THE REALM | scarecrow

Being so close to the Horseplace was not a choice the blue tom thought himself able to make. He recalled an apprentice long ago being obsessed with the horses, each one given names and backstories, but he hadn't been childish enough to indulge in that cat's creativity. Even now, Sootspot was there on different business, business that was interrupted by a tall shape directly in the middle of the field. He hadn't been able to make it out at first, cautious that curiosity would kill him, but the tom had edged ever closer until a set of limp legs came into view. He looked up. There, within the Horseplace, two beady, black eyes stared into Sootspot's soul. Yellow tufts tried escaping from the clutches of the Twoleg's pelt, a smile that twisted like intestines lay dormant on its face, mocking him. Sootspot's back arched and his fur puffed to twice its size, claws flexing the earth as a fight-or-flight instinct took hold in his brain. There was no movement from the straw Twoleg, nothing to suggest that it had seen him. Soot breathed a sigh of relief, and assessed the creature carefully.

There were pawsteps behind him, loud enough for his tufted ears to twitch in acknowledgment and his head to slightly turn - he would not be ambushed again for some time. His eyes widened and then settled at the appearance of a clanmate instead of a rogue, a polite smile adorning his face. A greeting with a bow and a shift of attention with a pirouette, Sootspot's bright eyes lingered once more on the motionless, black-eyed Twoleg. "I have always wondered what kittypets see in those creatures," he mused, almost loathing the way his words filled the empty air. Now hardly seemed to be the time to make conversation, no time ever seemed like the right time, but allies in the clan were slowly splintering, and he'd be damned if he found himself without any shards to cling onto. "So many flaws... yet a quick bowl of kibble washes away all their doubts." Such simplicity had its lure, Sootspot supposed, but reasoning did not help the pit of disgust in his stomach at the prospect of mingling with those who lived so weakly. It was them, after all, that had caused StarClan to sin against his home; and that was a grudge not too quickly forgotten.



Sootstar watches the beast twitch in the breeze. Though no where close to being in it’s direct proximity, it’s beady black eyes were as clear as day, it’s bright orange, red and blue pelt mixed with a pale yellow only making it all the more obvious. It was a different type of twoleg than what the blue she-cat was use to, yet all it seemed to do was stand eerily still, only moving with the wind.

She is greeted by her son as she joins him, hunched down to ensure she remains out of sight.

Her lips curl in distasteful agreement, ”Fat and lazy they all are… Thank StarClan I’ve not seen any kittypets from these twolegs.” Not that she’d know if not for Weaselclaw, he had told her the only cats at the horseplace were mousers.

Her heart stings at the thought of him. This had been his home long before he had joined her in WindClan’s dawn.

An unusual desire washes over her, cautiously she begins to inch closer into the horseplace, her tail flicking in an invite for Sootspot to follow. It felt so silly… but maybe- just maybe, she’d find some comfort in this horrible place knowing that once upon a time many moons ago, Weaselclaw roamed the land.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing