Her children have grown in her absence, one she had not really chosen—but hadn't she, though, letting grief lead her blind in the darkness, as Smogstar had led her group so long ago? But it had grown far too long, this journey, and eventually the guiding paw had grown thorny in her own, digging in until she had cried out and let it go, and—and never mind that, now. They have grown, all of them, but the realization hits her in a sudden revelation as feverish and blinding as the blazing sun on a day like any other, as she carves a chunk of flesh from the day, replaces it with a pound of her own, making time to sit and share a jay with her son.

She is regarding @CANDORPAW simply in that moment, soaking in the rare time she has with him, when it hits her. It's as if her visions sharpens, the child's veil she'd imposed over him suddenly lifting to reveal—what? Her eye pulls wide, distorting its weary lines around a weathered chunk of beryl—and she takes him in—really takes him in: the cobby kitten - body and milk - belly given way to the growing sturdiness of a future warrior; the pine needles that mingle freely with pale fur; the scent of pine and familiar elderberry that wreathes her son, mingling with her own bitter lavender, rather than the milk - soft smell of the nursery.

Most of all, though, her eye is drawn to the fire draping over his shoulders, the tongues of flame that frame his white - masked face—for he no longer wears the half - painted face of kithood, one blotted in clumsy strokes of unfinished ginger. No, the very core of the sun spills over his neck, a windswept mane of twisting red, sparks catching gradually into an all - consuming blaze. Doeblaze's eye softens, melting into liquid grief undefinable, and she speaks before she even knows she is: " You look so much like your father. "

Candorpaw is happy to spend time with his mother, even if that time was not necessarily a talkative sort, instead full of food and friends... It was more than was afforded before... Nursery days had been more full of Butterflytuft than they had been of her... And though she could always see Bobbie — er, Doeblaze... it was not like he always truly saw her. Perhaps only the noblest of souls would understand the true meaning of this

HIs mouth is half - full of feathers, some of them hastily plucked. Soon... so soon that he could taste it before it even hit his jaws, he would be bringing his own prey home. To Doeblaze, to Lionpaw, to Hollypaw, to any one of his other siblings that dotted SkyClan's camp... He could taste his own victory, literally, and his Clanmates would be able to taste it right alongside him. The Greenleaf sun warms his pelt to the bone, there is comfort to be found in Doeblaze's presence alone, and then she says... You look so much like your father.

It catches him at the tail - end of a feather, just in time for the jay to get caught on the sudden lump of his throat. The reaction is immediate, with pricked ears and an auburn tail flying straight up into the air. He was no Medicine Cat — but stars flooded his eyes. So too did each of the stories flood his mind, of magnificent, golden fur. A sun - point face and heavy set paws that molded the very foundation of SkyClan. He had dared to look up to him, to aspire to him, despite knowing that it was likely too good to be true... That though he believed in many things, perhaps that was the one shape his paws could never fill.

It makes his chest swell. Eyes suddenly kittish once again, he looks to Doeblaze. " Really?" He holds a paw infront of him, tries to imagine if they could ever do what Blazestar's had done. Would he agree with Doeblaze, were he still here? " He... He's watching us, isn't he? " he mews, tentative. " Do you think he likes me? "