sensitive topics the rain fell as angels wept | death


run, baby, run
Apr 28, 2024
જ➶ The day has found her alone and waiting. Her paws gently patting at the ground to some unknown tune that plays in her head. The molly is waiting for someone and it is obvious in how she seems so relaxed. These little moments they had set up for one another, just a moment of respite to share a meal and to share tongues. She knows that it is excited about the next moon. The next meeting they will get their warrior name and finally they will be warriors together. A joyous occasion that they will likely remember for the rest of their lives. Yet as time passes the piebald shape never appears, the tortoiseshell's brow furrows in soft confusion. "Maggie is never this late..." Her eyes shift around camp then, tilting her head up before she raises to her paws. It's odd because as she thinks now she doesn't remember seeing Magpiepaw return since this morning. Now she has a reason to be worried and without much though she venture out of camp. "I'll just see if I can find them. The fish will get warm at this rate." Of course she holds some measure of amusement in her voice as she ventures forth into the territory. Amber eyes shift as she allows her gaze to traverse across the reeds, ears pulled forward to take in the sounds of the moving river.

Her maw parts as she attempts to pull in the scents around her. Catching a faint whiff of it and she starts to follow, tail brushing the ground as she steps. At least she doesn't have to worry about being quiet out here at the moment. Hunting parties should be further out right now. And so she shifts her way through dying grass and bending reeds. As the molly keeps going a strange sense of foreboding seems to start building, a feeling that begins to make her steps seem heavier and heavier. She hasn't seen them, nor a glimpse. Not a sound. "Magpie!" No longer is she worried about potentially ruining someone else's fishing or even the catch of a mouse. But the only thing that greets her is the gurgling of the river. The incessant sound of it pulling her even closer to what looks like a tangled bedding of wet weeds and grass. Her muzzle twitches and slowly the form laying in the shadow pool of vegetation and water is slowly made out. Drenched to the bone, still as the grave with the current still trying to take them away. Black and white fur sodden and it makes her heart drop. " on, Magpie. That's real–that's real funny. But you can come out the water now..." Midnight waits, pausing, hoping that this might just be a nightmare. She'll wake up and be in her nest, then she'll just go to greet Magpie like always. Yet there is not any movements from it. Not even a twitch. Her amber orbs narrow but they fill. Tears over flowing as she rushes to the corpse. Sloshing through grass that entangles her limbs but she hardly cares as her teeth meet a cold scruff.

Pulling, the woman drags their body onto the shore. Gasping as sobs choke them and for once she can not fathom how this happened. "You-y-you...we were...why...?" Why? Why did this happen? Her jaw clenches and she suddenly slams her paw against the ground, a shock of pain lancing up the appendage but it does little to assuage her grief and despair. Her pain. "We were supposed to be warriors together! We were supposed to train our apprentices together! Always...always...together...." Her voice pitters out as another sob suddenly breaks through her as she buries her head against it's cold and soaked neck. "You can't go...not like this. Please....please come back, Magpie. Don't go..." But it is already too late. They had left them to join Starclan, forever.

There is a pervasive sense of dread sitting heavily in Snakeblink’s chest, yawning open like a wound or a fox’s maws. It has been with him for so long he can scarcely remember what it felt like to move without it: his paws light and his back unladen, his ears swiveling with curiosity rather than anxiety-riddled foreboding.

It is always proven right, that dread. After all, how long has it been since they saw three moons without loss or bloodshed?

He pads up to Midnightash now, attracted by her distraught sobs as a carrion-eater by the smell of rot. She lies half-curled around a still, sodden body, the monochromatic fur easy enough to identify even without her begging for a particular cat to wake up. Snakeblink’s shoulders drop and he heaves a quiet sigh, feeling the weight grow heavier — loss upon loss upon loss, the common fare of the forest which all seems to bear easier than him… and than Midnightash currently, deep in the throes of unexpected grief as she is.

A part of him wonders if it was foul play — an attack, or a traitor? Or perhaps only an accident, as was often the case. Theirs were dangerous lives. But he does not think Midnightash would allow him to examine the body of her friend while in this state, and anyway what could he see? If there is no blood, no wounds that were not clearly inflicted by teeth and claws rather than sharp stones… There is only so much he can divine from observation. ”They will be… missed,” he hazards, quiet and awkward in the face of her despair. ”Would you like help carrying the body back to camp?” He is too weary for careful words, and his voice teeters precariously between gentleness and affected indifference.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 57 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

When Midnightash's voice reaches her ears between the trees, parting its way along the reeds, panicked — Hawkcloud feels her heart hanging in the hollows of her chest, tethered by a weary string and ready to drop. Waiting for permission to. But even as she picks her way through the territory towards the younger warrior's scent, Hawkcloud tries to reason with herself, willing her heart to remain hanging and swinging by a pendulum with each unsteady beat. She just happened to overhear Midnightash looking for Magpiepaw, that's all. Why she was having so much trouble with it, Hawkcloud couldn't say, but surely everything was alright. She knows her apprentice, and it wasn't beyond them to take a moment to themselves beside the quiet of the riverbank. It's only the panic in Midnightash's voice that sends Hawkcloud's own blood running cold, but everything was alright. And then, Midnightash and Snakeblink come into view, the two warriors standing along the cold shores of the river, the she-cat's fur dripping with water that dampens the sands and grasses below her.

And between them, a motionless shape, drenched and too familiar. That's when the string in her chest snaps, and Hawkcloud's heart sinks to fathomless depths, leaving the place where it should be yawning with painful emptiness. Her snow-furred paws halt where she stands, fox-lengths away from the others where the details of Magpiepaw's sight are blurry — although the rest of the surroundings around her blur too, even the ground right in front of her, the trees and the air. Hawkcloud isn't even sure she's breathing anymore as the world tilts wrong, none of her senses feeling grounded in reality. Perhaps they aren't, and this is a strange nightmare she has yet to wake from. She feels sick, her expression pulling into a taut frown, mouth going tight. Snakeblink's words reach her ears distantly, as though Hawkcloud is hearing them from below the depths of the river, cloaked in water. She doesn't want to move her apprentice's body. She doesn't want to take a step closer to it. And so, she turns and pads away, not knowing where her paws are carrying her.​
The river is as peaceful as it is wrathful. Hazecloud had never been wary of the river herself, but she had plenty moons of experience to understand when and where to take the chance to swim. Reading and preparing the currents was just as fundamental as being able to pounce and kick, but it took more practice beyond apprenticeship to truly anticipate the dangers. It still claimed cats well grown into their warriorhood, Bronzeshine and Houndstride being such examples.

Midnightash's stammering is uncharacteristic, which first concerned the deputy. She began to pad closer, ears pinned as her stutters turned into wails and her pace quickened.

An apprentice, achingly close to seeing their warrior name and sitting their vigil, lay wrapped in waterlogged reeds. "Oh, Magpie..." Hazecloud inhaled sharply as she quickly recognized them. Hawkcloud turned away from her own apprentice, and her teeth grind in discomfort. No words, not even a moment of silence to respect the cat she trained for the past few moons?

"I will see you at their vigil." Hazecloud had endured grief alone by choice once before, clutching it to her chest like a clam did its pearl even when it held no use for her. Hawkcloud was a good warrior, she would hate to see her own mistakes repeated in the younger molly.


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — Beefang follows behind Snakeblink only a few steps away as she's moreso curious onto what was keeping Magpiepaw away from camp for so long and her snowy paws press onto the cool ground, frankly, the bicolored molly doesn't care for Midnightash or her little friend but they're her clanmates despite her distaste for the inky furred molly. It isn't long before they end up finding the drowned form of the bicolored feline and the cries of Midnightash causes the young warrior to wince in the slightest, she remembers the snapping jaws of Claythorn as she spat at the duo for speaking wrongly about drypaws and it seems that karma has taken its claim. It's a shame really that Magpiepaw had fallen victim to the river and its foliage when it had been so close to becoming a warrior and hold its vigil alongside whomever else may be graduating.

The wails of Midnightash do not stir any sympathy from the daughter of Smokestar and Cicadastar, the young warrior still remembers the time that the other had kept insisting that Smokestar had died until it became real. Oh, how she had tossed around the other molly when they had been apprentices and how she had the upperhand had been so satisfying and now as Beefang looks upon the same cat that now lost someone dear to her, she can't help but feel a brief wave of morbid satisfaction. It's unfortunate that Magpiepaw had died really, she feels bad about that its life ended too soon and early yet her lone amber eye lingers onto Midnightash for a few heartbeats.

She glances to Snakeblink to nod then speaks "I'll see that Moonbeam knows... of this..." Without another word, Beefang turns away to make her return to camp knowing that if she didn't remove herself from the situation then she'd likely say something venomous that she would regret and it wouldn't be fair to everyone else there especially Hawkcloud.


  • ooc — out !! i apologize for her
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    14 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and loveburn
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed