horseplace The Revenant // arrival at horseplace

Every step felt heavy with the weight of his grief, his hatred, his fear. No longer did he have a home and he supposed that ultimately Basilwhisker's dream of eradicating him from the world of the living was drawing close to success. Perhaps it would have been best if he had died on the thunderpath... maybe he should go back and let the monsters finish the job...

His paws failed to keep him on the asphalt as he instead worked his way along the stretch of land where WindClan and ShadowClan connected, though his destination remained unknown. All he knew was that his days with the clans was over. His days dreaming of being curled up at Sabletuft's side were done. Regrets over not saying goodbye sat heavy like a rock in his gut, but he knew that it would have been painful. Sabletuft had already lost so much over him, he feared that any further parting words would only condemn him further. It was better if he was alone during his march to the lands beyond. He just prayed that Sabletuft would be alright in the end, that he would find someone else to love, one who could actually be with him.

Fields soon greeted him and he recalled vaguely that this was the horseplace that he had heard some WindClanners speak of. Though apart from a name he honestly knew nothing about it. The tom paused to considered his options, all the while using a paw to rub at the ghastly scabbed injury on the top of his head. It still itched, still hurt. It still carried with it the nightmares.

Sunnyday soldiered on until the looming presence of the barn came into view. The smell of other cats and animals reached him and gave him some sense of hesitation. Should he even stray inside? Stay outside? Or just walk away and find somewhere else? Exhaustion was the primary sway in his decision as he ultimately dared to encroach inside. Though he did not try to hide his presence as he staggered forth in full view with a haunted expression before sitting himself down and waiting.

What now?

She was no stranger to the clan cats, they unsettled her in a way she couldn't truly explain and that was ignoring when one had chased her back to the barn with barred teeth and a hissing curse upon its tongue. Everytime a new cat wandered into the barn a small irrational part of her was afraid the clan cat had returned to finish the job it tried to start several moons before. Of course, that was silly. None of the clan cats really came out here and for good reason. The two-legs here didn't like strays, especially not since that incident when they had gotten into the chicken coop; she remembers seeing the blood after that had been kicked over with dirt. Terrifying, but a small grace, it kept those unruly felines at bay.

From the top of the hayloft, towering over the door and looking down upon the cream tom entering the barn Pumpkinpatch kept herself low to the ground so only the top of her head was just visible and only if you looked up directly. He walked like he'd traveled far, staggered forward and she couldn't tell from this angle if he was just old, tired or injured. Or maybe all three, who knew. Mismatched eyes observed quietly, she didn't see anyone else in the barn right now and she wasn't sure exactly what to do. He didn't seem scary, at least not from up here, but she still hesitated to speak up.
"Um..." The tortiseshell starts, voice pitched in uncertainty, "...can I help you? Are you looking for something?"