pafp THE SCARS TO SHOW FOR IT [ spar ]


Resentment boiled in Lichenpaw over being denied a chance to fight at Sunningrocks, but he had to admit there wasn't much he could do about it. Not much to do, that is, except train harder. Next time, he told himself and tried to ignore the hollowness of it. Next time, he'd said when he froze during the dog's attack. It doesn't matter. There will be a next time, another fight -- there always is -- and he will be prepared.

So, sparring. That is something he can do.

Lichenpaw traces the now-familiar route to Sandy Hollow, the jittery apprentice always willing to spar or to spectate, even despite his own lacking skills in fighting. He'd improve, he just had to work harder. Then no one could hold him back.

His opponent today -- he shoots a side-eyed glance at Falconpaw -- is, perhaps, not the most flattering target. His size doesn't fool Lichenpaw; the kid is young, barely apprenticed. Young enough for Lichenpaw to see him in the nursery, in the short time he's been in ThunderClan. Still, a spar is a spar. Lichenpaw takes his place across from Falconpaw. "You, um. You ready?" he asks, too loud, for once not wasting time on excess chatter. He's too eager, now, to get into it.

Maybe he should go easy. He won't, though. Falconpaw may be young, but he still needs to learn to fight just like any other apprentices. Lichenpaw's not sure if he could go easy on him, anyway. Every fight, real or not, threads a fear through Lichenpaw's body that pulls any restraint, any softness from it. He'll give it all he has -- he doesn't have any other option. Perhaps it'll become easier, in time, but for now --

Lichenpaw hardly waits for a reply before he moves, barreling towards Falconpaw on long, surprisingly powerful legs. It's a move he learned from a previous spar, and one he won't be caught off-guard by again. Falconpaw might, though, and that's what he hopes for. Not trusting his still half-scrawny form to overpower the younger apprentice, he aims to sweep Falconpaw's legs from under him, knocking the other apprentice to the ground. Admittedly, he doesn't have much plan beyond that, but it's a good start, he thinks.


  • // wait for @FALCONPAW ! mentor tags @Sunnyday & @Stormchaser but no need to wait​
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
જ➶ A spar. Finally he gets a good chance to see where he stacks up against the other apprentices and what he needs to work at. He likes the idea of sparring but not so much his partner. Still he guesses it is as good as any given the circumstances. But the young tom has a grudge on his shoulder still with the incident with Dogbait. His whole body is tense even with the walk to the hollow. And he hardly breathes a word as the glances arouns the place. With a soft huff he tries to think of what moves he can use. What he can deflect, what he can dodge. Battling is different and honestly he finds he isn't afraid of it. He wants to be the best fighter that Thunderclan has ever had after all. With a smirk he steps on the sands and when Lichen asks him if he is ready the tom snorts. "Of course I am." Why wouldn't he be? This is going to be his moment to shine. Despite it all he wants others to see how strong he us.

So he shifts his weight and waits for the first move. His eyes widen a bit as he is stunned by how fast Lichenpaw is. He tries his best to step back but he gasps as his legs are knocked out from underneath him. Falcon hits the ground with a thud and anger boils in the young tom. He quickly scrambles to his paws with clenched teeth. Fine! With a glare of blue green eyes he lunges forth, aiming to cuff the the other against the face, hoping to disorientate them.

Sunnyday finds himself watching on from the sidelines with a hard stare trained on Lichenpaw, studying his apprentice carefully. For someone who wanted to join battles would he even be capable of taking on a young apprentice like Falconpaw? Spirit was one thing, but actual ability was something quite different. "Maybe I should train him harder..." But would Lichenpaw even be open to that if it meant working more closely again?

Already Lichenpaw had made a decent hit, but he sees that Falconpaw is already back up and ready to strike back. "Duck, my lad! Spin and slam your hip into his side before kicking." As much as he wished to call it out loud he ultimately remained silent with the same unmoving steely expression.


The gasp that comes from the younger apprentice as Lichenpaw sweeps his legs is certainly satisfying, just as the look of shock on his face is. They feel a rush of satisfaction, but in their own self-congratulatory moment of triumph, they find themself too distracted to stop Falconpaw from getting to his feet. Well, no matter. The battle's only just started. But as Falconpaw scrambles to his feet, Lichenpaw catches sight of the young tom's face and -- falters.

There's anger there, a stormy glare turned right upon Lichenpaw, and he's -- he's moving, fast, charging them, and they jerk back a bit in surprise, legs suddenly shock-stiff, and -- a blow lands itself squarely in their face, leaving them blinking and stumbling.

He needs to focus. This is bad. Caught at a disadvantage, danger, danger, keep him away. The meaning of Falconpaw's glare is lost on him -- Lichenpaw had not been focused on the other apprentice, when they'd found Dogbait, his shoving and hissing towards the younger gone quickly from his mind. Neither does his cheap tactic register as a cause of ire. He'll take any advantage he can get, that's how he's always fought. The anger now seems sourceless, sudden and unavoidable. Frightening. Keep away. Dirt beneath his feet, that's good, better than concrete. They kick sand towards Falconpaw, aiming for the eyes, hoping to do the same as he had to them -- disorient. Keep him distracted long enough to recover, so they can run, so they can --

No, no, not run. Out of the corner of watering eyes, Lichenpaw catches a glimpse of golden fur. Sunnyday, Sunnyday is seeing this. Shame mixes with the fear and he grits his teeth. They can't make a fool of themself, not in front of their mentor. They charge forwards, blindly, a clumsy tackle aimed towards their larger opponent. It's inelegant, unlike Sunnyday's silent instructions, and possibly a mistake to try at all. But he's not backing down, surely that's what matters.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png