THE ONLY MAN IN THE SKY | brackenpaw

Rain had washed away all but memory of the fires that had marred his home and, observing the horizon on his grounded perch by the warrens, Sootspot couldn't help but enjoy the new life springing from the ash. There was a metaphor within there that tickled his pride, a nice fantasy that told him that soot would be the thing that returned the moors to their former glory - even the omen-rejecting chimera could admit that a part of him wished it were true. Shrikethorn would've critiqued such ideas, told him with her eyes that he couldn't be that special because she should've been the special one instead, but without his littermate around, it was easy to let spite get the better of him. He scanned the camp for a flame-licked moor runner, coiling further and further into the shadows as it became apparent she was not around. He felt... disappointed, the same way he imagined a hunter felt when they failed to catch a rabbit, or how a medic may feel when their fresh herbs wither within the day.

Still, he searched, until his eyes locked onto a large-eared calico, someone he knew only by proxy. With their incessant demands and excessive energy, kittens and Sootspot had seldom got along, and from what he had heard from idle gossip, the other was not much better than a child, the brattiness of youth only thinly masked by an air of cool, teenage indifference. More important than their personality was their association with his family, which he assessed greatly, seeing how the rest of them had grown humbled and complacent, some even disrespectful. He didn't think he could ever forgive Mintshade for debasing his bloodline with the name Brokenkit, nor could he forgive Sunstar for promoting such humiliation of a once proud family. 'I must be the only one left who fights for the chance to be better.' For that alone, it was easy to feel like the only one of Sootstar's offspring left.

Sootspot watched the other head towards the same tunnel entrance he lingered at, waiting for Brackenpaw's gaze to find his own, feeling ignored when they seemed to be in their own world. A bushy tail aimed to block the burrow, a rasp in the back of the tom's throat. "A moment, before you depart," he smiled, the sweet expression not quite reaching his chartreuse eyes. "You are in a curious position, as my sister's first apprentice. I am curious to know how she is teaching you." He saw the way Scorchstreak and Rattleheart talked about him, how their words were venom in Sunstar's ears the same way Sunstride's had been venom in his mother's. Even with one incapacitated by parenthood, it seemed the vipers would not accept him as a peer, evidenced by the injustice of lacking an apprentice when greater traitors than he could train the next generations. When one couldn't conquer, they burned, and no shared blood could convince him otherwise - Bluefrost deserved to have a difficult time with this one.

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They’re aware that there’s another body present, she doesn’t bother to bless him with her acknowledgement. The only warrior they’d answer to the presence of is Bluefrost, and that’s only because she’s their mentor. If she wasn’t then she would be merely an annoyance similar to Sootspot. She had thought, foolishly hoped, that pointedly not meeting the gaze that was piercing into her would get her message across clear as day that she wasn't interested in talking.

The apprentice couldn’t be so lucky though, bright olive eyes twitch in annoyance at the sight of a bushy tail blocking the burrow in front of them. This did seem to kill two birds with one stone though, they had distant plans to enter the burrow at some point and they didn’t have a death wish, maybe she could ask for Sootspot’s company. Though they weren’t too sure if that was company she wanted to keep, she didn’t hold any of the warrior's opinions of him in high regard, or any regard at all. The only opinion she held into consideration was her own, Brackenpaw’s stance was that he was a bit arrogant but that was just mildly annoying than anything else.

He didn’t seem like he would do much beyond complaining if she bit back at his words if a discussion was to ensue. Which held appeal to them, they enjoyed being able to speak their mind without some threat of a punishment looming over her. So, they turn on their paws to spin around to face not quite disarming chartreuse eyes. “What do you want?” They tilt their head, large ears twitching as she listens to him speak, while she was blunt she wasn’t dismissive. The topic of Bluefrost was tricky to her, they were aware that he was the brother to her, she wasn’t clueless. Though, she wasn’t too sure if that was a good or bad thing. Brackenpaw held no siblings of their own, she wasn’t sure where loyalties would lie with them due to her lack of personal experience.

“Do you want the polite apprentice answer or my own?” She keeps here eyes narrowed, shifting her maw as she untenses her jaw. They supposed that this could be a loyalty test, to figure out if she could consider Sootspot an ally, a friend, or an enemy. It would be easy enough to figure out the source if Bluefrost heard about it, surely he was aware of that fact too. She relaxes slightly, not letting her guard completely down but her tail had fluidity and her shoulders dropped slightly.

“I’m going to give you my own answer anyways. She’s fine? I don’t know if she has always been such a stick in the mud or if that’s just a special privilege for me. She showed me the landmarks around here and we haven’t gone into the tunnels too much yet. Bluefrost wakes me up early, walks off without me, she's stern, and bossy.”

She carried a neutral tone while she spoke, looking her mentor's brother in the eye. They didn’t want to give away an actual emotion to their words. They weren’t sure if any of it actually bothered her so why would she portray a tone that she didn’t know? “She’s smart though, despite being so stern, she’s actually helpful and answers any questions I have. I like that she’s honest with her opinions, she doesn’t dance around anything if I ask about it. I don’t know if I like her or not, I guess I do? She's teaching me fine, but I haven't had anyone else before.” She concludes with a shrug, it was still too early for them to solidly decide where she landed on her opinion of their mentor. The calico did hold a begrudging respect, they had to considering that Bluefrost hadn’t given up on them yet. “Have you had an apprentice before? Do you think you’d do anything different?” They blink up at him, curious to see if their teachings would be different despite sharing the same blood.

  • ooc.
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 7 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater


'Polite apprentice answer' caused a sincerely amused whisker twitch, a black paw quaintly drooping over his muzzle to conceal the authenticity of his mirth. When he felt comfortable he had stilled his desire to giggle, he returned to his proud (albeit short) posture. "I would like the truth," Sootspot replied, and, Brackenpaw was quick to deliver it. They spoke of Bluefrost's positives and negatives, things about his kin even Sootspot himself did not know. It was not like he had ever been close to his younger siblings, attention hogs that they were. They existed as an excuse for his mother to have the perfect nuclear family, but, they were unambitious, meek, they were so unlike himself and Shrike that there were times it was easier to believe they weren't blood-related at all.

He shook his head, disappointed. "She is an utterly unremarkable animal, I am afraid. She was her mother's soldier brought to heel by mercy rather than moral choice like myself or Cottonpaw. Unsurprisingly, she would model herself on what she will never be - a stern and bossy leader.... Sootstar. I am sorry it is you who has to suffer because of her insecurities." He paused to offer the young apprentice a sheepish glance, tucking his jaw into the scarred skin upon his chest, giving the ruffled area some bombastic licks. It's strange... Bluefrost reminds me of Shrikethorn, yet I cannot bring myself to slander her as easily as I can my younger siblings.' Projection and jealousy were a dark shadow upon Sootspot, one readily masqueraded by a sunny smile pressed behind hastily spoken words. "Apologies, I should not speak ill of kin, I would just be bereft to see an apprentice of WindClan fail for something that is not their fault - Pinkpaw and Downypaw had been in the tunnel a dozen times by your age." He blinked rapidly at his own words, softening his gaze into that of a concerned citizen - there was no lie, only a truth spoken without all of the facts.

Her question about his own apprentice was like a bee sting, briefly, he showed his teeth, praying the gesture looked more like a grin than that from a wounded animal. Claws fidgeted subtly in the earth, scoring marvelous little patterns that he pretended were on skin instead of soil. 'They know I am a threat to their power... so they make sure I will never be able to climb higher than a new warrior, no matter what I do.' Sootspot let out a hearty chuckle, the sound cut short by something stuck in his throat. "I have." Downypaw, someone whom he'd protected like a child, someone who had betrayed him three times over in response. As he thought to his own mother, he wondered if it was the burden of all parents to be betrayed by those closest to them, if he risked the same thing should he wish for his next of kin to thrive. How could he prevent it? Could he both carry the family name and protect himself from the consequences? Brackenpaw asked a question that took a moment to register, his pupils narrowing and broadening as he considered it.

"I have always treated those under my tutelage kindly, there is a certain cruelty to mentors who forget how daunting it is to be thrown out of the Nursery and into the forever gaze of StarClan. I also show the tunnels first... dangerous as they may be, little is helped by cowering from them. But, I also believe in protecting oneself from embarrassment; a broken rule or late start brings shame not only to your mentor, but to yourself... few things are worse than the disappointment of those around you, so such things were never tolerated when I mentored." Sootspot cocked his head to the side. "Do you find yourself longing for another mentor, knowing what you know?" He kept his tone innocent, seeming less as if he was trying to sabotage Bluefrost and more wanting to know Brackenpaw better - there were plenty of other Tunnelers to gossip about if they were still keen on his sister after this.

Seeing such a softness to Sootspot was jarring, that was not an expression that she used to seeing. Not that she bothered to look at him often. “It's fine, none of my business.” If mentioning the other apprentices was bait for the calico's curiosity then they jumped on the hook “really? How soon did they go into the tunnels?”

The apprentice had become absorbed in thought about the older apprentices of the tunnels, due to this she wasn't too concerned about what kind of expression Sootspot was making with his teeth. It all looked the same to her, awkward. Their tail curled and unfurled itself as she flexed their paws, waiting for the tom's reply. Their scrutinising gaze didn't let up of the hold they tried to keep with his own eyes. While he explained how his own training would differ to that of his sister she brought a front paw up, carefully grazing her tongue over it to clean off any dirt and tame matting. A fruitless endeavour given the fact they were considering venturing into the tunnels later but it was something that they want wanted to do to keep busy with.

The young cat made small grunts of affirmation as he spoke, they were raised to be a good listener after all. Occasionally bobbing their head as he spoke, it all sounded fine really. They didn't hold a strong opinion on the subject, a quiet chuckle slipped out as he explained that breaking rules or late starts wouldn't be supported by him. They often tried to push how late they could be, it only worked the first time but it didn't stop her from trying.

She lowered his paw at her question, shrugging in response at first. “No, I'm pretty happy with Bluefrost, even if she's a stick in the mud.” They spoke with finality, carrying an arrogant confidence that she had made the right choice. “Downypaw and Pinkpaw though, you brought them up in comparison, how are they as apprentices? How are their mentors? I don't speak to many Tunnelers” or anyone who wasn't a kit really.

They figured this was a good time to ask, she believed that Sootspot wouldn't hold back his feelings over the other tunnelers. Not if how he spoke about Bluefrost was any indication, maybe he'd try to masquerade as polite but she had faith they could actually hear about the other cats honestly through him as a conduit. “Don't hold back or anything, I'm good at keeping my mouth shut about those things.” It would be hypocritical of them to go run their mouth off about what he had said if he was going to keep her opinions about his sister to himself.

  • ooc.
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 7 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater


With questions, the tom was more than eager to answer. "Both went into the tunnels on their first day of their apprenticeship," he assured Brackenpaw and, though their age wasn't mentioned, he struggled to find a lie in his sentiment. It had been a different time under Sootstar, more efficient, if a child could not stomach the tunnels then it would bury them whole. Perhaps Sootstar had treated her own daughter differently, her youngest always had been provided opportunities he and Shrikethorn had worked blood, sweat, and tears for. When faced with a truth that contrasted what he envisioned a Sootstar mentorship was like, Sootspot readily allowed his eyes to be covered, finding if he did not have to be performative in his slander, then there was no point saying it at all. Too many truths would die with him should he uncover them too openly to let himself end up like Snakehiss, exiled and alone.

His head tilted curiously at the chuckle that emerged from Brackenpaw, his tail curling in a moonlike shape. More disappointing than that was her insistence that Bluefrost was fine, gently, he sighed. 'She doesn't believe me, the mousebrain. Why would she want that foxdung as a mentor over someone like me? I am a much better mentor.' What lies had Rattleheart spread about him? "It is your choice. Just be mindful of what I said, anything unbecoming from her and Sunstar would want to hear of it," he mewed paternally, the corner of his eye twitching. The opportunity to sink his teeth into different Tunnelers was a miracle that Brackenpaw had no idea they'd performed, a sincerity to Sootspot's sudden eagerness that suggested he had a lot to say. He stared down at the calico, squinting at her promise as if expecting it to sprout metal teeth. "Downypaw is a perfectly competent cat, she understands what it means to survive, but her apprenticeship has been plagued with injury, death, and poor choices. Downypaw's mentor chose to get pregnant instead of finishing their training, even knowing everything the poor creature has been through."

It was easy enough to talk about Downypaw, it had been him who had done his best for her after all, preparing for her WindClan's cutthroat environment and trying to gain himself an ally in the process. Pinkpaw on the other paw was connected to someone far more sinister. He looked over his shoulder, and, content there were no hidden entities watching him from the tunnels, he continued. "Pinkpaw could not be more different if she tried. She is performative, preferring to speak of actions rather than prove she can do them. There is a certain... apathy to her airheadedness that I presume she only gets from her own mentor. Scorchstreak is... a difficult cat, there are many things she has done that will make StarClan reject her. She once denied a cat the opportunity to see his dying mother because she thought it funny and... hmm... perhaps I should not share her biggest codebreak..." His tufted ears flattened as he looked down towards the earth, the angle of his nose concealing the hints of a bitter smile. 'Sunstar will let you forget, but I will not.' His silence was long, contemplative, waiting for an answer from Brackenpaw, be it one of curiosity or one insisting he didn't have to share. When he'd 'made up his mind', his hidden amusement was replaced with the sorrow of a cat who'd lost a friend.

"If you are to work with her, it is important you know. Back when Sootstar was alive, Scorchstreak killed her own son for expressing rebellious thoughts. Sootstar did not force her to do it, it was a murder she was a willing participant in - the only willing participant."


“Their first day? Bluefrost wanted me to understand the moors on my first day.” They weren’t upset at her for that, far from it. If anything their already tumultuous relationship as mentor and apprentice was saved because of that. If Brackenpaw had been shoved into the tunnels right away then things would be a lot worse than how they are now. If anything Brackenpaw thought it was rather cruel and careless for them to have been shoved into those tunnels, they wondered if this was a thing that their mentors decided or something the council had decided, or rather Sootstar herself.

Their face scrunched in disgust at the idea, it seemed unfair that the tunneler apprentices didn’t get a say in whatever they’re doing. The mere fact that apprentices are just expected to follow whatever whims their mentor has, the idea of it raises their hackles in anger. Metaphorically of course, they take care in ensuring that their hackles are actually lowered when in the presence of Sootspot. The mention of Sunstar sours her already foul mood, they sneer at the thought of him, tail raising and becoming rigid. “Yeah I’m sure Sunstar would want to hear all about it” they grumble, the venom of sarcasm and disdain clear in their voice.

They were surprised to see the eagerness and sincerity that Sootspot carried when relaying his opinions on the other tunnelers towards them. Against Bracknepaw’s better judgement they enjoyed that, to her at least it didn’t seem that he was holding back. A rare sight amongst WindClan, everyone seemed to be thinking one thing but saying the other, at least in their eyes that was the case. The calico glowered at the thought of Downypaw being left stranded. That seemed unfair, another reason why Brackenpaw had issues with the dynamics between apprentices and mentors. Was she just expected to be shipped off to someone else? “Who’s going to be her mentor now then?”

A nonexistent eyebrow was raised at the vitriolic concern that was held towards Pinkpaw of all cats, she seemed friendly. A little annoying for Brackenpaw’s taste but friendly nonetheless. Though, they guess he could be right regarding the fact that there is a certain apathy to her air-headedness, they haven’t exactly spoken enough to approve or disapprove it. Their usually narrowed eyes widened in shock at the reveal of Scorchstreak being such a monster, they believed the tapestry that the tunneler in front of them was weaving. Denying someone to see their dying son was cruel, they hate a lot of warriors here but they wouldn’t do something so heartless, even if she hated them.

Codebreaking was a subject that Brackenpaw had mixed views on, some things could be bent depending on circumstances in her young and impressionable mind. Their curiosity was undeniable “What was it? You can’t just not tell me” there's a pout as she glares at him, despite the annoyance it was clear it was coming from a place of childlike insistence. Codebreaking to an extent could be excused, this type of code breaking could not. “I- She what?” They gasp, a small and sharp intake of air.

“And she’s allowed to still be here? And be deputy?” Opinions were forming in Brackenpaw’s mind, nothing at all positive. To think she was allowed to walk on land that could only be here right now through said rebellious thoughts, everyone deserved a second chance though. That seemed to be the moral that the new WindClan was pushing anyways. The conflict of her thoughts were apparent as she sat in contemplative silence.

  • ooc.
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 7 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater


"Ah, I understand," his smile dripped with a sarcasm his gentle tone did not convey, his tail whipping at the mention of Bluefrost's moor excursion. "Unless you were to be in the tunnels every day, doing important work beneath the soil... why would you need to learn about them as soon as possible?" He watched them tense at the mention of Sunstar, yellow-green eyes refocusing in interest at such a thing. Did she truly not like their leader? They were in a generation that should've been positively predisposed to the so-called saviour of the moors, instead, his mother's killer was met with a sarcasm that lacked the warmth of his own. With a twitch of nosy whiskers, he reclined his head - teenage angst, or something deeper? More pliable? He did not ask, not wanting it to be so obvious to the calico, instead, happily allowing the conversation to move onto his ex-apprentice. Sootspot was pleased to weave a web even spiders would be proud of, so long as he knew where each silken strand was cast. As Brackenpaw was left to ponder Downypaw's circumstances, he reminded himself of what had and hadn't been said about the other.

As for who her mentor could be, the chimera rolled his shoulders. "I cannot say I know." A crime that she could not spend the remainder of her apprentice days under his tutelage - after all, he had never abandoned her the same way Rattleheart had. With each passing meeting, as the list of available Tunnelers grew thinner to the point where some were doubling up, the chimera realised it was not his destiny under Sunstar to mentor another again. It gave him power, legitimacy as Sootstar's oldest son to take what was rightfully his. If it had not been the Tunneler crushed under Sunstar's shoe, he may have been proud of the plan, instead, it enraged him, a bristle running down his spine like a temperamental gorge wave. "I mourn for them, truly. When the rebellions first started, it was I who got Downypaw to safety whilst her own kin ran away and left her behind. She has been... something of a daughter to me since that day." A daughter who had only been useful whilst her loyalty was to him rather than to WindClan - under Rattleheart's influence, he did not know what had happened.

Brackenpaw acted as he wished them to, lamenting that the sister of his tormentor was even allowed to be Deputy given all that had happened. Pride surged in his heart as he lowered his cranium with an air of gravitas. He shuffled forward, lowering his voice. "Allow me to let you in on a little secret I learned when I was but a kitten." There was an acrid truth to his smile, that, no matter how much he played up the flaws of his clanmates, there was a sincerity to his next views that demanded the most attention from the apprentice. "Justice is not given in WindClan. No one cared enough about her son, so, nothing was done to see his death made right. Those with power will not admit their mistakes because it is the 'right thing' to do... and why would they? Scorchstreak has a lot to gain by hiding from her past, as do plenty of the council. The stories I could share... they would make the stars weep that such creatures beneath them are even capable of such things." He shook his head disapprovingly, eyes kept on Brackenpaw at all times to watch for her reaction. "If you want any justice, you need to make your own."


A questioning gaze was what Sootspot received as he continued that gentle tone, they understood that what he was saying was not so thinly veiled criticism. It would be better to not comment on it, a simple nod gave enough of a statement that words couldn't convey. There's an expression of confusion that crosses her face at the mention that Downypaw had been something of a daughter to him. Brackenpaw's family was not tight knit at all so they didn't have a good comparison but wouldn't she see them talk more if that was the case?

“How come you guys don't talk much then?” She asks, a little too bluntly. They're not privy to the knowledge of Sootspot's general dislike amongst the council, especially through Rattleheart. Given their general distaste for anyone within the council they wouldn't have listened even if someone did try to talk to them. That could prove to be a fatal flaw in the sense that they don't truly know what Sootspot could be or is capable of. All she knew is that he was the kind of annoying warrior who was brothers with her mentor, a fly in her ear nothing more.

Yet when he lowers his voice she finds herself perking up with interest. Leaning in closer so that she could listen to him with clarity. She leans forward and stares at him with intensity, trying to figure out what this secret could possibly be before he even says it. It was clear that she was interested and had taken the bait that he had carefully laid out. Justice is not given in WindClan, it’s a strong accusation to levy and they don’t have enough life experience to lean one way or another. Yet she finds herself inclined to believe him, given all that WindClan seems to hold in ideals it seemed like a mockery.

Maybe there’s something that Brackenpaw is missing here, maybe there was a reason for why he wasn’t missed but their tunnel vision blinded her from thinking that wide. “What stories could you share?” They press further, digging themself a tunnel that they soon could not climb back out of and blind to that fact in their youthful arrogance.

His words resonated with her, if she wanted any justice then she would need to make her own. This made sense, this was sound. It only cemented the isolating idea she held that they could rely solely on themself. Their posture sat rigid as they held a rather thoughtful expression, trying to choose her next words carefully. “Have you… brought any justice?” The question holds innocence as Brackenpaw allows themself to express a tone similar to a kit in its vulnerability. He had learnt this secret as a kitten, so surely he has made some kind of difference in his time between then and now.

  • ooc.
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 8 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater