private The sky set to burst ❧ Ditto

Feb 20, 2024

At Flora’s insistence she had managed to drag Ditto out from their shared home within those comforting white walls of their twolegnest. There was no real plan, that much was obvious. They hadn’t walked around together in a while and in recent weeks Flora had realised that fact, usually she was too tired to walk around after returning home. That was no different today but she wanted to set aside that time to bug the younger cat walking beside her. She was thankful that it wasn’t unbearably warm outside, the blanket of night brought a lingering chill in the air that combated otherwise disgusting heat. The lights that adorned the pavement they trekked across could highlight her features, a look of thought clearly evident. Not a passing thought either, the Maine Coon had carried this expression for a considerable amount of time tonight.

“You haven’t gotten into any trouble lately?” She questioned with an easygoing smile, the question temporarily distracting her from any concerns she carried. While she doubted that this was ever something that he sought she wouldn’t be surprised if it managed to find them anyways. The scent of the Twolegplace calms her residual nerves and tension, strangely enough there’s solace in the thick air and while she misses the stars there's something equally as comforting as being covered by these lights around them.

Would Ditto like the stars if he got to see them more? Would he even want to? “Ditto” she says, voice bordering a tentative nervousness before she even had the chance to bring up what’s been on her mind. “Would you ever want to come with me to the forest? During the day I mean” she clarifies quickly, not wanting to imply the thought that she was moving, quite the opposite.“Have you considered being a daylight warrior with me?” It's relieving to finally say it, the topic had been on her mind for a few moons now but she hadn't considered how to approach it. Eventually she decided that just barreling towards the subject was the best approach, no better way to be other than direct.

  • @ditto

  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}