oneshot the piano is not firewood yet || injury


It's been a few days now, since Sunflowerpaw had snuck out and gotten caught in a fox trap, and they still haven't spoken a word since. It'd be more worrying if the apprentice were not already so quiet as to scarcely be heard, yet still the concern that they may never speak again remains. It's a hollow fear, though they don't have the words to reassure. Time will heal the tightness in their throat as it will the wounds on their leg. Yet for now they remain, silent and unmoving, in the medicine cat's den.

Perhaps Sunflowerpaw would be happier about this, had they not just been apprenticed. After all, they are always glad to spend more time with Vulturemask. It seems they have his undivided attention now, as they have so often longed for. Yet they feel guilty, seeing the desperation that lingers around the medicine cat, more pronounced now than it ever was when the strange beast had them trapped. They never meant to make him worry.

And it stings, having their apprentice duties snatched away so soon after being entrusted with them. Their siblings still train. They can only watch.

Perhaps this is their own fault.

If they had just listened, if they hadn't been stupid and reckless and snuck out of the camp alone, then they wouldn't be stuck here. And all for what? Restlessness? Some childish feeling of longing for their kithood? They curse their own naivety.

Their paw is still twisted, will be for some time it seems. Bent at an awkward angle, pain dulled but still oh so present. Vulturemask doesn't know how to deal with it, and they can tell that scares him. It scares them, too. They thought he knew everything.

He'll have far more on his paws soon. They hope they won't be cast by the wayside, then.

The raiders will be returning shortly. Out to fight with RiverClan for revenge, penance for the tom they killed. Will they come home safe? Sunflowerpaw can only hope. But if RiverClan is capable of such cruelty, such violence, as they saw in Juniperfrost's smashed skull, they fear their Clanmates will return with even worse injuries than their own. And Wolfsong is there, and Sunflowerpaw is not.

They feel useless, lying here in the medicine den.

Well, at least they won't be alone in here for long. The thought is hollow; it feels more like a curse, the impending threat of crowding in the small den. For all that they hate being stuck in here, they wish that at least it could remain them a space and Vulturemask alone. Maybe they could help in in treating the other cats, at least. Maybe then they won't feel like such a burden.


  • // set after this thread & during the raid​
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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