the ride's forlorn ✧ patrols

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Constantly reminded in moments of quiet, it's easy to forget... easy to welcome the way her lungs move in harsh flutters in the frigid air. Shellkit must feel like this... Bubble swarming from the pit of her stomach and out her throat, suffocating despite the silliness of their round shape, despite the joy they bring when popped along the edges of the river. There is no joy here. It is just cold.

Winter blues sweep the camp as her clan-mates wake for another day amongst the ice... They are at the mercy of her decisions and sourly, some part of her hates it. Some part of her loves it. A childish scream echoes in her head a reminder of what fealty doesn't look like... the whirling of retreating paws a reminder that safety is not promised, it is earned. Exhaustion breeds her impatience, hidden in a tight-lipped frown, in the way she slides out of touch when others get close; but there wasn't a choice to be made. Survival wasn't an option and yet fought for harder than any battle she'd lived through. A constant combat, grappling with StarClan to stay here instead of as a starry, useless apparition.

"Good morning everyone," her voice raises to be heard, a gravelly thing devoid of the effort of higher, softer pitch. "Patrols are in order- let's get to work." This would be the routine for moons to come.. a welcomed monotony that felt as close to security as the warm touch of foggy fur. "Let's start with WindClan-- if they've been patrolling, it's been in smaller number at hours that stagger us, they've been barely seen. Be on guard. Snakeblink, you'll be leading this one. Take Willowroot, Lakemoon and Crashingtide- Crashingtide, I'm going to be borrowing your apprentice elsewhere unfortunately." Asphodelpaw was one of a few trouble-makers amongst the apprentices den and she had other ideas for how someone with such a foul tongue towards his den-mates should spend the sunrise.

"To ThunderClan, Iciclefang- please have Nightfish, Pikesplash and Dipperfrost accompany you," it still sticks like honey in her throat to say a name that doesn't end in 'paw'... and to know this is the first time in months that they would not be going together is probably a freedom her former apprentice welcomes. "I'll be heading to SkyClan's border with Boneripple, and Coyotecreek. It should a relatively easy patrol- if you see a fish in the river while we walk, don't hesitate to try to catch it... No reason to leave all the hunting to the hunting patrols." Hopefully the other two leads would already be aware of that suggestion without prompting.

Lashing her tail in a small apology, she turns to fur adorned in frost and soot, "Smokestar.. if you wouldn't mind leading a hunting patrol- I have Aspenhaze, Lilacbird and Mosspool at your disposal." Did he also feel so conflicted to be ordering around Cicadastar? Lichentail is sure if they weren't mates his head might've been bitten off regardless...

"Bounceheart, you'll be leading a hunt as well- Hazewish, Rookfang, and Wigeontail will accompany you today. Good luck! And keep an eye out for one another..." She was friendly enough... maybe she'd pry some good conversation out of the more... reserved of RiverClan's warriors! (Maybe that was just wishful thinking.. oh well). "Petalnose, I'd like you to help some of the new mentors with their trainings- the ice is a new hurdle to compensate for and I want to make sure even our youngest can hold their own should WindClan try something again this winter. Redpath, Foxtail, Silverbreath, you'll be in her care today."

An overzealous amount of caution perhaps... but Meadowheart's passing lingers like a searing red scar in her mind's eye. Clearsight... it would be a year now since his passing... They couldn't be ignored, their sacrifices forgotten. To send them young river-dwellers as company would dishonor their memory and what they fought for. Oxbowpaw and Brookpaw had enough problems without the risk of watching their den-mates murdered in front of them as well.

"Moonpaw's asked to borrow some cats today- she's going to need some help with bark collection- you'll need to travel closer to SkyClan for that but it'll be great for patching holes in dens and some of it has medicinal purposes," she explains, though.. the end raises in tone in a question as she searches for the pale apprentice to confirm. Alder or something, she'd said? She probably wouldn't be remembering that anytime soon... (thank stars it wasn't her job). It might also teach them some patience... and help some of them avoid what faces might be making their blood boil. "Asphodelpaw. Dawnstorm, Dewcloud.. you're with her." She wasn't particularly worried about these Ripple Colony cats.. and Moonpaw had trained enough as a warrior apprentice to know how to defend herself if things went sour.

"Dear hearts," she meows, tone lightening as pale eyes search for three little kittens sitting by the nursery entrance, "A special mission for you... Could you find Ferngill to watch the babies? You see the edge of the river here in camp, I want you to have Hazecloud help you line it with rocks so that even in the snow we can feel where the edge of the water is."


WINDCLAN: @Snakeblink ( LEAD , & @CARP-PAW ) , @willowroot ( & @ROBINPAW ) , Lakemoon ( & @BRISTLEPAW ) , @CRASHINGTIDE

THUNDERCLAN: @iciclefang ( LEAD , & @CICADAPAW ) , @Nightfish ( & @carawaypaw ) , @PIKESPLASH ( & @NETTLEPAW ) , @DIPPERPAW

SKYCLAN: @lichentail ( LEAD , & @brookpaw ) , @coyotecreek ( & @otterpaw ) , @BONERIPPLE

HUNTING 1 - PROMPT: Your group encounters a duck lazily sleeping on the river, an ambitious catch that requires team-work.
@SMOKESTAR ( LEAD , & @Beepaw ) , @Aspenhaze ( & @bubblepaw ) , @Lilacbird , @Mosspool

HUNTING 2 - PROMPT: Your group encounters a rodent trapped in some Twoleg garbage
@Bounceheart ( LEAD ) , @ROOKFANG ( & @Bumblepaw ) , wigeontail ( & @BRISTLEPAW ) , @Hazewish

TRAINING - PROMPT: Ice is a lot more slippery than you'd think- how do we adapt to combat where ice is involved?
@Petalnose ( LEAD , & @Starlightpaw ) , @Redpath ( & @valepaw ) , @FOXTAIL ( & @EELPAW ) , @Silverbreath ( & @goldenkit )

MEDICINE - PROMPT: Collecting bark takes some amount of finesse, how do you teach others patience for skills that they don't care about?
@Moonpaw ( LEAD ) , @Asphodelpaw , @DAWNSTORM , @DEWCLOUD

CAMP - PROMPT: With the snow making the shoreline hard to see, how about we line it with rocks to make a physical reminder!
@hazecloud , @SHELLKIT , @pebblekit , @RIVERKIT ( and @FERNGILL, for babysitting duty! )

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Ferngill could not deny that he'd always be a little disappointed when he wasn't picked for a patrol. as much as relaxation was important, being off duty didn't feel as relaxing to him as it might to others. In fact, it often felt... concerning. Like, if he stayed in camp too long everyone would forget that he was useful now, that he was a warrior. The disappointment didn't last for long, though- special assignment swooped his way. Maybe other warriors would find 'babysitting' demeaning, but Ferngill was no such cat- his face ignited with happiness, ears shooting skyward, at his mission.

"Oh! I won't let you down, Lichentail!" he asserted enthusiastically to the deputy- they were her kittens, after all. It had to mean they trusted him, didn't it?
penned by pin
𓆝 . ° ✦ As she listened to the deputy call out the patrols, Mosspool was dutiful and attentive as usual. Her gaze only wandering from Lichentail when it flicked to her mother as she announced that they would be on the Windclan border. Her ear flicked in idle worry. She knew she should think nothing of it, patrols were routine and Willowroot could take care of herself, but their neighbor had proven themselves unpredictable and ruthless and if they could manage to get the drop on Cicadastar than anything was possible.

It was disappointing to not be assigned to a border patrol. Part of her wished she could go with her mother, just to keep an extra eye on Windclan. The thought was forgotten the moment she heard her own assignment.

A hunting patrol with her new leader. The prospect made her sit up a little straighter, if that was possible. A small, pridefully satisfied smile graved her features before returning to dutiful neutrality. Glancing over to Smokestar, she bowed her head in respect. "As Lichentail said, I am at your disposal sir."

Mosspool was also quietly glad to have their old mentor along with them. Even if they were now her peer, she could not help but look up to Aspenhaze, and there were few she would trust more at her side.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

oh no- oh no, no, no. her eyes widened in fear, cerulean gaze glossing over as lichentail uttered words that made her stomach drop to her paws. a catastrophic series of words that made the brownish grey tortie to flatten her ears and duck her head at the back of the group.

she had to have made a mistake putting lilacbird on a hunting patrol, especially one with Smokestar. what if... what if Smokestar sees that she absolutely sucked at land hunting? that she wore four left feet that seemed to do their own bidding rather than hers?

and on now full display, Smokestar would see that she was not fit as a warrior. no.. she had to pretend to be. she had to somehow manage to catch something. a hard swallow, her toes gripping into the frosted ground. shed hide her utter fear and disappointment with herself with a smile that did not reach her gaze. but she couldn't seem to form words on what to say that wouldnt just be echoing mosspools.

she would keep her head dipped in a sort of submissive respect towards the leader, before her gaze dropped to her paws. this.. would be interesting.

die with memories , not dreams .
A dark cloud hung over his helm, ears flat against his helm staring at nothing in particular, listening quietly. He was tired, wishing he could curl up in a cold nest. If he was anyone else, then perhaps, but Dawnstorm had things to prove, to himself and others.

Emotions awaited no one, as harrowing and confusing as they were, leaving him in a constant state of hurt, helm pulsating in tandem with the rumpled beat of his heart. Dawnstorm couldn’t look anyone in the eye, muscles stiffening as his name was called. He barely looked up, merely nodding with a slow exhale, turning to search for Dewcloud, pausing briefly to turn toward Moonpaw, tail brushing the surface.
thought speech
Hearing patrols being assigned, Crashingtide made his way to the gathering cats. The large feline heard the deputy assign him to the patrol going to WindClan. Hearing that his apprentice was needed elsewhere concerned him, but who was he to argue? Crashingtide nodded to Lichentail and went to his duties.


A sentry made of fog-toned fur already stood at the entrance of the nursery. With her three new additions tucked away and asleep after a feed, she had taken to supervising her other three charges. Split between taking glances behind her at even the softest shuffle from her newborns and excitable shrieks from the older kits, she stubbornly denied any help in watching them.

"What queen can't watch a nursery?" She had not-so-kindly answered with. Keeping herself busy was keeping her mind off of Snowflakekit, keeping her distance from confronting the weight of her failure to keep him alive.

Hazecloud picked her head up as her mate called for patrols and half-listened. Of course she wasn't expecting to be given a task herself, but her name is spoken in the blue points song and she met Ferngill's gaze with a smile. Genuine as it curved up to her eyes. "They can't bite, yet. I'll show you how they like to be carried and groomed so they don't fuss much for you."
Iciclefang dips her head to Lichentail upon hearing her assignment, though secretly, her paw pads begin to prickle with anticipation. Would she get a glimpse of gray tabby fur on the shoreline where the two of them had met twice now? The tortoiseshell turns to find her patrolmates, her blue gaze first shifting to Cicadapaw. “Well, we won’t waste any time,” she mews briskly. “I hope you’ve eaten. We’re leaving at once.” She rises to her paws and begins to make her way toward camp’s exit, flicking her tail out to beckon the warriors toward her.

, ”

FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — The call for patrol assignments draw her over like a moth to a flame and she listens intently before hearing that she's on hunting patrol with her father along with a few warriors and Bubblepaw. Her ear flicks hearing Mosspool speak to Smokestar and Lilacbird was acting rather weird, the apprentice decides to ignore it only to nod to her father to signify that she was ready whenever he was. She can't help but let her gaze stray hearing that Moonpaw was leading a patrol of her own for herbs and Beepaw couldn't help but be a little envious of her best friend but another part of her was proud. One day, she would lead a patrol of her own... Or so she hopes. Maybe she'd do more than leading them somewhere in the future, it's a thought that she entertains for a heartbeat before focusing onto reality.

She can't help but feel a small smile form on her maw as Lichentail gives her kin the special task of lining the river while Ferngill was put on babysitting duty. Beepaw does not envy him but she can't help but feel an amused purr leave her at his enthusiasm.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 6 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed

she loves to listen. not listen as in to mind, but as in to eavesdrop. she had no business with patrols, or any other announcements, for that matter. smokestar’s abrupt death and subsequent revival had her on edge — but curious, in a way that tightened her chest differently than the cold did. it was like finding a pocket of wriggling worms amongst the freshkill pile, something nauseating and entrancing all the same. it made her belly flop to her paws, a sensation like standing on ice crackling at their pads. nervousness, dread. but when she spots lichentail heading towards the river rock from where she stands papping lightly at her brothers in play, her head swivels slowly, curiously to follow. they do not call smokestar’s usual all those who know how to swim, and the lilac child takes it as the invitation it surely is.

after a final pay attention nip at her littermates ears ( who were likely paying enough attention already ), shellkit comes to sit aside hazecloud where she pries herself from the nursery, only the soft rasp of breath forming a cloud around her maw. she doesn’t expect much, not beyond her own imagination — in the lull of rasping words, she dreams of being tasked with patrolling the border to thunderclan alongside iciclefang and cicadapaw. the gangly tom would like her, then, she was sure of it. when she caught every fish in the river, every mouse foolish enough to scurry their meadows. she’d know every rock, every creek, every pit of mud like the back of a skeletal, tufted paw.

then, something amazing happens. lichentail calls upon them — her heart lifts just as her tail does, a mighty heave into the air that has her stumbling back to her paws. shellkit throws a wild look back at hazecloud to see if she was hearing this, before turning her attention back just in time to catch her ‘ orders ‘ themself. find ferngill. check, she thinks, blinking slow back towards the ginger tom where hazecloud speaks to him, low and genuine. lichentail says to see, and she does, gazing out over the hazy horizon where ice layers the dark river a frosted white. she was to collect stones, section off the edge of the waters for visibility — an special mission, an important one. she could just burst ; breath hitching in her lungs from the rapid, hummingbird breaths puffing excitedly from her maw when she mews, ” i will, promise! “ before looking to hazecloud, waiting for permission to take off towards the horizon and collect her pebbles.

  • i.

  • shol.png

    delicate lilac - striped molly with sugarplum eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.