sensitive topics the sky is falling | injured kittypet /joiner


it might sting a bit
Jun 27, 2024
જ➶ A frail heart beats harshly in their chest. Panting breathes shaking lungs and they burn. He has never run like this and for so long in their life. It's starting to hurt but he knows that he can not stop. He can hear them behind him, their multiple paws skittering like rancid rats behind them. Their laughter still embedded in his own ears and they still do mot understand what they did to grab their ire. All they were doing was walking down the same street, the same pathway they normally took to get to the forest. To perhaps partske in a wild life he is barred from having. Perhaps he took a wrong turn but he found himself suddenly surrounded by three toms, snaggled tooth and with jagged claws scrapping the ground. They taunted them, expressing sharp biting sarcasm about his life. Where he came from, striking and cutting his nose. Tasting their own blood sends fear dripping down their own back then, a chilling finger and he found himself remembering Thistleback's warning about the rogues, the neighborhood stories about the killer cats roaming around. They don't want to die and the first moment that they could escape they take it. This same escape has his paws and legs straining now, jerking underneath cars and trying their best to reach the only safety that they know. The forest. One which holds cats of valor and perhaps even potential protection for him

Wheezing lungs keep trying to keep him going and finally they see the fence. They see potential salvation of the forest just beyond. "Please....please...." They gasp as they frantically try and push underneath silver chains, jerking and feeling metal scrap at skin. But it doesn't matter. If they don't they will die. They don't want to die. He can hear them so close and with a desperate jerk their collar that got caught shatters. Rhinestones fling through air and finally the fence releases them. They trip and stumble before forcing their limbs to move. He hears the fence rattle behind and they twist to look over his shoulder. See the three rogues standing on top before they leap down. Nowhere to run but within trees and they quickly try to move. Their limbs feel like jelly but they do the only thing they know how. "SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE! THISTLEBACK! I NEE-!" But his cries cut short as one of the rogues jumps onto their back, crushing them against the ground. Dirt fills their maw and they sputter trying to kick before pain finds their side.

-- pls wait for @ThistleBack to respons first!
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  • Angry
Reactions: ThistleBack
A mild headache presses his skull like a thumb crushing a beetle. He had considered sending Teeveepaw off with another mentor-apprentice duo but instead had stubbornly decided to bring the kid out for a lesson in climbing. Not wanting to miss a day so soon in the training of his newest appointed. Grey eyes narrow against the sunlight, jaws clench. His ears were sensitive enough to hear a mouse’s heartbeat. It made him terse and his posture jagged. " don’t just rest your claws on the bark… pine has loose bits all over- see " Thistleback unsheathes his nails on a forepaw and drags it down the nearest tree, it flakes and crumbles easily. " You can slip and- "

SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE! THISTLEBACK, his own name split the air in a panicked plea. His muzzle snaps in the direction of the twolegplace. " Go to camp. Quickly. " he orders, turning on his heel and once again racing through the pines towards the damned place. Always the fence lined jungle of chaos, beckoning him with bloodied fingers. The call of the wild but sickly with smog, rats, rogues, and gardens. All the things he left behind when he was young, howling to him on the wind.

" getting too bloody old for this " he growls as he sprints, his head still pulsing with an ache. Legs pumping as quickly as he could, he weaves through the pines until he spots them. Denali’s familiar two-toned coat is flattened to the ground, maw smashed to the dirt. Above them, a filthy furred rogue and two on the way to help finish the cruel game. Dangerously outnumbered, if he was to face death he would do so as a warrior. Even if he didn’t owe this kittypet anything.

Blood roars in his ears, his lips peel back. Denali, the gentle wayward kittypet. The harmless lad was way out of their depth, untrained and wandering foolishly in this world swarming with the wicked. " Foolish cat! " he shouts, heart hammering in his chest as he speeds up. The seconds were crucial, or he’d watch another innocent cat die. It didn’t sit right- he wouldn’t let it happen.

Thistleback could almost smell the putrid snaggled mouth of the rogue that had Denali pinned, he collides with a bodily thud. Teeth enclosing on the rogue’s ear and ripping down until anchored in muscle. He stumbles in his attempt to keep from hurting the one he was trying to help as he curls his weight and rolls them off Denali, they tumble in a tornado of snarls and claws. He could feel slices, kicks, and hooks in his chest and flank. Teeth pierce his scruff as another rogue joins, the pain sears like a hot branding iron.

  • — apprentice tag @Teeveepaw.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningsun and Scorpionpaw
    — mentoring Teeveepaw formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


teeveepaw & 06 moons & nonbinary & they/them & skyclan daylight apprentice

Of all the things they are to learn here, tree climbing is, admittedly, one of the most exciting. What must it be like, to dart about the branches like the squirrels they sometimes catch glimpses of, or to lounge upon branches like the chittering songbirds? Tail flicks and heart beats excitedly in their chest as they watch their mentor, nodding along as they hang onto his every word. But lesson is cut short by the sound of shouts - of screams, and the scent of blood. With a sense of urgency they've never seen from their mentor they're ordered back to camp - eyes wide and tail fluffed, they can't een think to argue before darting off in the direction they're told. Whatever is happening, surely Teeveepaw need not be involved.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

A N D W E D O N ' T S T A Y F O R L O N G

// in & out, following thistleback's orders and returning to camp
Emberpaw had been training nearby with @SILVERSMOKE when the sudden screams from the direction of twoleg place picked, and a sight of Teeveepaw racing to camp and shouts from Thistleback. Seeing the anxious appearance of the younger apprentice, she sprints over to see the former lead warrior and a foreign kittypet. Thistleback has already begun fighting them and it doesn't take a second later before she engages in combat, her frame quickly leaping forward to help him. трус! Emberpaw scowls under her breath that it takes three rogues to bully a kittypet, and two rogues to fight a singular warrior. A powerful leg sweeps the rogue's leg out from under them to make them lose balance before slamming her frame into them.

This was where she excelled, the fiery grounds of fighting. Sparring was similar, but now she could go all out. She could show Skyclan the warrior she had refined herself to be. This is what she spent her entire life training for, and she wouldn't fail her clan now. Her movement slithered across the battlefield similar to a snake yet with the ferocity of a tigress, muscles rippling underneath her short umber coat. Ember launches forth once more at her opponent, rolling them over as she rakes at their exposed underbelly with her hindlegs before they shove her off. Claws rake at her face as she feels blood draw at her lip where their claws pierced. Her tongue rasps across the blood from her wound as she takes an offensive stance for the next move.

After Emberpaw, the maine coon was next, bursting through SkyClan's thin foliage with his eyes near-mad from adrenaline. A scream and a fleeing apprentice told a story that horrified the spotted tabby, but a part of his muscles burned with anticipation, knowing that this could be his chance to save a life. The cry's source, a kittypet, sends a cold lick down Silversmoke's spine as he locks sight with them. All the theories he'd had about the rogues of the Twolegplace shattered within a blink, but the thought was pushed down quicker than a hairball. Someone needed help, not just Denali, but his clanmates too.

He turned his head towards the three rogues, fiery gaze assessing each of them within a breath. Thistleback already tangled with one, Emberpaw the other, and though he jerked his body towards his apprentice, a third shape danced across his vision like a cloud. Silversmoke ducked his head at the swipe of a paw and used his crouch to leap upwards into the front of the final enemy, unsheathed claws lashing at their shoulders as he shoved the creature back. Twisting like a snake as the rogue tried to attack from Silver's right again, the spotted tabby retaliated with a hooking slash, tearing the skin upon the rogue's chest. When the creature winced and staggered back, he went on the offensive, headbutting them to create enough distance to speak. Saliva dripped from his maw, scarlet mixed with clear, as if it belonged to a feral hound. Somewhere in the scuffle, he'd been hit, likely near the mouth, but all the Lead Warrior could think about were his clanmates dead at the paws of similar creatures. Through the spit, Silversmoke snarled, "Leave and you'll keep your life."