the people begged for me to bleed ✘ hazecloud


Apricotflower was on a walk, the nursery was empty outside its sole lingering occupant and he made his way there after the hunting patrol had headed back out rather than joining them. It had taken a few days before he'd found the time and moment of peace to even make this visit due to other obligations but to say he was looking forward to it was incorrect. He had assumed his deputy had passed on his expectations of her and even his disappointment to Hazecloud but the more he thought about it the more he realized that was not enough. She needed to hear it from him as well. Mostly so there were no misunderstandings about any of it later.

Smokestar peered inside, only Hazecloud present. Did Lichentail even visit the nursery? He didn't think he'd seen her near it at all yet. If he had sired kits he'd stick his head in periodically in passing to check on his mate, but given he'd been the one carrying that never came up as a possibility. "Do you have a moment?" Obviously she did, she couldn't leave camp now as a queen without an escort and she was rarely far from it even then, but it was more a nicety to ask rather than a genuine inquiry. Once given even the most marginal nods or affirmations he stepped inside and glanced around briefly to take note of how everything looked. They had packed the weaved walls well with mud and folded bracken and it should hold for leafbare, he remembered rebuilding the apprentice den entirely with his own clumsy paws not suited for the act of nest weaving and being proud when it at least held itself together - it was good to see the place seemed well insulated and upkept.
"Lichentail told me they are hers, we've already talked. I don't think I need to tell you about how foolish you both are, but I will promise that you and the kits will be cared for as well as possible."
That was a given, he did not want any harm to come to them - he did not want to grieve lost kits another leafbare in a row. He was sure the entire clan felt just as strongly.
"I do want to make myself very clear when I say you will not be returning to your duties until these kits are apprenticed, they are your responsibility and you will not pass it off to Apricotflower at all. I have had one too many queens think they could wander the territory alone, hunt and patrol while carrying kits and that will not be something I allow going forward. You're not a prisoner, but you are not a warrior again until I say so." His expression remains neutral, voice steady - Smokestar presents more tired than genuinely angry or annoyed. "...are we clear?"

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


There was little to question behind Smokestar's prior visit to the nursery, before she had even settled a proper nest inside. In sight of so many eyes she wondered if their presence had been what reeled in the frustrations that were boiling under his pelt. She knew Cicadastar wouldn't have cared who and how many were around to see his seething fury and she had been ready to defend herself at any corner. But the tension she had held in preparation were mostly for nought.

Most of her Clan had taken the reveal with warmth and excitement. Though she would have rightly deserved their scorn for timing it was not received, and she was allowed to continue her transition to the nursery with ease.

Apricotflower had left for a stroll and she was left on her own. Lichentail kept her paws busy with patrols and reports- apparently Dipperpaws assessment hadn't gone well and the poor tabby was going to have to work harder to earn her name. But she hadn't realized how much harder it would be to flag down any of her friends for a quick chat. Another consequence to her timing, while her Clan would be overworked to provide any morsel they came across.

"Do you have a moment?"

She isn't expecting him. In fact she would have thought herself to be avoided entirely since he thought of her so foolishly but his company in this moment is not unwelcome. She would take the toms anger if it meant she had someone to speak to.

"I have more than moments, if you're willing." Her voice sounded airy, she was still coming off from a nap. Smokestar doesn't take more time than necessary to spill his thoughts bare. Words he would not share without privacy but she realized a small detail as she reflected his words from before and now. He would not openly share the other half of this litter with an audience. Though she could hear his dissatisfaction clearly his reassurances bring a conflict of how she should read him. Has he come to merely scold her? Reassure? A mix of the two?

Hazecloud wrapped her tail closely around herself, no longer able to reach her front paws from the roundness of her belly. "My efforts to support this Clan will show in my rearing. These kits will be strong" She had repeated it like a wish, a prayer to anyone who questioned her. They would be strong, they had to be.

"I'm a fool because I've let love lead me instead of fearing it." Though Hazecloud met Smokestars single smoldering eye her gaze seemed distant, recalling something elsewhere. "I know what could happen in a half moon from now but-" How does she put what she felt into words? How does she describe the effects of the journey so simply? "I spent so much time- hiding instead of just living. Fearing instead of fighting but I fought. I fought to get back here after so many weeks of not knowing who would be dead or alive. If I would be. So I was selfish, I was... a fool." The word may be attached to her name like a new suffix for the moons to come. But she considered it all worth being in this den, being with her mate, being loved.

"I wouldn't risk my own life on top of their wellbeing to abandon them for a patrol once they've opened their eyes. And I will repay every inconvenience I've caused for once they've become apprentices."