camp THE ROLLERCOASTER DOWN -- patrol assignments

"SkyClan, gather for patrols." Orangeblossom calls as she crosses the camp, pivoting to face her Clan beneath Highbranch as the first few curious souls pad over to heed her call. "Firstly, Coyotepaw's guards until the next patrols will be Cardinalshine and Slate." She gets it out of the way quickly this time. She sits, curling her tail about her paws.

"@Sharpeye , @SILVERSMOKE and @butterflytuft . You three, as well as @CHRYSALISPAW and @Bananapaw will be headed for ThunderClan." That group shouldn't cause much trouble, not in the wake of the last Gathering. Tensions were higher with the announcement of Emberstar's ShadowClan mate, and their neighbour's hypocrisy after tearing Blazestar's family apart ... Orangeblossom sighs through her nose and shakes her head, returning her mind to her duty.

"To RiverClan I'll be sending @YOUKAI | DUSKPOOL , @TWITCHBOLT , @SQUALLMIST , @Sporecloud and @Wildboy ." She hasn't sent Duskpool out as a patrol lead yet, so she finds the dark tomcat in the crowd and gives him a nod. Her attention drifts over the crowd, looking for a familiar russet-and-white pelt - ears prick to attention when she finds it and Orangeblossom makes eye contact with her cousin.

"The twolegplace patrol will be led by @Auburnflame - Take @sheepcurl , @GREENPAW , @TERMITEPAW and @Ashenclaw with you." She almost doesn't send him at all, out of spite. However, that would make her a bad deputy; and Termitepaw deserved the chance to be able to patrol with her mentor, even if he'd been exposed as a liar. She smudges the twolegplace patrol off her mental list and sighs, again, over the next group to send out.

"@DAWNGLARE has requested we take another herb patrol out, despite the luck of last moon's. Alongside @Fireflypaw , @BEARHEART and @Pricklefern. , @eveningpaw and I will attend." As promised, she'd share the disaster patrol around. Just about everything that Orangeblossom had heard about the last herb outing had been negative, though ever-so-slightly amusing.

"That leaves us with hunting patrols." With the thaw and the slight warming of weather, they would hopefully run into more prey than they had been. "First group, led by @CARDINALSHINE , will be going to Tallpine. You'll be taking @SLATE , @Coyotepaw , @SPARKSTORM. , and @QUILLSTRIKE .

"The second group will be led by @ThistleBack . Take @Snowpaw , @WYRM , @abattoirpaw , @TALLULAHWING and @FIGPAW . If there's no questions, dismissed."

  • // the leaders on this batch of hunting patrols will be receiving a little prompt to make things interesting<3
  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3


The spotted tabby snaked forwards at the call to patrol, his tail tucking neatly around his paws as he reclined on wide haunches. Silversmoke heard his name amidst the first called, his eyes twitching at the mention of their destination. He recalled the last gathering, his chat with a RiverClanner that had gone on longer than either of them had anticipated, the sudden interruption as the announcements were called... the implications behind Emberstar's actions before her death. A part of the tabby wished they'd just let the ThunderClanner continue on down the stream, water-ridden lungs would never hold enough air to spill such pretty lies as their neighbours had done. It was further evidence to the tom that kindness was a dangerous thing to offer anyone who wasn't under SkyClan's protection, he could only imagine the secrets that the ex-WindClanners held, how much they had truly done to harm his home. Fur ruffled from a grave train of thought, Silversmoke eventually nodded towards Orangeblossom, his attention slowly falling onto Sharpeye. He doubted the other would let them give ThunderClan a piece of their mind in Blazestar's honour, he wasn't even sure if the Ragdoll himself would want his clan to jump to his defence. Conflicted, and ever-aware that he would need to have a word with Chrys about watching his mouth, the Lead Warrior would await the patrol.



The raven tabby made his way over at the familiar call for patrol assignments, heading over to listen as Ora began listing cats off into groups. His own wasn't called until nearer the end, for a hunting patrol led by Cardinalshine. Sparkstorm, Slate, and Coyotepaw would be there as well, and he made a mental note to keep an eye on the younger of them as a favor to Thistleback.

"Hey." he greeted the group lamely as he joined them, tail flicking in lazy greeting behind him. The weather was decent so with any luck they'd come back with a good haul, though he figured he was probably due to lose a catch sooner rather than later with all the good luck he'd been having lately. He wouldn't be surprised if he was the only cat to come back empty pawed this time around, though that certainly wasn't going to stop him from trying.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

No rest for the wicked. With the cloud left by the Gathering hanging over their heads he knew he would have to work hard on this patrol to maintain the peace. With luck none in his roster would cause him much trouble, or so he hoped anyway. If they did they would rapidly be reprimanded and brought back in line, either verbally or through a firm cuff over the ear.

The tom nodded his head in Orangeblossom's direction to show that he had heard her instruction. "Understood." Exhaling softly, he then turned to look to Silversmoke. "We'll head out soon. Ensure the apprentices are ready, and inform them that they shouldn't speak out of turn at any point." He knew they could get excitable but he wasn't willing to tolerate misbehaviour on this occasion.

.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
———————— ————————
THE OBSIDIAN-HUED BRUTE SHIFTED AT THE mention of his name, ears twitching against his helm. His brow furrowed at the deputy, willowy tail flickering behind him in slow sweeps. He offers a nod in return, muscular frame tensing, mulling over the trek the group would take to reach their designation. His darkened lips tilted downward, unsure who was in the patrol. Well, shit. He hadn’t had the time to get to know everyone, not that he wanted to, of course.

The ex-loner clambered to his paws, shaking out his thick pelt to scan the gathering cats. Too many. He grumbled, copper-molten hues narrowing at the prickling sensation along his scarred flesh became noticeable. His frame tensed, glancing at the cats before him, wanting nothing more than to hunker down. He sighed, shaking his helm to rid himself of such thoughts. He was in charge of leading a patrol, he didn’t have time to think about what he disliked.

He hadn’t had the chance to lead a patrol, but he sure as hell wouldn’t disappoint after he … figured out who the hell was in his patrol. Damnit. The one time his anti-socialness backfired.

thoughts speech
Abby has never been on such a very cool adventure before, but he's more than happy to be exploring for uh... what is it we're doing again? Oh yes! Hunting. It's simply no fair that Chrys got to go on a trip to Thunderclan with all the big guys, and the apprentice casts a jealous glance in his direction. Maybe he'll nag him later for all the fun details! Abattoir spots the group he's meant to be with, humming a very whimsical tune as he slinks over. "Hi guys! I'm super ready to beat all of you in catching stuffs!" he says.

Abby did not know how to hunt well.

    —— amab, uses he / him pronouns. 6 moons old. apprentice of skyclan.
    —— an amiable, but strange young boy who ventures to find what it means to truly be alive.
    —— @ on discord for plots!

    abby is a plain, pitch black short-fur feline with deep copper eyes. he has an average build, slightly leaning on the underweight side, and a semi-fluffy tail. the only thing slightly remarkable about him is the faded scar on the right side of his face, just circling his eye; there are three long marks, each a light pink as a reminder of a past he'd sooner forget. abby's gaze is mostly blank, holding it for long periods of time at seemingly nothing; however, there is always a smile present on his lips, and a face that beams sheer innocence even in dark times.


Jewel-esque gaze, cast in typical jade-laden disdain, looked up to the deputy. What scorn could have emerged through the color's surface seemed muted, as though it was a mere smoldering annoyance rather than true burning resentment. He couldn't say he missed the looming oaken trees of Thunderclan's territory, how thin shadows stared down with deathly hue, as vibrant as the forests could be. It was different, somehow, from the woodlands of Skyclan. Whereas he knew he could traverse the winding paths of his homeland's boughs, he felt as though the Thunderclan forestry was inextricably tangled and foreign. Well, the other clan was also known for climbing, though Chrysalispaw always argued that Skyclan does it better. He cast a darting and furtive glance toward Silversmoke before moving away from the crowd, as if he knew what scathing words would blaze against thick skin, and what song of fire would grace his ears next. He had heard it all before. He didn't care, not really.
