camp THE PULL OF A STRING [kit patrol]

Jan 10, 2024
*✧・゚ Twitchbolt gave her a super important, special patrol assignment this week. Instead of going to mark the border or hunt for prey, the cinnamon torbie bounces around camp, alternating between playing mossball and pestering her older clanmates. By this point, she knows who will allow for her barrage of questions, and who will shoo her away without mercy. Some cats are so mean, just because they think she’s stupid.

Well, Sangriakit is gonna prove them wrong. Because the deputy told her that she needs to be the leader of this special patrol. "Come on, Hollykit, we got a super important patrol we have to do!" If the younger kit lingers, she huffs and puffs out her impatience—but once she complies, Sangriakit’s muzzle lifts in a bright smile once more. Her gaze sweeps across the nursery in its entirety, and her little tail flickers back and forth where she stands. She only asked for Hollykit to come with her, but if any of the other kits want to join in she won’t complain at all. "If any of you guys wanna join, too, then come on!" And with that she sets out into the camp, searching and walking and… patrolling! She’s really doing it, she’s leading a patrol! And she’s doing a really good job, because she finds someone who fits the criteria rather quickly.

"Greeneyes!" She spots her uncle halfway across the camp, and beckons for her patrol to follow as she rushes over to stand in front of him. He has a scar, the weird one on his neck. "Will you tell us about how you got your scar?" When she looks back to find Hollykit again, she spots both Johnnyflame and Honeysplash as well, and her face lights up. "You too, you too! How did you all get your scars?" The kit settles onto her haunches, expectant eyes turned upon all three of the older cats.

// @HOLLYKIT @Honeysplash @GREENEYES @Johnnyflame but feel free to post before them

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Hollykit does not take this responsibility lightly. A real patrol, just like all the warriors go on. It's like his games but better. Hollykit only pauses for a moment after his summons, turning to call to his siblings. "@LIONKIT! @CANDORKIT! I'm going on a really cool and important patrol 'kay?" He bounces a little on his toes, smiling wide. Beckons towards Sangriakit with his head, an invitation to join should they want it. Then, before his siblings can give an answer, he's bounding off after his patrol leader dutifully.

Then, a serious look comes over her. Posture correct, steps like a march. He follows behind the ruddy tortoiseshell; she's the one leading, after all. She doesn't go straight to the nursery to talk to Bobbie, which is a mistake because she clearly has the coolest scars in all the clan, but he'll let that slide. She's the one Twitchbolt picked out, so he guesses she must know what she's doing.

And it seems she does; while first she goes to kin, she ends up leading them to a gaggle of scarred warriors who seem quite imposing. Hollykit straightens his spine a little in response. "Tell it right please," he adds in a formal sort of squeak. "Don't leave anything out. It's very important, the deputy asks us for it." She sweeps her gaze over them appraisingly. Still not as cool as his mom, but that's okay, he guesses. He'll just have to ask her later. A bit of extra work for the patrol, because he wants to make sure they do it right.

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, three moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- They had been casually laying in the sunlight, enjoying some quiet and peace, though also in boredom for the most part. The hours felt like forever as they where counting down the days till they cold be free from the medicine den. Only a few more days and then they could finally breathe air and rejoin their nest in the warriors’ den. They missed sharing with others, granted they had been around Dawnglare and Fireflypaw for a while now- but it was just them. There had been others, but it was short lived.

As they laid there, there was voices from a distant. Kits, it seemed, and they where chattering and what not so she didnt pay them much mind. Honeysplash twitched her ear a little then heard little paws scurry across the ground. The cream warrior cracked open an eye and looked over at them with a small, raise brow.

It was Sangriakit, along with Hollykit and their siblings. Sangriakit was at the helm, she seemed to do that a lot, and she was demanding answers to questions. The young kit also asked about scars from Greeneyes and Johnnyflame too. Oh her scars- she often forgot she had them. A ripped ear from her fight with Gravelsnap and another warrior from Windclan, also the same one she got her eye scar from. Though her other scars- she’d rather not tell kits about them. Her chest marks a stark reminder of her time away from Skyclan and one she hoped would vanish sooner rather than later.

Of course! Though im sure the older warrior has far more exciting stories,” Honeysplash mused to the kits and nudged Johnnyflame with a front paw.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



"Ah, makin' your rounds I see." Johnnyflame noted with a faint smile, both happy and amused to see the kits taking their job so seriously. And who was he to spoil their mission?

"Well, the one on my chin came from a dog back in twoegplace that tried chasin' a stray into my yard," he began, "but it wasn't so keen on sticking around once it realized it was in for a fight." Lots of dogs were like that, full of bluff. Willing to chase it if it runs but not scuffle when it stnds its ground to fight. Not that he'd be sating that to a kit mind you. Dogs were dangerous, and dealing with any unfamiliar mutt was like playing russian roulette.

"This one came from a rat bite that got infected- got real sick for a while from that one, but my twolegs made sure I was taken care of." as he spoke he held out a hind leg for them to inspect, where a small set of punctures from a rats teeth had caught him above the ankle.

"These ones are my favorite though." he said, puffing out his broad chest to show the messy array of scars that trailed up it and over his throat like war medals, so severe they had even gouged permanent marks into the leather of his red collar. "Got these from a Windclanner back when Sootstar was in power. The foxhearts were tryin' to sneak into Skyclan territory to launch an attack on our camp in the dead of night, but thanks to a warning from Thunderclan, we were able to ambush them and drive them off before they could get there."

That fight had been brutal and bloody, but each scar left from it was a reminder of the work they'd done that done, of the queens and kits and elders they'd kept from harms way that night.

Curious blue eyes flick from the departing Sangriakit to Hollykit, who was following along happily on the "super special" patrol they had been assigned. A strange feeling manifests in his tummy as he wonders why Twitchbolt had not picked him for this mission. It wasn't that Sangriakit wasn't cool enough to do it or anything, but... Lionkit could do it, too! Bobbie would be proud of him if he did. Maybe his papa would be, too — Mama said that he was watching from above, after all.

Hurriedly taking up the offer of tagging along, just so that he could follow his littermate and be involved in what they were doing, Lionkit mewed, "W-Wait, I'm coming," The tortoiseshell point scampered out of the nursery, toddling over toward where the warriors were gathered. His eyes shone with fascination as Johnnyflame commenced his storytelling; he had been a lead warrior under Blazestar, he knew that much. The daylight warrior must have had endless stories!

When Johnnyflame mentions an attempted attack on SkyClan by WindClan, Lionkit ducked his multi-colored ears back, maw drawing agape in amazement. WindClan wasn't fighting with SkyClan anymore, as far as he knew. Was there really a time when those moor cats tried to invade their camp? "Sootstar..." Lionkit echoes the fabled name, digging in his brain for any knowledge about the former WindClan leader. Unfortunately there wasn't really anything, other than the fact that she died moons ago. His papa did, too, not too long before he was born. "Was Sootstar scary?"


With a bird freshly plucked from the fresh-kill pile held in his maw, the gleam of the lead warrior’s gaze shoots upward at the call of his name. “ Hmm? “ It’s Sangriakit he spots, bounding toward him from halfway across camp with Bobbie’s kits in tow. Placing down his meal, he looks greets his niece with a grin. “ What’s up, cariño?

His scar. Oh! That’s right! Greeneyes nearly forgot about the task Twitchbolt had bestowed upon her between the bustle of his days, but he’s glad for the reminder from the young kit. “ My scar — “ he echoes, a contemplative hum following as Johnnyflame and Honeysplash are beckoned over. The two’s scars might hold better origins than his, might win in their report back to the deputy, but Greeneyes thinks the gaggle of kits might be glad to hear an extra story anyway.

Tell it right, young Hollykit insists in not leaving out any details, and Greeneyes nods. “ You lot know about the journey, right? To the mountains? “ Both Figfeather and Bobbie had taken part in it too — if they know about the journey, then perhaps he could skip to the tail end of it, to the details of his permanent souvenir’s origins.

Well, on the way back — just before we reached the Highstones — we all found ourselves in a field. Kind of like… Kind of like WindClan’s territory. Very long and very grassy. We’d been walking for a while at that point, and the day… sort of started like the rest of them had, I suppose. Nothing too out of the sorts for that part of the journey. I remember thinking about how close to home we must be when suddenly one of the cats up ahead starts shouting.

Which one had it been again? Brown-furred, a ShadowClanner… Ah yes! Honeyjaw was his name. Greeneyes hasn’t heard much of him since — hopefully he’s doing well.

Dogs! Dogs! “ Greeneyes mimics in a hushed shout, loud enough for the kits, but not enough to alarm any unsuspecting clanmates. “ I looked up and — these were the biggest dogs I’d ever seen, trust me. Bigger than… Bigger than Slate! Maybe two or three of him tall. And there were so many of them… “ His words trail off, if only for a moment, as the tom remembers the fear and panic, the countless nightmares their presence created. He’s one of the lucky ones out of this story, he knows all too well.

Greeneyes blinks. “ Anyways, the WindClanners, quick as they are — they were the ones who could really steer them out so we could get away from them. But, when I was running, one of them started going after me! I had good pace ahead of it though, for a while at least. And then, snap! I felt teeth, right at my neck. Had I been any slower… Stars… I might’ve been a goner! “ the lead warrior shuffles his paws as he closes his story, as he remembers Stormfeather and Periwinklebreeze. Little Wolf, forever atop mountains. “ And… That’s about it, really.

And though Hollykit requested details — and though Greeneyes tried his best to keep the worst of the tale out of his kitten-audienced retelling — he hopes he hasn’t delved too far, that they won’t be up at all hours of the night, frightened of dogs coming to get them.

Johnnyflame’s stories are shorter, though he has far more scars than Greeneyes. Sootstar’s name is evoked along the way, and Greeneyes looks to Lionkit as he asks of the fallen moor queen. “ Very scary. That battle was too. “ It’s a wonder he’d made it out of that one without another story to share with the kitten patrol before him.

Awaiting Honeysplash’s turn, Greeneyes wraps his tail around himself, before — “ Oh! “ the lead warrior lifts his ever-hooked tail to show the kits, “ I have this too. Does this count for anything? There’s not much of a story with it though. I think…. I think I might’ve been born with it? “ ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

A time ago, he'd seen scars as failures. Too slow, too reckless, too passive, there'd always been negative associations with physical reminders of one's fights. But... it'd been a projection of the feelings surrounding his own scars (the pair that ran down his eye and the ones that remained concealed by thick fur). Scars didn't have to mean defeat against something, they could be a declaration of one's love and duty, for if someone was dedicated enough to something to be permanently altered by it, who was he to call that weakness? Though awkwardly on the outskirts of Sangriakit's patrol, Silversmoke had been listening to the warrior's stories with undivided attention. A little voice interjected about Sootstar, and unable to catch himself in time, the Lead Warrior mewed a resounding "No," at the idea she had been scary. Blinking rapidly at his outburst, Silversmoke shuffled forward, ears twitching uncomfortably as he glanced down at Lionkit. Many would turn her into a horror story to keep young kittens in line, but he wouldn't immortalise an enemy in such a way. After what her kin had done to Blazestar, they deserved to be forgotten, made into a memory that would die with his generation.

Greeneyes disagreed with the idea, perhaps to tell a good story, but Silversmoke was hardly as charismatic. The scariest thing about Sootstar was knowing that she'd earned the right to be as cruel as she was, that no matter how far she went, it was more unlawful to disobey her. Silversmoke didn't think he could've done it, it felt too selfish to allow one's moral code to dictate whether they were loyal to their clan or not. It was why he'd never bothered to befriend Dandelionwish and Mallowlark, one 'wrong' decision in their eyes and they could too easily find the next group to worm into. Realising he'd been quiet for a while, Silversmoke huffed through his nostrils, stiffly elaborating on his prior statement. "Dogs are... much, much scarier. And bigger, but just as stinky."

*✧・゚ At her side, Hollykit speaks up to insist that the trio tells the story correctly and in full. Sangriakit nods fiercely, a toothy smile pulling at her muzzle. Twitchbolt has entrusted her and the other kits with this responsibility, and so she is determined to gather the information requested as accurately as possible. Hollykit seems responsible, even though she’s still littler than the torbie, so she’s quickly becoming Sangriakit’s favorite of Bobbie’s litter. "Yeah, be thorough," she echoes the younger kit. And luckily, the three warriors seem agreeable to the idea of telling stories of their scars. Honeysplash especially seems happy to tell them about her scars, but she directs Johnnyflame to go first. Disappointing, thinks Sangriakit, because she doesn’t want to wait any longer than she has to, but she doesn’t say anything.

Johnnyflame speaks up to tell his stories first, and begins by mentioning the scar on his chin. Dogs, he says, and the cinnamon-striped kit blinks, a confused expression washing across her face. The only dogs she’s ever seen around her home have been nice, even if they’re loud, and they’re always on little ropes to hold them back. Then the older tom points out a scar he’d gained from an infected rat bite—she gasps. "A rat did that?!" She leans in closer, eyes widening as the lead warrior offers a view of his leg to all of them. Rats are small like mice, aren’t they? How could a rat have done something like this to such a strong lead warrior? Her attention remains on the rat-bite scar until the tom moves on to explain the big, cool-looking scars around his neck.

The name Sootstar sends a chill down the girl’s spine. WindClan is… a super mean clan, and Sootstar was their leader up until only a couple months ago, according to her older clanmates. And WindClan tried to sneak into SkyClan’s camp—what? Why would they do that, especially at night? That’s not fair at all! What if they hurt a kit, like Hollykit or Lionkit or Candorkit? "You’re so brave," the kit trills, white-tipped tail flickering excitedly against the ground. Lionkit asks whether Sootstar was scary, and though Sangriakit begins to nod in response, she’s beaten by Greeneyes who says very—and then Silversmoke who says no. Dogs are scarier, he says, and the marmalade-patched kit tips her head to the side.

While her uncle tells them about his own scars, the kit is wholly focused on his story. He has the least scars of the three, from what she can see, but he’d gone on the big scary journey—and his scar is from that trip into the mountains, he states. Figfeather had gone into the mountains, too, but her mom had stayed behind. Sangriakit gasps when Greeneyes talks about the dogs they had encountered, being multiple times bigger than Slate. "Meaner, too?" She asks, her little ears perking up. But she doesn’t fixate on the size or scary-ness of the dogs for very long, because her uncle says that he’d only barely escaped from the dogs. He could have died—could Figfeather have died, too? The idea of her family being hurt or even dead brings a frown to her face, and her little ears swivel back against her head.

To end his story, Greeneyes sweeps his crooked tail around to show it to them. It’s something he was born with, so it doesn’t count, of course. But still, his bigger scar is from the big journey, so that’s important for her to tell Twitchbolt. "You guys are so cool!" She turns quickly to the last warrior, eager to hear her stories. "Tell us about yours, Honeysplash! Tell us!" Snowy paws bounce up and down against the ground, a bright grin across her face as she awaits the older she-cat’s response.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Of course the others had more exciting tales to tell. Johnnyflame had battle stories of Windclan sneaking into their camp for some reason, rat bites and dogs. Honeysplash felt her ears flick back slightly and she swallowed thickly- she hadn’t know about that. When did that happen? Proabbly when you where gone The sour voice in her mind mocked and she shook her head slightly as if a bug had brushed by her head.

Greeneyes was the next to share his stories of the mountain journey- what everyone had yellowcough. Honeysplash looked down at her paws and felt guilt bridle in her chest. She hadn’t been there for that either. Chrysaliswing had made that very clear that she had missed so much that has happened in her near year absence. Just now hearing about it from her friends, from those who had fought and been there- she felt like a failure.

Then she started slightly when the happy young Sangriakit turned to her with round eyes excited. Honeysplash flicked her ears slightly as she now regretted agreeing to sharing stories of her scars. They where not prideful moments for her, they where shameful and showed the part of her life she had wished to bury. Though with the kits staring at her, she caved under pressure and opened her mouth slightly, then closed it before forcing herself to speak, “Uhm- well- I got my ear torn by Gravensnap- he was a Windclanner and they had invaded when I was an apprentice,”

That had to be a good enough answer right? Though the three claw mark scars on her chest burned as if taunting her to talk about them. “My eye scar is from the same fight! I fought two Windclanners- Firefang was the other one,” She explained softly and shuffled her paws in an uncharacteristical show of nervousness. Honeysplash glanced to Greeneyes and then Johnnyflame, looking for something to ask them to change the topic off of herself.

An-And i guess these I-,” She started stammering before she could stop herself and her cream paws smoothed the fur down on her chest, trying to cover the ugly, deep scars. They still had scabs on them from healing as she earned them in twolegplace before being founded. How does one tell a kit a horror story? She could like- should but that wasnt something she liked doing. Though the truth didnt seem right for a child, “I got them while i was gone- theyre just from getting into a tussle with a loner-” She quickly spoke, rushing her words and shuffling a bit awkwardly in her place beside Johnnyflame.

You know who has good stories-,” think of someone quickOrangestar! She has some cool scars and always something fun to tell,” She gave a smile but it was awkward and she adverted her gaze downward.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.