail swishing, Tybalt twitched his ears as Roeflame spoke. "Nobody just goes missing," he grumbled. "A bird or something could've picked them up and dropped them if they put up too much of a fight. Or they could've gotten trapped somewhere." The forest was no place for two lone kittens, and he was suddenly more grateful to have grown up in the city alleyways. The dangers were different, but it was rare he could go far without coming across some cat. Once out of camp and reasonably far out, there was no telling when a pair of kits would be found, especially if they'd wandered outside their own territory. Or even just onto the Thunderpath.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Lightstrike would be lying if he said he was particularly keen on joining this patrol. It wasn't that he intended to be insensitive, that wasn't it at all. This long without a single sign of them, though? The kits had to be dead, sad or not.

"Mmm," he hummed noncommittally, giving Burnstorm a sidelong glance. He can't help his small scoff following Flycatcher's final comment. "I can't say a mother who's managed to lose not one but two kits is a particularly caring one," he muttered, half to himself.

The warrior's tail swished as he gazed about. "There's no way a patrol wouldn't have spotted or smelled two ShadowClan kits on our territory by now, Flycatcher. You know it's true. I really don't think they're here." On the more morbid side, if they were dead and in their forest, they would have either smelled the rot or something else would have and gotten them first. Hardly a pretty thought, and one he opted not to dwell on. "I'll still look, but... I really don't have much hope to find anything."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

As he walks with his patrol, Flycatcher thinks more and more this is a lost cause. At Lightstrike's comment he frowns a little but does not chide the young warrior. He had a fair point in truth but Flycatcher did not want to speculate on how or why they had escaped notice from their mother or any other queens. "Kits don't just vanish into thin air," Flycatcher mewed, adding his further opinion on the topic. "There would be a scent or some sign of an attack if a predator had gotten them within camp. Perhaps ShadowClan is not being entirely truthful about what happened?" It was a strange thought to ponder though Flycatcher could not imagine a clan willingly getting rid of their kits in such a manner.

Burnstorm leaves taking Falconpaw with him. Lightstrike goes to follow but not before saying something to Flycatcher. "I agree with you, Lightstrike," He admitted. "I think we would have found something by now. But if ShadowClan come asking again I want to be able to say we did everything we could to try and find them."[/font]


ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Her musing is met with a reply from everyone, each a different variation of “no one just vanishes. They’re long gone.
Yet… "Maybe you guys are right." she replies in a small sigh, her eyes only flickering to Flycatcher with a knowing spark of sadness, gone in a blink.
She had simply vanished from the marshlands, once upon a time, to everyone else but her own mother at least. There one night, and left on Thunderclan’s border the next.
Burnstorm wanders away, Falconpaw on his heels. Roeflame is ready to stray from the small group herself when Lightstrike speaks, and though she generally liked the tom, the fiery molly cannot suppress the twinge of frustration in her chest.
"Until you have a few of your own, I don’t think it’s your place to judge." She retorts, though her tone is not particularly unkind, a cinnamon ear would flick dismissively.
Flycatcher brings up an interesting point as the warrior inspects a bundle of withered foliage. "Would they really have made such a big scene about it if there was something to hide?" Roeflame wonders aloud, gaze settling on her former mentor, Burnstorms words echoing through the churning gears of her mind "Maybe it isn’t Shadowclan who’s being untruthful.." her voice is a thoughtful hum, but concludes with a shrug of her shoulders.
Kits don’t just vanish with no crime scene to show for, no grizzly predator.
Not without an extra set of bigger paws.
"Better we look and find nothing than not look and miss them," Tybalt rumbled. He couldn't say he disagreed with them. They were unlikely to find the missing kits on their territory. If they were still alive and had disappeared on their own, it was far more likely they were closer to home. His ears twitched as Roeflame spoke up.

"Are any of the other clans particularly low on kits?" he wondered aloud. But what good would stealing them do? Even if the kits were young enough to forget their home, surely they were bound to be noticed once old enough for gatherings.