pafp the rainbow fish and his silver scales || decorating

Bubblepaw has invited Starlightpaw to help her find some scales to use as decoration in the apprentice's den. The pair have finished their chores early as midday dwindles easily into the evening hours, and now they find themselves in one of the many de-scaling areas around camp. Bubblepaw tries not to be too enthusiastic as she sifts through her options. She sorts them into color coordinated piles, though some of them bear different patterns than others, and they all seem to vary in size in one way or another. They're just all so pretty to the silvery apprentice, she finds her gaze lingering on each pile as she tries to decide which is the absolute prettiest.

"Here!" Bubblepaw holds up a scale triumphantly to Starlightpaw, it's red and green hues interlocking nicely as it shimmers in the midday sun. The pair probably already look like they are encircled with glitter as they root around in an attempt to find scales to use for decoration. "Isn't this one neat?" she grins excitedly "I think it's a trout! Fish are real tasty, but I think the best reward for catching them is all the pretty scales you get!" The silver tabby hasn't yet had her first catch, and though she is (she supposes) technically behind the curve, she doesn't let her failures bother her. Bubblepaw instead finds herself practicing and imagining the day she might be able to brag about her first successful fishing attempt, no matter how small.

Bubblepaw gazes at the scale for a few seconds longer before adding it to her small pile of similarly colored red and green scales. She turns to face Starlightpaw fully, proposing another idea: "We should decorate the bedding in the apprentice den, too," Bubblepaw nods surely, confident that her idea is a good one and will stick "There are lots of pretty feathers and rocks we can use!"

/pls let @Starlightpaw post first! :3
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( )  Starlightpaw quite likes this, sorting through scales and organizing them into neat little color-coded piles. Covering themself in shed glitter so they shimmer like their namesake, spreading that shine to the clan... A worthy task. It's hard not to get swept up in his companion's enthusiasm --

"Ooh," the apprentice croons, leaning in close to inspect the scale that Bubblepaw holds up, whiskers twitching curiously. Woven shades of sunsets, of dying leaves, captured in miniature. It almost glows in the sunhigh light. "Yes yes, very neat. So colorful..." A trout, a very common meal, and yet it holds something so marvelous along its flank. They're making much better use of it here than the trout ever could. Bubblepaw's comment about scales earns a wry smile from Starlightpaw. "Very true, though..." She gives a beleaguered sigh, deflating into a pile of sharp, twiggy limbs. "Ah, after so long among the... other clans, I do appreciate the taste of fish a lot more." The situation in SkyClan and ShadowClan had been dire. Birds, frogs, rats... none of it compares to what they have here.

It's not long before the momentary dramaticism is forgotten, though, his eyes alighting on a different scale. "Oh! Look at this one," Starlightpaw chirps, scooping it up delicately. A cooler toned scale, silvery hues rippled with shades of soft cerulean. "I like these, the shimmery bluish greyish ones -- salmon, I believe? Yes, salmon -- they look like the river when the light... like the river with the light shining off of it. Pretty, pretty, pretty..." She slots it into the pile with the rest before stepping back to observe, quite satisfied with her work.

Then, perks up at the suggest of her companion. Straightens to attention as though startled, though her face bears nothing but curiosity. "A wonderful idea," she crows after a moment, smile curving wide and pleased. "The apprentice den could use some color, hmm? I believe I know where some good rocks are..."

  • //




She crinkles her nose up at the mention of the rats they'd eaten during their time of refuge. Bubblepaw sticks her tongue out as if she physically tastes the rats and frogs once more, though the memory is vivid enough that their bitterness is practically seared into her mouth. "You know I was so hungry when we were there, I tried one of their lizards," the apprentice admits sheepishly with a small giggle, half-ashamed because it had been- before all else- stolen from the 'prime' bits of their fresh-kill pile. ShadowClan had been kind enough to grant them shelter- Bubblepaw thinks that much they can be grateful for- but she's moreso thankful she doesn't have to live in those nasty, smelly swamps.

What would a diet of frogs and lizards do for her shiny coat...?

Similar to Starlightpaw, the dramatics are forgotten quickly when her companion holds up a shimmering scales for her to look at. "Salmon," Bubblepaw agrees with an excited smile "I love salmon scales. I think they look soooo nice under the moonlight too." All fish scales glimmer beautifully under the sun and moon when the light hits them just right, but the silvery hues of salmon scales are something special. "They look like the stars," she grins meaningfully at him "A whole river of stars."

Bubblepaw stands excitedly when Starlightpaw enthusiastically agrees to help with her idea. Her eyes light up at their mention of good rocks they can use to decorate, too. "Perfect!" Bubblepaw chirps, hoping that Starlightpaw will lead the way. "Ooh, we could even put our nests together, then everyone will know we're super stylish," she suggests with a smile.

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*+:。.。 "Or super idiotic" huffs Riverclan's favorite resident kill-joy ( although Asphodelpaw prefers the term responsible common-sense abider even if its a bit of a mouthful). The apprentice makes his way past the two, carp trapped in his jaws as he takes up a spot a good distance away. As he begins hacking away at the carp's scales, as per his old mentor's request, he continues, "Decorating your nests full of fish scales? Aren't you worried you're going to reek like a shoal of minnows laid their eggs on your head while you slept? Because that's what you're gonna smell like if you go through with it" Seriously, what were they thinking? If not their nests, what about the surrounding ones? He was glad his nest was nowhere near either of theirs so he'd be free of their fishy fragrance but still! Quite inconsiderate! "This is why I really need to advise Smokestar and Iciclefang to double up apprentice chores" he mumbles, mainly to himself, shaking his head, "free time always results in the most asinine activities..."

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
bio ₊˚✧ ゚. Poking his head in dens, having a look around, and then popping back out is a regular activity. Like many action of Bitekit, this is driven by curiosity. "I'll help decorate them." He huffs at the apprentice's negativity, can't see why anyone wouldn't reveal in such precious things. He's used such things to armor his nest in the nursery, taking particular pride in the pebbles he's found.

Things that sparkle are far and in-between. It's not yet his den, but it will be soon, it's something he's been waiting on with anticipation. Knowing he can simillarly gear his nest has him even more eager to move if that's even possible. "You're useless." He spites to Asphodelpaw, as if he has any interest in decorating in the first place. The way the colors are discussed.. It's all very thrilling to see others with an appreciation he shares, in fact it draws his paws closer to Starlightpaw and Bubblepaw.

Salmon scales? The mention of shiny things, of colorful things is enrapturing. He moves out of the way of the entrance to the den, frustrated that he's confined to the insides of camp. "When you come back, I want one too. But I think I could find the best things out there if I could." He, perhaps surprisingly, has faith in their discoveries.

As the hardships of RiverClan moved farther in the past, normalcy crept in and settled comfortably once more. Apprentices either squabbled or chatted away, the number of patients in Ravensong's den have dwindled to typical thorn in someones paw and occasional scratches from a heavy spar. No more patrols looking for rosemary and lavender.

Bubblepaw and Starlightpaw are discussing their methods to pretty up their den and Hazecloud smiled as she envisioned their ideas. Scales of greens, blues and pinks glimmering in the pale light of the moon. The shine of sunsets last blaze until it sank below the horizon. Jaws parted to give her own addition to how they could dress up their den when Asphodelpaw cut in. She looked at the apprentice quizzically- what was so bad about caring for the den they slept in? They were meant to keep the walls repaired and sturdy anyhow.

"This is why I really need to advise Smokestar and Iciclefang to double up apprentice chores." Hazecloud laughed. She laughed and it may have been louder than she wanted but how funny was he! Musing about adding more work because the leaders daughter was picking off some scales with her friend. Such a heavy crime for a RiverClan cat.

"I'd love to see the look on Smokestar's face when you try telling him his daughter isn't working hard enough." The silver molly giggled as she joined Bitekit with the other pair. She sat beside the three and curled her tail around her paws. "I could make some flower and berry stains to cover the reeds with for you two. What colors are you thinking for that?"