the sky is clear and bright | stormy

It's been a while since uncle and niece had spent time like this one on one. Flycatcher tried to spend time his sister's children as often as he could, though he was aware he hadn't kept up with that in recent moons. Stormypaw and her siblings had gotten so big now and were almost warriors. In fact, Flycatcher suspected Howlingstar would be naming some new warriors sooner rather than later. "I saw your most recent training session with Barkjaw yesterday," He said as they walked, engaging in some polite conversation until they reached their destination. "You looked very impressive out there. He has clearly taught you well." His gaze flickered over and he smiled at her proudly. "I wish Moth could see you and your siblings and see how you have all grown."

Her lineage is one Stormypaw has always been both ashamed and proud of. On one paw, the kittypet blood that runs through her veins leaves her open to criticism and insults a forest-born cat would never hear. She loathes her past, hides it any chance she gets. But her lineage includes her uncle, and her uncle is ThunderClan's deputy. That is something to be proud of, and she wants everyone to know it.

She trots alongside him, always enjoying their outings together when Barkjaw would allow it. He praises her efforts in training and the girl is left grinning up at him, eyes shining. "Really? You think so?" She trills, tail waving happily. She's filled with pride with the knowledge that Flycatcher thinks she is impressive; it makes her giddy! Giving a little bounce, she pricks her ears when he brings up her mother and suddenly her head is tilting sharply, brow furrowed. "Do you...I don't know, do you think she misses us a lot?" Guilt eats away at her when she looks back to the ground, a frown beginning to pull at her lips. She knows she made the right decision to come here, but was it a selfish decision?

Flycatcher smiles at his niece's enthusiasm, it's endearing to see. And he really is proud of her as he is proud of her siblings. To see them now compared to what they were like when they first came to the clan is amazing. Due to their kittypet blood, he knows some of his clanmates had their doubts about them and their capabilities. But Flycatcher has never wavered in his belief in all three of them, that this was where they were meant to be, that they would be safe and happy here, that they would flourish here.

When Stormypaw falters at the mention of her mother, Flycatcher questions if it was right to mention Moth. "Of course she misses you," Flycatcher says, studying his niece carefully with a gentle expression. "She's your mother and she loves you. I know how much she loved you all, even Rose and Reed. I'm sure she thinks of you more often now that they're both gone."