The right to go missing // missing kit


Moving a whole clan is messy, chaotic business. Their current camp is a whirlwind of activity as warriors try to help elders and kits out of flooded dens, gather waterlogged herbs before they're lost to the river, and countless other tasks that need to be done now, all at once, if they hope to survive the end of leaf-bare. Watching over the kits become an anxious second-thought: as long as they're safe, in sight but not underfoot, most have more pressing matters to attend to than making sure the small terrors aren't getting into trouble. And for the most part, they don't! It was scary, having to dig their way out of the snowed-in nursery to find the camp halfway underwater. Hazekit doesn't know how to swim yet! Her mom and Ashpaw only have two mouths to carry tem all with, and there are four of them. Even once they're on drier ground and that fear abates, Hazekit is determined to be good. She heard the warriors when the apprentice den collapsed. It was scary, more so even than being stuck inside, and she doesn't want to make her moms afraid like that.

Tiny paws aren't ready for a trek in the wilderness, so once the time comes for the big move the adults take turns carrying the kits. Hazekit is willing to make efforts, but come one. She won't be dangled over the territory when she could be surveying it instead, and she lets Wetfern know with a curt, ”Walk!”.

Wetfern is old, nearly an elder, really, and his neck is stiff and achey from years of hunting and swimming. He doesn't mind the respite from the slight but persistent weight of a kit. As long as you stay close to me, he agrees indulgently after they've crossed the slippery frozen river and he's had to put them down again to rest tight muscles, And tell me when you're tired.

So Hazekit is being good, letting Wetfern rest, and she's being a grown-up, walking to their new camp on her own paws. She feels like a warrior on a patrol, sniffing that log, overturning that rock, fantasizing that she can catch a whiff of prey-scent or Windclan fiend. It's almost fun enough to forget that it's a bit tedious to get frog-marched in a straight line, caught between warriors without any time for a quick detour around that cool-looking bush over there. Surely there's a reason they're being displaced like this. The blizzard kept them sequestered for so long, and now the river itself is bringing them out, further into the territory than Hazekit has ever been. It can't just be dumb bad luck. It feels like serendipity. It feels like they're being called out, and Hazekit itches to answer.

The woods hum and whisper around them, the wind through bare branches like a song, like a voice, speaking of secrets hidden where she has never gone before.

Warm, secret dens lie buried between tangles of roots, crevices so dark and so deep they have never been touched by river water or snow. If you were to peer into them you would see nothing, only the quiet dark, the cold stupor of the long leaf-bare sleep, but they are not empty. Crawling legs of squirming insects and burrowing prey curl into them to wait the deep frost out. You might walk a thousand times above them and never notice them...

She tries, she really does. But it's hard, being good, when the whole world is calling, and she wants to answer so badly.

They're not doing anything bad, anyway. Just looking around for a bit. They won't go very far.

Curiosity overcomes caution. Wetfern is old, he should probably retire already, and his eyes aren't what they used to. Easy, in the foggy dawn, to miss the way Hazekit slips away, tumbling out of the procession of Riverclan refugees and disappearing in the undergrowth. They don't spare a second glance back towards their clan: they have sleeping bugs to find.

A little later, in their new temporary camp, Wetfern will look around and, finding his charge missing, call softly: "Hazekit? Has anyone seen Hazekit?"

// Hazekit is off on an adventure! This thread technically takes place in the temporary camp, when others find that they are missing. I'll make a thread later for them to be found 😏
  • Crying
poppysplash was a worrier. a worried and slightly overbearing mother, but maybe that's because she was so afraid of being just like her mom she couldn't even... bare the idea. her body ached from the moving and she closed her eyes for just a moment, turning away to take a breather. who knew being a mother to four rambunctious kittens would be so tiring. even with willowroot's help, she was just so tired. her ears, however, perked up at the sound of hazekit'a name. has anyone seen hazekit?

wait... what!? she perked up immediately as if she hadn't been resting as all, running to willowroot to do a quick headcount. reed... pool... antler... wh...where... no.. no! fuck! fuck!! anxiety and fear hit her in a single wave and she quickly began to search around, weaving in and out of the cats that were hustling through the makeshift camp they'd been settling in.

"hazekit!? hazekit! fuck! hazekit if you are hiding, this isn't very funny, okay? please-"

no more words. she wasn't going to stop searching until she found her baby.
  • Crying
Reactions: Hazewish

He didn't often think about kits until they were under his paws and now that he had to dwell on them more often he'd been thinking more intently on the idea of them in the future in a way he never really had before. There was no appeal in carrying them or being burdened with a stay in the nursery at all, but the concept of offspring was something he used to wrinkle his nose at. Now though, now...well, he rather liked the horrible little things. Loved how awkwardly blunt they were, how they spoke at leagues without so much as a care, how excited they were to grow up despite how simple life was when all you did was sleep and play all day. Many an apprentice lamented not enjoying their kithood longer, but at four moons they all got their new name and they all got assigned to be trained. That was just how life was.

The camp was flooded, they had no prey, cats were cold and miserable and it was all he could do to keep himself composed in order to maintain a sense of direction and normality but the second he hears the faintest murmuring from cats that a kitten is missing he is already trekking over to where he clearly sees Poppysplash in a panic. So it was one of her and Willow's kittens that had been lost in the chaos and he frowns when he registers Hazekit's name being shouted out in a strained and worried tone. Hazekit was the more adventerous one, nosy and troublesome and constantly pestering and he was unsurprised to know the little she-kit might have taken to roaming when left unattended. Still, they were far enough away from the flood waters that she couldn't have gotten too far and the gorge was very carefully guarded in preparation for their temporary stay and shelter building so his own fretfulness subsided briefly, not that he still wasn't worried. He hoped terribly they would not have a tiny body count by the end of this entire ordeal.
"Poppysplash, calm-calm-we're going to find them." He and the tortie had never really gotten along, a begrudging tolerance for one another based on a shared care toward Willowroot was all they actually had but he was fond of the kittens, one had even been named for him and was now the one vanishing like smoke rising to disipate. Apt and terrible. A scolding was in order when they found her because they would. He was adamant on that.
"Any able-bodied cats who have not been assigned to handle anything else come here, we're going to search the area..." Some cats were sent to hunt, some were told to watch kits and work on the new temporary dens, but whoever was not set to these duties was being sent out and spread around to locate Hazekit.

Well, they've traveled quite the ways, haven't they?

All this flooding, all this chaos. Tidefrost has kept close to Willowroot and Poppysplash through as much of their journey as they could, an extra paw to give in case they needed it. In case the small paws of his littermate's children grew too tired, and someone needed carrying.

He thinks they've done good, that group of kits. Such a long journey, and they've all done so well! Tidefrost is so proud of them. So, so, so very --

The dark-furred tom's attention is pulled away from his pride and pulled towards Poppysplash's panic, her child's name repeated throughout her calls. Hazekit, she shouts for. Tidefrost blinks in confusion.

"What are you on about?" he asks, "They're right here! See--" He turns to where he'd seen the blue scrap of fur beside the elder they'd stuck around, only to see an empty space and an equally worried Wetfern.

Oh. Oh no.

"H-Hazekit...?" he begins to call out beside his littermate's partner, worry rising within him too. The poor kid had to be around here somewhere! But what if... What if something's happened..? What if Hazekit's gone for good?

It's Smokethroat that's the voice of reason, the lead warrior calling for a search party - one that Tidefrost moves to join, but not before worry-filled eyes look to Poppysplash.

"They'll turn up," he assures her, "It... It'll be okay."

Stars, he hopes so.
oddkit | 03 months | agender | they/them/it/its | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #ffdb58
Oddkit has never had a family to run away from, to hide from. Riverclan is all they have ever known, and yet there was never a person to call their own. No mom, no dad, no sibling. That suits them just fine - it means one less cat to boss them around. And yet as frantic calls from the queen ring out through the new camp, they blink owlishly and wonder would they look as hard for me?.

Its a strange thought - an odd one.

It doesn't think about that for every long, attention imediately turned upon the situation itself rather than the what ifs and could be's. "mmmm... no hazekit here," it mumbles instead, head shaking slowly back and forth as it speaks in the most serious tone it can muster. They never saw hazekit enter the camp after all - and they'd had the best view sitting high upon chamomilepaws back like a badger-ride.