camp The Rise and Fall | Kitclan!


i wished i snoozed
Apr 26, 2024

The GreenLeaf sun was something magical. It invited birds to chirp and crickets to chirp and for Dogwoodkit to yell. The curly mop of a kitten was sending out a rallying cry to all the kittens in the nursery, "WE ARE GOING TO PLAY SKYCLAN! I'm going to be the leader but we need a deputy and medicine cat and warriors," she trailed off for a second trying to think of what she hadn't listed, she got all the cool things, right? "OH! And I guess apprentices but we are going to be those soon anyway so it would make more sense to be a warrior." She bounded around trying to collect her new clan, under Dogwoodstar's leadership they surely would do great things.

The young molly was quite fired up about the possibility of her game. She can't remember the last time a good game of KitClan was made up, and most of the time she had to be a warrior or deputy, not often did she get to be Dogwoodstar. As her new clan joined a new idea popped into her head and she ran out of the nursery to see what warriors didn't seem busy. "HEY! Do any of you guys want to be RiverClan or WindClan or ShadowClan or ThunderClan? Cause then we could have a battle against you. We would have to win because we are SkyClan and the best clan, but you would still have to fight us!" She was on a roll today, good idea after good idea. Maybe after they were done playing she would have to go see if Orangestar thinks her ideas could improve the clan. They probably could.


Kits were adorable; Kurt had none of his own, never imagined a life with them, but he found them amusing in their own innocent way. He just hoped that he wasn't so much of a bore that he didn't come off as cool in their tiny little heads. Rather, Kurt had never been around many younger cats, not since joining SkyClan - he'd gotten used to older house cats and loners who lived by themselves, and this new society was proving ever-surprising. Ears perked up when a small voice loudly called out from a corner of the camp, and Kurt turned to see one of SkyClan's kits announcing that they were playing Clan.

"I am at your disposal, kleine. I do not know of these other Clans, but I am happy to be assigned to any which one." He padded over to where the kit was, and sat down, smiling kindly down at her. He knew the basics of the other Clans in the forest, but not much of their specifics; that, and he was sure that it would be more fun for the girl if she got to control more of her little game.
  • !
  • KURT daylight warrior of skyclan, twenty-eight moons
    speaks with a German accent.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

Her sister was loud. Thats all there was to it, loud and energetic, everything Ricekit is not. All of her siblings were so vastly different that sometimes she truly wonders if they were all blood-related or if her mother just plucked random kittens together and called it a day. She drags herself to her paws to reluctantly play, because even if her sister was more than boisterous for her liking, she still liked the theatrics of playing Clan games.

"I want to be Windclan's leader." calm and composed Ricekit speaks; she'd been Windclans leader once before, under a different name so vastly different than her sudden title as Ricestar. She'd been Sootstar once, the Moor Queen, and it had also been the catalyst of Candorkit asking her how to play bad guys. This makes her pelt prickle somewhat insecurely, ignoring the implications.

She's internally saved from her wandering thoughts an oddly accented voice that rings to Dogwoodkit.

It's Kurt, a daylight warrior like their father. Kurt wants to play (or at least thats what it sounds like) and Ricekit shoots her sister a look before turning back to him. "What does kleine mean?" its foreign on her tongue but she narrows her eyes in burning confusion and kindling frustration. He could be apart of Dogwoodkit's clan for all she cares with made-up words like that! Certainly not a candidate for her clan of regal stars.

  • ic opinions im sorryyy shes terrible
  • 81382020_TgorGp1EeaLXbkU.png
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 05 months
    kit of skyclan ,, heronstep x cauliflowercurl ,, siblings
    regal, curly-furred white she-cat with striking green eyes
    "speech, f0a78e" ,, thoughts
    too young ,, single ,, not interested at all
    smells like hyacinths & lilies
    penned by chuff