camp THE ONLY THING I COULD — patrols

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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
"SkyClan, gather around for patrol assignments." Orangeblossom's call rings out across the early morning camp, her paws crunching on frosty ground. Leafbare seems to be stalking them already, a patient hunter waiting for the opportune moment to strike, but it's a far cry from the freezing wastes of the mountains. Her whiskers don't sting, and her breath doesn't mist on the air. She'd been quite comfortable overnight, curled up against the warriors' den. But, as her Clanmates begin to gather with varying degrees of eagerness, she feels a familiar headache begin to form.

"Tigerscar, I'm not letting you hunt with that around your neck, but your skills are needed elsewhere. You're on warrior training this time. Pick a skill, teach us about it." She nods at him. Hopefully this would tide the chocolate tabby over for now. He habitually got in trouble when he wasn't. Next, she seeks out a familiar black smoke in the crowd. She wouldn't force him to do too much, injured shoulder as he has, but maybe some exercise would do him some good. "Duskpool, your hunting patrol will go out near Tallpine. Blazestar, you'll take a patrol towards rockpile. Good hunting, both of you."

They'd need all the help they could get to keep SkyClan's strength up with leafbare approaching. The last had been bitterly cold, and if they're to get trapped in another blizzard then she'll make sure they have enough to keep them going.

"Greeneyes, you're leading a patrol to RiverClan at dawn tomorrow. Take Quillstrike, Plaguepaw and Chalk with you." It would be an easy task for one of Blazestar's council. Her eyes stray next to a cat who Orangeblossom believes should also share that honour, brown eyes meeting gold within the crowd. Orangeblossom sees Figfeather straighten. "Figfeather, you'll head out to the unmarked border with Applefrost and Momowhisker at the same time. Be careful of rogues, report back to us if you see any activity."

With the smallest touch of a smile on her maw, she turns back to business. "Dusk patrols. Silversmoke, you'll be going to ThunderClan. Foxfire and Johnnyflame will come with you, as will your apprentices." She makes brief eye contact with the odd-eyed lead warrior, knowing Crowpaw and Glimmerpaw shouldn't give the three warriors too much trouble. Her attention swivels next to Slate, hesitating briefly, weighing up two options. She decides after a heartbeat that she, for once, does not want to lead this patrol herself. "Slate, we'll be going to the Twolegplace border with Lux. Cherrypaw, you'll come with us."

Her tail flicks, recounting in her head. All four borders, sorted. Two hunting patrols, one warrior training ... that's everything, even if she had given them out in an odd order. "Dismissed."

Takes place the morning after the second journeying group returns :] As always, patrol leaders (listed first) are in charge of making their threads and tagging the participants!

RiverClan, dawn: @GREENEYES @QUILLSTRIKE @Plaguepaw @CHALK
ThunderClan, dusk: @SILVERSMOKE @CROWPAW! @Foxfire @Johnnyflame @Glimmerpaw
Twolegplace, dusk: @SLATE @Cherrypaw @LUX @orangeblossom

Warrior training: @TIGERSCAR

Hunting, tallpine: @DUSKPOOL to organise
— prompt: you encounter some bees, hard at work forming a hive in the tree you're passing. don't get too close!
Hunting, rockpile: @BLAZESTAR to organise
— prompt: ack! someone gets swooped by a bird!

Striding toward the scene, Tigerscar pricks his ears with excitement. The moment he hears his name, his tail shoots up and a wide grin parts his maw. Only to discover with a bit of disappointment that he wouldn't be on a patrol. Awww... stupid cone! But it turned out okay after all, because he was allowed to host warrior training instead. The brute puffs out his chest with a smirk growing deviously across his scarred muzzle.

"You can count on me, Deputy Orangeblossom!" The chocolate tabby purrs aloud. Now he just had to think about what to teach... perhaps how to open a bag of delicious twoleg food? No, no... that wouldn't work. There were no pantries in SkyClan! And for the same reason, he couldn't teach them how to balance on fences, or raid garbage cans either. They didn't even have a fireplace! The Daylight Warrior wonders just how much many SkyClanners knew they were missing out on... such a sad life it must be, always in the cold and rain, unsure when your next meal would come. Luckily, Tigerscar was a king, so he didn't have to worry about such things. A King of Twolegs! That's me. I'm practically royalty.
  • Haha
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Dutifully Figfeather gathers around Orangeblossom with the rest of SkyClan. Receiving your assigned patrols each morning was routine, nothing to be too excited about but the marmalade tabby was eager to get out there... sorta... The journey had taken a whole lot of her energy and now that she was back she felt as tired as a bear.

A yawn parts from her lips as she grooms down messy fur, idly she listens for her name to be called. She jolts, straightening herself when her name is called in an unexpectant manner. Her amber eyes fix on the deputy, a dog eager to obey orders. 'You'll head out to the unmarked border with Applefrost and Momowhisker.'

Figfeather holds back a grin and does her best to remain modest... but her fur bristles with excitement. She nods to show she understands the task she's been given and seeks out Momowhisker and Applefrost, giving the two warriors an acknowledging look.

'My first patrol to lead!' Her inner voice squeals excitedly, she's waited for this opportunity for... how long? Six moons? At last the authority has been placed in her paws, she would not let her patrol and most importantly, SkyClan, down. Orangeblossom would see what a great patrol lead she is and put her at the head of many more to come, she was certain!​
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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The frost has followed them home, Greeneyes notices, as he emerges from the warrior den to start his day. The early morning is not only marked by a chill in the air, but Orangeblossom assigning patrols — another piece of normalcy in the new lead's less-than-normal return that he's grateful for.

He gathers with the others awaiting to hear their potential placements, snow-flecked ears twitching at the sound of his name.

A malachite gaze lifts, a small smile on his face as he listens to his assignment — he's to lead a patrol at dawn to RiverClan's border, with Quillstrike, Plaguepaw, and Chalk in his party. His own apprentice is omitted from the list, something that leaves his heart sinking as he remembers hearing of Falconpaw's sickness. Hopefully next time the apprentice will be able to join him, though.

"Will do!" he chirps, a nod of the head following.

Greeneyes lingers as Orangeblossom organizes the rest of the patrols, questioning whether Figfeather would get placed anywhere too. He doesn't have to listen for too long, however, as the deputy calls her name next. She'll be leading a patrol too! Pride courses through him as a bright gaze turns toward his sister, excitement building over the marmalade tabby finally getting to lead a patrol of her own. She deserved it, after all!

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    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Born into SkyClan's first litter, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
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It has been quite some time since the Maine Coon has stalked SkyClan's borders, scouting for threats and suspicious scents. Slate is surprised to admit that he looks forward to it. Structure, familiarity, a schedule to stick to — the journey had none of those things. The pines, however, were his home to defend.

Being assigned to lead a patrol was not unusual for the lead warrior, but Slate gives a curious prick of his shredded ear at Orangeblossom's phrasing. We'll be going to the Twolegplace, the deputy says. He cannot remember the last time they've been on a patrol together, but he welcomes the idea. Of course Slate would probably have to be actively teaching her daughter instead of just having a chat like they usually did. Hopefully Cherrypaw would be cooperative this time and would know better than to dart off.

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    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles


It was good to have Orangeblossom back, Johnny thought as he made his way over. It was good to have all of them back, if he was honest. I helped to ease the ache of everything that had happened in the last few weeks, and for that he was greatful even if he felt he wasn't deserving of the reprieve.

He listened as the patrols were called, glancing toward Silversmoke momentarily and fidgetting at the idea of a patrol with them. Any other time and he'd be able to do it, but he'd been feeling off since Brightflames death and he wasn't sure of himself this time.

Looking away he forced a smile as he nudged Glimmerpaw. "We've got lots of time before we have to head out with Silversmoke. Come on, lets join Tigerscar for some training for now."

OOC- @Glimmerpaw

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It’s good to have Orangeblossom’s authoritative figure at the base of the Highledge’s tree, her voice ringing out confidently as she organizes the day’s patrols. Blazestar’s ears flick at her suggestion—to go hunting near the Rockpile. “Good idea,” he meows cheerfully, ears flicking. He turns to survey the Clan for those not called, and gives a mrrow of pleasure when he realizes Bobbie is not one of those assigned to a border patrol. “@bobbie and …” His eyes flick to who is and isn’t in camp before landing on a tabby-and-white figure with a bandanna, “@Fantastream ! , will you accompany us? I’m sure it’ll be good hunting today—it’s warm out for this late in leaf-fall.

, ”
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
He hadn’t expected to hear his name, glancing up from groomin’ his shoulder to Orangeblossom. He rumbled with a dip of his helm, pulling himself onto aching paws, wooly tail flickering. It’d been a while since he led a patrol, so keen on stayin’ in the back and watchin’ out for anythin’ that he’d forgotten what it was like. Blinking languidly, the warrior wasn’t sure if he wanted that responsibility, but he’d grown into it since he was a youngster. Familiar, but unwelcomed.

“I’ll be headin’ out soon enough. If yer joinin’ then don’t be late.” He rumbled from where he stood. The clan needed prey. He’d seen a good few of ‘em lookin’ like walkin’ skeletons. Let’s hope we find somethin’. The obsidian-furred warrior limped toward the bramble entrance, forelimb moving with evident stiffness, but it was somethin’.
thought speech
"Oh-hey! Blazestar! Can I come on your patrol too?" Fanta was going and so was Bobbie but she hadn't been assigned a patrol so why not tag along with some of the cats she thought was pretty cool? Their leader was a great guy, Bobbie was super nice and fun and Fanta she didn't know super well but daylight warriors needed to stick together! She'd ditched her soft cone, hanging it on the branch she often left her hat on and her right flank was still shaved and sporting a crisscross set of stitches, but it really didn't bother her like she thought it would. It pinched occasionally when she bent her leg up or stretched but other than that she was fine. Two-leg medicine herbs were very powerful and sometimes made her really sleepy while she was there.
"Fantastream, did I ever tell you I love your name you got? I don't think I did. He can sure pick'em huh?" A wink went to their great fluffy leader and she laughed, "I still love mine!"


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    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.


Circe watched the meeting with kit-like eagerness. These meetings were new to her, and a welcome sense of structure. She'd missed clear instructions from her life before, though she would never admit it to another living soul. She wasn't too terribly surprised when her name wasn't called but was left with a fair bit of confusion. Do I just... choose who to join then?
Her gaze slipped over to Blazestar. She'd talked to the ragdoll once when he welcomed her to the clan. Otherwise known as the best moment in her life, but she was... how do you say... very intensely intimidated by the tom. She thought briefly about asking to go with him, but her fur caught on fire at the thought.
"Y-Duskpool! Would it be alright if I came with?" She called, moving after her brother. He was moving quickly, though the stiffness in his leg was evident.

By the time Orangeblossom calls from patrols, Bobbie's emerged from the warmth of the den she now shares with Blazestar. They handle each other's thick pelts in the morning; having hers neatly ordered, a task she's prone to neglecting when left to her own devices, is a pleasant new surprise. It certainly helps keep her warm, fluffed up against the leaf-fall frost like the birds that perch in little brightly-pigmented lines on the chilled branches. This leafbare will be her first out in the wild; all previous ones she's spent in the warm comfort of a Twoleg nest. Lucky for her, her first brush with the wild had been in newleaf—she suspects she would have died if it had been leafbare. Bobbie tries not to dwell on this morbid thought as the morning chill descends.

She stifles a mrrow of amusement at Orangeblossom's assignment for Tigerscar and the strange collar she'd seen other kittypets wear on occasion. Bobbie'd never had to experience the embarassment of one herself, a fact for which she's grateful when she recalls the various jokes made at his expense. She's not placed on any of the border patrols for the day, an aimlessness she might be bothered by if not for the fact that her new mate is in charge of one of their hunting patrols. Once they're all dismissed and everyone begins to disperse, plan, and collect their patrolmates, she's drawn towards him.

"How could I refuse?" She mews teasingly, bumping one shoulder against Blazestar's. Clearly, he's had the same idea as her, and Bobbie's pleased to spend the day hunting alongside her new mate. It's with only mild embarassment that she smiles at Fantastream, promising to herself not to make it too awkward for the younger warrior. Her doubt is assuaged by Hazelbeam's volunteering, even if having the chipper daylight warrior along might hinder too much affection.

"The more the merrier," Bobbie mews brightly. It's impossible to be anything but, now that she has Blazestar at her side. Hazelbeam cheerfully fills the silence with some playful chatter about the daylight warriors' names, though she seems much smaller without her usual accessory. "They're both very fitting," she agrees, aiming an affectionate look at her mate. "I'm excited to see what he picks once I'm ready for one."


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    bobbie ; lead warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, and drowsypaw. mate to blazestar.