camp The pretty blue butterfly effect || Scars

Mar 13, 2024

Before Skyclan, she had never interacted with so many cats before. There are other clans; she's been to the border, and other cats exist. If patrols met each other, the interaction was short, and both moved on quickly. Skyclan cats do not fight each other with claws and teeth, mostly live together peacefully. There were any conflicts she didn’t know about it.

She had also never been in a real fight before, nor had she been really injured in all 7 moons of her life. Among the Skyclan warriors, there's one thing most cats all have in common. Scars. Even some apprentices had them. And it is very upsetting to her that she does not have a matching set.

Peachpaw knew she wasn't the most sensitive cat, and no one talking about it probably means it's a sensitive topic. But. She was curious, and that ruled out any logic in her brain. And she wanted one. Peachpaw patrolled around camp until she found a cat that met her criteria. Giving them a glance over, confirming they have at least one scar. Perfect. She made a rapid approach to the other cat's side with a big smile and curled tail. "Hey you, I like your scars. Very cool! How did you get them? I wish I had cool scars like you!" Peachpaw words spilled out quickly. She was practically vibrating with how excited she was. This was her chance to learn where to get one.

OCC: mentor tag: @Honeysplash but open to anyone with scars.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-Honeysplash lifted their head slightly as they had been walking from the prey pile to where they had spotted their newly appointed apprentice. Well newly appointed to her- but that was besides the point. They were so thrilled to start training someone! Even though they felt like their skills laid more in culture and history than fighting or hunting- but they were going to try their best!

Peachpaw had found someone to talk to and as they got closer, they found they had been asking about scars. The subject of scars was always an iffy one to them. They had their own scares, with a torn ear and claw marks over their eye. Those were one to be proud of though, one that they had earned doing something honorable for their clan. The ones on their chest that now peaked through white fur and the limp they now had- those were less honorable. Things had been different then and they had been done by someone- the thought was quickly cut off and they pulled themselves from their thoughts as they walked.

Youll earn your stripes yet!” They cheerily spoke as they came to a stop, and smiled sheepishly.

  • 78199381_aoTXrQHcRsrwjrB.png
  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


She does not quite understand the forest born cats entirely still. Moons here and she doesn't get why everyone was so obsessed with scars. To her, they were not a mark of battle but rather a mark of suffering, proof that a cat had endured hard times. It made her sad to lay eyes on Howlfire's young and see the testament to their lives written on flesh so early. Too young. They had been too young to know such pain. She is grateful, at least, that her own kits will not be apprenticed for a time yet.

Peachpaw's words alarm Fantastream, the apprentice was expressing that she wanted to be wounded and her mentor was encouraging it! She looks to the younger cat with worry creasing deep furrows between her eyebrows "Why on earth would ya ever want somethin' as hare-brained as that?"
she finds herself asking before she can stop herself.
"It's proof of survival," Pipitpaw approaches, their tone as flat as ever. The chocolate tabby was born in the Clan and thus surrounded by these customs for the last three seasons of his life - and so, Peachpaw's inquiry and excitement did not feel off to him as it might Fantastream. Though she supposes it's due to the soft, kitty-pet life she's used to. Pipitpaw does not begrudge the daylight queen for being what she is, it's just the fact of the matter. Her pelt may never be scarred because her survival is ensured by twolegs. Such is life for some of them.

"And perseverance," the folded ear moggy continues, looking towards Peachpaw finally. She tries to imagine the other with a nick in her ear or a scraggly cut on her shoulder, but given they're not the most imaginative sort, they struggle a bit. "Like Honeysplash says. You'll have your chances," he tries to support the younger apprentice just as her mentor does.​
The lead warrior wanted to snort when Peachpaw expressed such captivation with the idea of gaining scars for herself. They weren't always necessarily "cool-looking" ( at this point, Slate had too many and he looked like a chewed-up wad of moss ). However, Pipitpaw's assessment was correct — only the fiercest fighters were brave enough to put themselves in harm's way to drive off SkyClan's opponents ( that, or some cats were unlucky and got scars entirely on accident ).

While Slate was not the cat that Peachpaw had been addressing, the Maine Coon was compelled to also give his input, "You get scars by gettin' off your ass and liftin' a claw for your clan." That may have not been the answer that Peachpaw wanted to hear, but it was the truth. Cats earned their scars by defending their clan with their lives. Frankly, Slate did not see the daylight apprentice as the type to do so. The last time they had interacted, Peachpaw had hardly wanted to listen to his orders and acted as if contributing to the clan was an inconvenience for her.

He twitches a torn ear, which had been the work of a fox that he and a patrol had driven off many seasons ago. Buried under charcoal-colored fur were recent bite and scratch marks bestowed by a rogue whom he had effectively ended. "... That is, if you're up for the task." Slate slightly cocks a brow, wondering if Peachpaw would be any more motivated to contribute than she had been previously.

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​