pafp The Simplicity of Friendships | Sharing Tongues and Two Truths One Lie




With Emberstar's death still fresh in the air and the dogs still out and about, ThunderClan was certainly on edge. Leaf-Bare still hadn't finished with them yet, the air was frigid with frost covering the ravine and weighing among the brambles. Prey was still as scarce as ever, but today the bleak sunlight peaked through the overabundance of clouds. The wind billowed through the canopy of trees above them, causing the splotches of sunlight to dance along the forest floor. Maybe today should be a day of spending a little bit of extra time with clan mates, to bask in their presence and delve further into their bonds together. Emberstar would've wanted that—she wouldn't have wanted them to sit around and grow apart from one another. And what better way of doing that then to share tongues and develop friendships?
Stormchaser sighed, settling himself into one of those sunlit patches while enjoying what little bit of mouse there was left on the pile. With the mouse now gone, his searched the camp clearing for any friendly faces with a satisfied swipe of his pink tongue. The familiar golden fur of Sunnyday came into his view, and a thoughtful look crossed over the tom's expression. He hadn't really interacted with the larger warrior before, so why not take the opportunity now? "Hey, Sunnyday! Come sit with me." He calls to him, waving his ivory tipped tail in a beckoning manner. "How're you, my friend? Got any interesting stories to tell?"

// please wait for @Sunnyday to post then anyone else is welcomed to join (:

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Since Emberstar's death he had honestly become withdrawn. He hadn't actually realised that he was even doing it, that is until he nearly jumped out of his own skin when Stormchaser called his name. The golden tom looked around himself for a moment before making his way over to join the other tom in a skittish manner. "Oh, yes, thank you for inviting me over." Sunnyday settled himself next to Stormchaser with a warm smile. "I might have a couple stories, but they aren't exactly long ones if I'm entirely honest." They weren't all easy ones to share either. But perhaps they could be utilised in another way. "Why don't we play a game. I believe the youngsters call it 'two truths and a lie'. The aim is to detect the lie. Think you can figure me out?" It seemed like an innocent way to pass the time. "Let's see... I know how to swim, my father was a kittypet, I have a crush on a ThunderClanner." He decided to give Stormchaser a moment to figure things out, so he opted to start grooming the other tom by starting on his shoulder.

A purr rumbled in her throat as she emerged from the entrance to the nursery. She had been watching Falconkit and Stormkit play nearby, but she wished to stretch her legs and enjoy what little warmth the sun provided. As she glanced around the camp, she spotted Sunnyday and Stormchaser close enough that she could still spy on her naughty children. When they weren't sleeping by her side, it seemed they were chasing their clanmates, or trying to chew other's tails off. She had been so anxious for their arrival, but now her fur felt like it was going to fall out!

The red tabby padded over to her clanmates, flicking her tail happily in greeting. "Would you guys mind if I joined in?" As she waited for either of their responses, her gaze would drift off to her kits, making sure they weren't being naughty.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silverlightning swipes his tongue over his lips, finishing what was left of his meal as he stands to his paws and wanders over as well, interest piqued. "I've never heard of this game..." He murmurs admittedly, closing the distance between himself and the growing crowd. "Is this another one of Thunderclan's customs?" The inquiry is genuine as he settles down into a seated position, tail coming to rest comfortably upon his paws. Blue tinted ears swivel attentively to the options laid out, eyes narrowing marginally as he considered each one. A low hum vibrates within the walls of his throat before finally deciding on his answer. "I believe your lie is this crush you claim to have." While he did not believe the golden tom incapable of finding love, Silver honestly did not expect it.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

nightbird joined the group under the impression something of note was being discussed. four cats had gathered, so it had to be something good. right?

wrong. some silly game she was now trapped in as she sat with paws tucked under her chest. a rather bored expression, but maybe some good could come out of this. they were sharing secrets, and of course she would not participate, but listening couldn't do any harm. an ear flicks towards silverlightning's inquiries about the game. something as silly as this was definitely not a custom. "no, they just wanna feel young again," she responded, lips twitching into a sly grin. neither was terribly old, but sunnyday had made a point that mostly 'youngsters' played it. partaking in childrens games as an adult had to be some form of yearning.
[ ☾✩ ]

A little jumpy the larger tom was, but Stormchaser didn't take much heed to it. It wasn't exactly the most gleeful of times right now, with Emberstar's death so fresh on the mind and the dogs still roaming their territory. How long before they'd find ThunderClan's camp grounds? Would they come busting in with a predatory look in those lifeless eyes? Could they even stand a chance against them? Stormchaser's own anxiety gnawed at his belly, twisting and turning.
Sunnyday's voice pierced through his racing thoughts, ripping him away and placing him back into reality. He offers the golden tom a returned smile as he settles in and places himself next to the blue tinted warrior. Piqued interest causes Stormchaser's brows to lift at the mention of this game, a small laugh reverberates his vocal chords as he nods. "Youngsters? Don't go talking like you're in the Elders Den yet, heheheh. But I'm familiar with the game. I'm sure I can. I've got a very keen eye. " He flicks his tail with a conceded smile, confident in his efforts even though he was full of shit. It was all banter for the sake of the game. The warrior listens carefully, bringing a paw to his chin in thought.
His call seemed to draw in more a crowd, Flamewhisker ambling up to join with a smile. He nods to her, returning her smile with his own. "Come pile in, Flamey-Flame." He adds before returning to the game at hand. A low purr rises in his throat as a warm tongue passes over his shoulder, the rymthic rasps has him completely relaxing as he leans in closer towards Sunnyday. Silverlightning places himself near; a question of his own rings in the air and before Stormchaser can answer, a sly voice beats him to do. He glances at the smoke molly with a sly smile of his own. "Careful Nightbird, you'll be sharing a nest with me in there before you know it and I can assure you, I will make sure I become a loud snorer by that time." He wiggles his brows for emphasis, a toothy grin edging his angular maw.
His attention is placed back onto the task at hand, his ears swiveling towards the silver warrior who was able to answer the question before him. Stormchaser gives a mock frown, apricot eyes widening for emphasis. "What? No love for the old man? C'moonn. I think you don't actually know how to swim. If ya did, you'd be plunging in that river to catch us all some fish." The warrior grins while aiming to nudge the other warrior before returning the favor by rasping his own tongue over Sunnyday's cheek.
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"You're always welcome, Flamewhisker, no need to ask." Sunnyday purred as he paused between licks in order to address the new mother. It was good to see her out and about, and hopefully getting a break from the kids even for just a little while. She wasn't alone however in terms of joining them, as both Silverlightning and Nightbird made themselves known. Heck, Silverlightning even guessed correctly. As much as it stung on how quickly he got it.

"I wish I was younger, I'd still have my old body figure. Big, muscular, long flowing fur..." For a moment he became lost in the memories, but he drew himself back with a shake of his head. No point dwelling on it, and besides, he still had his long fabulous legs. Anyway, it was time to put them out of their misery by revealing who was right. Though he lowered his head first so Stormchaser could give his cheek a proper groom. "This is nice!"

"I'm afraid to say that Silverlightning guessed correctly. No love for me. Not many my age going about either." He admitted with a chuckle, even though he was aching on the inside as memories of Salamander drifted into his mind. He missed her dearly, but he knew he needed to move on. "Oh! And once the waters get warmer I'll show you how to swim! Right, Silver won that round, so care to pitch some truths and a lie for us to pick from?"
( ) Oh, a game. Interesting. Lichenpaw typically considers such things beneath him--he's not a kitten, after all--but scanning the crowd gathered here, it's nothing but full-grown warriors. ThunderClan is such a strange place. Well, who is he to judge how the forest cats socialize? He listens in on the first round, judging whether or not it's worth it to join. And it certainly is! A great opportunity to learn more about his fellow ThunderClanners, Lichenpaw is not passing that up. He should be pretty good at it too, he thinks; he's a very perceptive cat, even if he hasn't been here long.

Lichenpaw pads over to the small gathering of cats, a loose grin adorning his face. "Not, um, not too late for me to join, hm?" he asks, more a formality than anything as he settles down beside Sunnyday.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Nightbird answers his inquiry all while taking a jab at the two toms grooming one another. A low hum of understanding vibrates within his throat, silver eyes turning to focus upon Stormchaser as he jokes and mildly chides. His feathered tail taps across his paws, sitting a little straighter. "That is not what I'm insinuating, I'm merely observant." He murmurs, turning his gaze upon Lichenpaw as they approach and ask if it was too late to join. "Not at all, we've only played one round." Silver's head tips back a tad, thoughtful as she attempts to drum up something for them to pick from. Once gathered he levels his gaze, eyes flicking across each individual face. "Alright. I was formally engaged, I once helped fend off a hawk, or I despise the taste of snake." He murmurs, wondering quietly who would accurately guess the lie hidden beneath truths,
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Of course he has no idea what is going on. He hasn't bee involved and we'll he just woke up from a nap and has come careening out of the nursery. His too big paws slap against the ground as he makes his way closer to all of the adults, wide eyes full of wonder as he looks at them. What are they doing? What are they talking about? Can he join too? He wants to be a big kid. He wants to do the things they do. So the cream colored youth makes his way closer and closer to them, small ears perked up as he listens to their conversation. With a huff at his own confusion he suddenly realizes that his mom is there and without an ounce of hesitation he goes running over before flopping down beside her. Tiny paws attempt to grapple with her paw as he rolls and looks up at all the adults. Suppose he is just here now and he grins brightly, happy to be able to see what everyone is doing right now.
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"Always welcome, my young Lichenpaw!" Sunnyday cheerfully greeted with a wave of his tail tip. It seemed as though the duo had now swelled into quite the gathering. It was... it was actually quite nice. Heck, even one of Flamewhisker's young kits had joined them. Though his focus was swiftly brought to Silverlightning, an expression of bafflement descending over him. Goodness, he really didn't know his own clanmate all that well. "Hrm... this is a hard one. I think I'm going to settle on the hawk one being the lie." He didn't sound confident, not in the least.
His expression screws into a playful scowl, his brows furrowed and lips puckered like a sore losing kit. Stormchaser flicked his tail, moving to tuck his snow-dipped paws underneath feathered fur. No love for the golden tom, hm? Perhaps Stormchaser would have to look further into that. He continues to groom the plush fur of the older warrior, his tongue moving across Sunnyday's shoulder as Lichenpaw and Falconkit soon joined. He pauses for a moment, giving both of them a friendly smile before Silverlightning begins his own turn at the game. I was formally engaged, I once helped fend off a hawk, or I despise the taste of snake.
Stormchaser brings a paw up to his chin, looking at the silver Oriental with a focused apricot gaze. Silverlightning sure was an intellectual one and also quite—difficult to read. Stormchaser mulled it over with a few flicks of his tongue against the roof of his mouth, his whiskers twitching. Sunnyday's response seemed just as hesitant as he was. "I think that—the snake one is the lie." He finally responds after a few moments, trying to reach the usual stoic warrior. "You're a hard one to read, Silverlightning. Heheh—but I bet ladies swoon over you, hmm?" He moves his forepaw to nudge at the other warrior, wiggling his brows for emphasis.

✦ ★ ✦
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Another individual decides to join their game, this time it is Flamewhisker's little one and now they had a rather sizeable group. Silver's eyes skim their faces, waiting in silence as they mull over the options given. Sunnyday is the first to speak up and his answer is met with a gentle shake of his head. "It is quite true I assure you. One hawk attempted to frequent the mountains once leaf bare became bitterly cold and left it desperate." He murmurs, painting a picture for the older tom to see within his minds eye. Silence overtakes the group again and this time Stormchaser tosses in his vote. The dual toned warrior's answer earns him a faint smile, a minor curl of the lips that could have easily been missed. "Bravo, that is correct. Snake was considered a delicacy where I'm from." His fellow warrior's paw extends forward to nudge him in a playful manner, causing his body to move in a light sway.

Truthfully he wouldn't know, he was only previously engaged because arrangements were customary where he lived. But for the sake of keeping himself from looking ignorant he levels his gaze with Storm and speaks without skipping a beat. "Perhaps." His vision then trails around their uniformed circle. "Now then, who's next?"
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
Once it was confirmed that her presence was alright, she would sit down and fluff her fur out, making herself more comfortable. She would then lift a paw, and draw her tongue roughly over it. She wasn't positive, but she could assume she still had some leave crumbles stuck in her pelt. The previous evening, she had spent a long time cleaning all of the debris from Stormkit and Falconkit's pelts...even without being able to leave the camp, they managed to find everything dirty. If she didn't know better, she would assume they had been running through the forest all day!

She listened to Silverlightning's question, then thought to herself for a moment. She didn't know much about the tom's previous adventures, so any of them could be the answer. The hawk seemed possible for a moment, but she quickly dismissed it. Being a former loner herself, she had also helped chase away hawks before joining here. Her jaws opened to answer, but before she could, she felt something at her paws. A rather loud purr erupted from her throat, and she dangled her paw above him to play with until he sat up. Once he did, she would lean down and attempt to run her tongue over his head a few times to clean up any debris that could be stuck to him.

If he allowed her to clean him, once she was satisfied she would lift her gaze to her clanmates. "Perhaps Stormchaser since guessed correctly?" she suggested. If I go, what would I say? her life had quite a rough start before joining the clan. Maybe she wouldn't have to take a turn.

stormchaser responds to her with a promise to become a loud snorer by the time they moved into the elder's den. she responded with her own assurance, a saccharine grin. it didn't reach her eyes, they were sharp and narrowed slightly. a promise that she would sooner suffocate him than spend every night listening to obnoxious snores. sunnyday's boastful reminiscing earned a huff of amusement as she shifted her tail to wrap around her side.

the game continued, and although she was listening there wasn't much useful information. in fact, she'd likely learn more about her clanmates by participating in apprentice gossip. "make it interesting, yeah? games are supposed to be fun," she challenged, chiming in after the ginger queen prompted stormchaser to take a turn.
[ ☾✩ ]

His eyes widen when Silverlightning's answer is revealed, a smile never faltering as he listened. "That's pretty awesome, Silverlightning! One time I had a close encounter with an owl. Damn thing was wild and well—pretty frightening. It's eyes were so large, like two moons staring at me." His gaze flits to Flamewhisker as she speaks in between grooming the pale fur of Falconkit, suggesting that it was his turn since he won that round. The blue tabby takes a moment to think in order to come up with something, his ears flicking towards Nightbird as she comments to give them something worth guessing. Stormchaser returns her saccharine grin with a mischievous one, mulling over what he could say.
"Let's see here—my father was a kittypet, I was attacked by a coyote and almost killed, and once I rolled in rabbit shit to disguise my scent during a hunting patrol." He shifts himself then, wrapping his plumed tail over his white paws as his gaze lingers on each one of his clan mates who had joined, waiting rather eagerly for them to answer.

//sorry it's short! I'm at work dbxhsjzkz

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Darn, he had gotten it wrong. Sunnyday offered a small chuckle as he listened, somewhat surprised that anyone would like the flavour of snake. That was something he personally couldn't get behind, he just wasn't a fan of the flavour or the texture of the scales. "Must have been really something to see a hawk, and to take one on." He understood that such birds possessed dangerous talons and were blessed with great speed.

He was of course in agreement that it was Stormchaser's turn, so he seized the chance to begin on the other tom's chest fur, aiming to take his time to part the fur so he could check for any fleas or ticks that needed nipping. All the while that he worked he listened to Stormchaser speak, heeding the three statements in the hope of detecting the lie. "Hrm... I think the coyote is the lie." He concluded with a snicker before he muffled himself again through the act of grooming.