
for you, i’d steal the stars.
Jul 14, 2022

She had been up all through the night, tossing and turning in her mind while Daisykit slept peacefully at her side, even with the small extension to their nest, Echolight was careful not to disturb her precious sleep.
Everything had crumbled, more so than the dappled queen could have ever imagined. Elmbreeze had disappeared from her life, how? Echolight didn't know, the night they were supposed to meet had been her last outing outside of camp. Heartbroken thoughts often swirled behind her single powder blue eye, thoughts that she shouldn't have trusted him, loved him… that she was a fool. Yet, each time she repeats those stormy thoughts, a flutter in her stomach reminds her that perhaps their love created something beautiful and bright. Hyacinthbreath was exiled, taking Spiritpaw with her, and Windclans shaky tolerance with Riverclan had imploded, the other half to her children's bloodline.
Will they look like him? Will their Riverclan blood shine through with sharp instincts and glossy fur? Milky dawn light has already begun to shine through the minuscule holes in the nursery's roof, it wouldn't be long before it flooded through the entrance to signal another day.
Suddenly, a sharp pain in her abdomen causes her to flinch in surprise. Confused for a moment, the queen lifts her head, maw slightly parting.
Quick and deliberate, white hot pain stabs at her once again, but this time she yelps.
it's too early… isn't it?
The kits weren't supposed to come for at least another quarter moon, she had been sure of it, she was supposed to have more time!
"Shit… shit, okay" she breathes, her breath trembling not with pain, but with fear.
Not wanting to wake the whole camp, Echolight struggles to her paws, making it to the nursery's entrance before she'd call to the first cat she saw.
"Get Dandelionwish… a-and my mom!" She pauses, the urgency in her tone giving enough of a hint as to what was happening
She wanted her mom- no, needed her.
Okay little bunnies, okay.

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Once a queen herself Sootstar knew the signs and physical symptoms of advancing pregnancy. It was clear to her that Echolight would likely kit any day now and she cannot help but have her eyes locked on the nursery every now and again. When would the shrieks of shock and surprise come? When would the camp be filled with yowls of agony? Despite what some may think, Sootstar dreads to hear it, kitting had been one of the most unbearable processes she's gone through.

Yet it was worth it for something beautiful, if there was anything she'd not trade in this life it was being a mother. That and WindClan.

She happens to be passing by when Echolight yells to her, she lurches a little in both excitement and anxiety. Kits are coming! Her inner-voice shrills with glee, urgently she nods and races off to the medicine cats den. Dandelionwish first, then Brightshine- though she worries that the calico may have been assigned to a patrol.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to windpaw & sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to sootpaw & coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

When Echolight had told them she had been expecting kits he had felt excitement, excitement immediately followed by a softly stirring dread. Kits were a beautiful wonderful thing, and he had loved Echo and Mallow like his own, but to bring kits about in this world, in this clan, in the middle of leaf bare. He was worried. Worried for his family and for himself. The moors had been his home his whole life, who would he be if not a moor cat? His mismatched eyes widen upon the calico she cats call. The kits were coming?! Already?!

The snowy white tom sees Sootstar run off to find Dandelionwish, their medicine cat, and so he runs to find Bright, Echos mother. She needed to be here.


He knew this was going to happen, but it never quite registered. He was going to be a fake dad.


He rushed across the clearing to Echolight. This was an important moment. It was right now that he could solidify the belief that these were his kits. The more he proved it, the less the others will suspect otherwise.


He stopped short at the nursery, paws fidgeting. "Do you need anything-"

He was about to say he could help, but......Well. He couldn't. Echolight had to give birth by herself.

"UH- Um-"

Dandelionwish and Brightshine were already being retrieved. What should he do!!

"I'm right here!" He said, giving Echolight a comforting nuzzle.


A call- urgency from his sister, and that could only mean one thing! Surely she was about to burst, right? He'd not really paid much attention to queens before Echolight had become one, and he had no idea how long they were meant to incubate- hah, funny sort of word that made his sister sound avian- for. But if now was the time, then now was the time! And he promised within himself that he would be there for her- her children would be his kin too, kin born in the moors, innocent to its maddening poison because they had been here before WindClan had ever existed. Their blood ran in the tunnels, twisted in the grass. And Mallowlark was aware of the madness. He'd prevent it.

Tangent of his mind pushed aside, night-dipped paws carried a frolicking form to his sister's side. He wished not to crowd her, or- Yewberry, yeah, the father. He almost burst out laughing at the falsity of it, but only because he knew it was a farce before their clanmates to hide his sister's RiverClan lover. How funny, that they'd both-!

He'd not bother her for long. Grin shining as ever, as sure as death and taxes, he touched his nose briefly to Echolight's head. "Good luck. I'll be nearby." Sing-song assurance his gift to her, he took his leave, but kept his promise.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Pollenfur sees Sootstar hurry from the nursery, Echolight's dappled lilac and white form retreating back into the relative warmth. The calico exhales softly, her breath collecting cloud-like in front of her, before she begins to pad towards her niece. Yewberry is inside, giving her the reassurance of a true mate, and she blinks kindly at the small gray tom before turning her attention to Echolight.

"I'm here, too, little dove," she murmurs. Her sister's daughter. She sinks deep into memories like pools of water, submerging her and dragging her beneath the surface -- two pale babies suckling at her sister's flank, Pollenfur's traveling paws rooted for the first time since their mother's departure. Echo playing with a fallen feather, blue eyes wide with rapture. Echo hurt, Echo scared, Echo becoming Echolight under Sootstar's watchful green gaze.

Pollenfur's eyes glaze with unshed tears. "I'll stay with you. Heavy Snow has gone to get Brightshine. And Mallowlark is right outside." She thinks of Emberfang, who will not get to see her kits' births, and her heart wrenches, but she tries not to let it show. "Your family is here."

She settles close to Echolight. "Breathe, Echo. Breathe deep and blow it out. Soon you will meet your kits."

Pollenfur pushes her worries away. This is Echolight's time. She will not make things worse for her, not worse than they already are.

- ,,
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Sootstar arrives in his den and before he can even ask what was happening she replied: the words Echolight and kits were the only ones that needed to process before he was gathering up some moss and raspberry leaves and standing to make his way over with quick trots. Already quite the crowd had formed, Mallowlark standing out of the way and Yewberry and Pollenfur clustered around the queen with words of soothing encouragement. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a white blur move to the edge of camp, only barely recognizing Heavy Snow as he rushes off; presumably to find Brightshine. Damn, he hoped she hadn't been sent on that border patrol that went out-that was a hell of a run back.
"Pardon me, 'scuse me, extremely handsome medicine cat comin' through-" He set the moss down, still dripping with the raspeberry leaf garnished atop it.
"This is fer if it hurts too bad, it's safe fer the kits so don't hesitate to take it." He knew some herbs, poppy seeds was it?, were not safe for a queen giving birth but he wasn't exactly sure the details or why-but he had no reason to question the limited knowledge Honeytwist had left him with, she'd had her own litter after all, surely she knew better than some upstart young tom.
"Listen to Pollenfur, slow deep breaths-ye'll be fine! Oi, Mallowlark, wanna find me a sturdy stick? " He vaguely remembered giving one to Moonshadow before and she'd nearly snapped the damn thing in half-so it wouldn't hurt to have another on hand. Bitten tongues and cracked teeth were much worse than a few mouth splinters he reckoned.

Ever since Brightshine had found out about her daughter's pregnancy, she hadn't been able to keep still. Grandkits! Stars, she feels old! Of course, she doesn't care- she can't wait to play with them and babysit and oh! She'll teach them to play tag. Tag is great for learning to chase rabbits!

Heavy Snow finds her just outside of camp, on the patrol she'd been placed on. It's a good thing, too; she can't imagine being out on the far corners of the moors while her only daughter gives birth. She screams a loud and fast "WHAT?" before turning on her heels and racing back through the gorse tunnel. Nimble paws take her straight to the nursery. She thinks she may have shoved past a cat or two, but she really can't say. She's too focused on the birthing queen.

Brightshine settles immediately by her face and begins to groom her ears, purring loudly. "I'm right here, Echolight. Your family's here." Except for Emberfang. There's a pang in her heart but she has to shove it down. This is her daughter, and she's going to be right here every step of the way for her with positivity.

Seeing the silver leader dash off towards the medicine den draws a shaky breath of relief of Echolight as she eases back, her pants blowing rapid white air against the freezing temperature.
The noise of Heavy Snow dashing off undoubtedly to retrieve Brightshine becomes lost to the queen when another contraction makes her wince, and once more the blaring reminder that her kits were on their way . Yewberrys presence is a comfort despite the fact that the tom was practically radiating anxiety. She leans into the nuzzle, "Thank.. thank you. Please, can you get Daisykit? Take her to Dandy’s den, she won’t take kindly to a rude awakening" she asks, throwing her head over her shoulder knowing full well that the commotion more likely than not had already woken her daughter.
A cold nose is pressed against her head, and Echolight nods assuringly, "Thank you, Mal" she replies, trying not to choke on the emotion that has begun to bubble up in her throat. She see’s Dandelionwish exit the medicine den and goes to settle down once she’s sure Daisykit had been whisked away from what would surely be an intense scene.
When Pollenfur is beside her, the queen leans into her aunt, tears blooming at her waterline and finally shedding shamelessly.
"Mama’s on her way… breathe…" she echo’s her aunts words in a trembling voice as another contraction pummels at her, "oh stars, Pollen- I’m gonna be a mom!" A sudden realization it was not, but suddenly her little bunnies weren’t going to be a concept, a hypothetical that wasn’t quite there yet, they were going to be a reality- her reality.
Familiar calico fur rushes in, and Echolight reaches for her, Brightshine, the mother that taught her all the good she knew.
When Dandelionwish makes his way in, offering her a raspberry leaf and ordering her brother to get a stick, Echolight can feel her children taking the cue that the three cats she needed were there now. "HOLY MOTHER OF-" The exclamation is abrupt and shrill, and Echolight snatches the herb offered to her. Dandelionwish tells her to breathe, but the pain causes hitches in her breath.
Just wait until I can get the stick, bunnies!


To say the process had been brutal would be an understatement, but as the last kit was placed in the curve of her belly, it was as if the pain evaporated, melted into nothing but joy.
Her paw subconsciously reaches for her mothers as she gazes upon her little wonders. Three, two sons and a daughter. Tears stream down the calicos scarred face, and she leans back a little as to not cry over her children. The boys could practically be twins if not for the faint splashes of burnt orange on one, while the other looks as though he may grow into the ivory dapples vaguely freckled along his neck. Her daughter was the day to her brothers night in her coloring, sporting the same white dapples as her brother.
"Oh.. mama, they’re…" words cannot find the mother as she sniffles.
She looks up towards Pollenfur, her gaze shining with tears of joy to be wept, before her eyes dance back towards the oldest, the tom with fire in his fur. "Spark-kit" she decides quickly, the memory of Ember burns when she looks at her son, her own pale flamed fur resonating in her families legacy- her aunt would want the credit for that, Echolight cannot help but think with a bittersweet smile on her maw.
She moves to the other midnight-hued tom at Spark-kits side, his pelt reminds her of another, of Leechpaw. Dark as the abyss. "Ebonykit" Echolight breathes, the name coming to her with ease.
The last one is more difficult, her lilac fur resembles no one she can think of off the top of her head, and Echolight has to pause, fidgeting with the stick next to her she has clamped down on only a pawful of minutes prior. She looks to her mother for a moment, before her one-eyed gaze drifts towards the outside of the den, where her brother had kept his promise to stay nearby.
"Lark-kit… this one’s Lark-kit" Echolight announced softly when her gaze returns to the molly. "Spark-kit, Ebonykit, and Lark-kit" Echolight repeats with a shaky exhale, "What… what do you think, mama?" The lilac queen asked with a sniffle when her powder blue gaze finds her mothers emerald once more. "Did I do okay?"

The pull of life is as inevitable as the loss of comfort. There is a tether, an anchor, that pulls him along as if out of a dream. From the comforting darkness, a muted world, thrown into flames. Like an ignition, Spark is born. It is not a quiet thing. Nothing about him ever truly will be. He bursts into life noisily, loud and indignant noises pulled from a small mouth. His mother is lost in her love for them– and that might just be impressive, if this is the life before her. He is loud, and willful, and desperate to please. And he nestles himself into her, against the familiar beating hearts of his siblings, and loves her just as much.

  • scarlet_ledger2.png
    ooc: i haven't posted in a birthing thread for literal years save me
  • sparkkit, sparky. dmab male, he - him - his.
    ──── kitten of windclan. equally loyal to windclan and family.
    ──── 03 moons old. born on, and ages in real time?
    ──── echolight x elmbreeze, adopted by yewberry. brightfam.
  • "speech"
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Reactions: EBONYKIT .
As if in perfect contrast to his brother, Ebony does not come into the world loud and screaming. He is quiet; not silent, but his mewls, his quiet prayers to warmth and comfort, are subdued, reserved. In fact, his very first thoughts are as follows: he does not like how cold the world is, and he does not like how loud the world is. Even outside of his brother, there's the murmuring of strangers, a quiet cacophony that makes him almost want to scream. But instead, all he does is push up against his mother, and hope that her familiarity can help drown out the noise. Of course, he doesn't have words for any of this; all he has is feelings, vague and undefined. But they will likely be feelings that will carry him, that will carry Ebony, through his entire life.​

It was hard to keep her nose out of the nursery, Sootstar wanted nothing more than to peak her head inside and take a look at how many little balls of fur have arrived. Hearing Echolight's shrieks and yowls were enough to keep the nosy leader at bay and out of their fur, she promises internally not to take a look until things quiet down. Quite a few hours pass, a few patrols she had watched Duskfire send out have come and gone.

Then there was silence, eager eyes look to the nursery and it is clear she is restless, paws itching to take a look at the new members of her clan. She gives in and trots over, telling herself she'd be there only for a moment before letting the new mother rest and the children nurse. Arriving just in time she hears Echolight name three kits, Ebonykit, Larkkit, and Sparkkit, they all looked healthy and one of them especially loud- that was good to hear their lungs were clear of fluid.

Sootstar bears a prideful smile, her eyes were even glossy- holy StarClan were those tears? She could not help it, her heart soared for the new arrivals and in memory of when her own children were that small. Kit-fever washes over her, thoughts of tiny paw pads and cute pink noses, kitten eyes closed tight. "Larkkit, Ebonykit, and Sparkkit, welcome to WindClan." She purrs a calm welcome. The blue molly lingers for a few moments before departing from the den as she promised herself she would.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Sootpaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Yewberry worried the entire time. All he could do was give words of encouragement and comfort as the process of birth took place. He shivered the whole time but as the kits started coming, he began to perk up.

He kept shuffling his paws out of anxiety, but for once it was the good anxiety for once.

Even if they weren't his own, he felt ecstatic. These little guys were going to believe he was their father....

He felt tears of happiness grace his eyes and he blinked them away.

"L-look at them...! Echolight..... They're precious...!"

He gave her another gentle nuzzle.

He was going to be the best dad. These kits were going to be the BEST hole diggers.

And there it was! Jeez, was he glad he wouldn't ever have kits. The entire ordeal had sounded like agony, and he'd been sure not to crowd Echolight even when he'd popped in to give Dandelionwish that stick. She might just accidentally bite him if he got too close- so he didn't bother, gave her a fleeting grin and decided to wait outside until the ordeal was done. Night dipped paws carried his form inside, bowing at the entrance- small place it had to be, he supposed, for little ones- and there, huddled at his sister's belly... kits, he supposed! They were not the kits he'd expected, though...

"Aww, they look like worms!" Jovial came his chiming observation, not meant offensively but easily construed in such a way. But oh, what wonderful worms they were! Squirming, alive, and his kin, their kin. Born on the moors, just as their family always had been and always would be. Even their hardy leader seemed touched by the sight, greeting them in perhaps the fondest voice he'd ever heard from Sootstar's mouth. Mallowlark ensured to flash her an extra-large grin upon her exit, taking her departure as an invitation to wander closer.

"It's so exciting, Echo!" Sing-song, his owlish eyes flickered down to greet the children. "Hi you guys! Spark-kit, Ebonykit, Lark-kit...!" Dissonant melody, he committed their names to his memory. Lark-kit, that one- that one lingered in his mind especially because it was so similar to the end-part of his name. It was the same, in fact- was that intentional?

It’s an odd feeling, that’s for sure. She was content where she had been, floating around in comforting darkness, not quite aware of her existence, but not oblivious either.
Now, the awareness was brutally shocking, no longer was she simply floating, she was freezing, placed on something squishy. The real shocker was when she drew her first shaky breath of air, molecules of dust and moss filled her lungs, and she exhaled.
Something screeches dreadfully close to her, and she kicks at it- though it is weak and more of a flinch of anything, she joins her brothers hysterical mews, but hers are in protest to his. There are more noises in the background, noises she wanted to hear!
Defeated and tired from her journey to the world, she gives up on her protests, and instead snuggles into her mother, who’s scent is familiar. She’s ready for a nap, to go back to the comforting feeling of nothingness.
Brightshine huddles close to her daughter, cradling her head within her neck as she pushes and strains. She grits her teeth, wishing she could take the pain away but she doesn't leave. She stays there the whole time with her daughter until all three wriggling kits now nurse at her belly. The calico takes them in, eyes stretched wide in wonder. "Oh my gosh...." She whispers excitedly, tears welling up in emerald eyes. Leaning forward, she prods them with her nose, giggling endlessly because she just can't contain the emotion that are spilling out of her. "Hi! Hi there, babies! I'm your grandma!" She continues to mew in a hushed tone, another chortle escaping her. Grandma! I'm a grandma! "Echolight, they're amazing!" She purrs, turning her attention back to the brand new mother. Brightshine leans forwards to swipe her tongue lovingly across her ears, purring all the while. Lark-kit....when it settles in her mind she grins wide and looks to her son in the den entrance. "For their uncle?" The question is teary; darn it, she's crying!