pafp THE SKYLINE FALLS ⊹₊° a gift

❀‿ Lupinepaw padded into camp quietly, steps controlled despite the ever-present thrumming of nerves beneath her fur. A small bundle of flowers (a couple anemones, an iris, and some clover) were held in her maw, and her eyes scanned the perimeter of camp rapidly before resting upon the cat she was looking for.

She strode gracefully up toward the familiar form, placing her gift at her paws and tapping him on the shoulder. "Hi," she greets him with a sheepish smile as he turns to face her, "I'm glad I caught you before my patrol leaves..!"

She looks at him for another moment, whatever unsaid things they carried hovering between them and littering the floor, Lupinepaw lets them remain unspoken. She wanted to do this in public for a reason—was it cunning or was she just weak to the shove of awkwardness? Confrontation freaked her out. She just... wanted to talk to him on neutral ground.

"Right, so-" She prompted airily, tearing her haze back downward to the object of her intention, "I got you this. It's not... much but... I heard you passed your warrior assessment so I wanted to congratulate you."

Lupinepaw nudged over the small bundle of flowers, and leaned forward to attempt to affectionately press her muzzle beneath his chin. She pulls back to return to her place a respectable (awkward?) tail length in front of him, "So yeah, congratulations." There is an earnest glimmer in her eyes when she says softly, "You deserve it."

He did, probably the most out of any of them.

  • OOC: @falconpaw!
  • cpj5ve.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 11mo apprentice of skyclan. mentored by dandelionwish, padding after falconpaw
    bobbie x duke. littermate to crowpaw & drowsypaw. older half-sister of hollykit, lionkit, and candorkit
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Falconpaw had been... unsteady since the argument. He wasn't sure where they fell- what she felt, because quite honestly, everything else Falconpaw could put together. Romantic gestures were clear enough- but when it came to deepest of feelings? He needed them to be said outloud. Blue eyes were focused on the piece of prey he had just added to the freshkill pile, the tap on his shoulder causing him to turn his head.

He relaxed at the sight of Lupinepaw. "Hi." He responded, voice quiet. He isn't upset in his features- a bit surprised, but a good-natured smile returns regardless of the stormy air between them. Anyone who looked too closely could see that Falconpaw was a bit unbalanced, compared to how the two of them were normally. A soft sigh left him as his vision shifted with hers back towards the bundle at their paws. He blinked, a hint surprised.

Quickly, his vision lifted back towards her. "Lupine..." He started gently, his vision and ears softening. He stepped into the physical contact, pressing tight in return before withdrawing to inspect the bundle that she had gifted to him. "This is lovely, thank you. You... didn't have to." He hummed softly, Falconpaw lowering his nose to inhale the scent of the flowers gently.
  • "speech"
  • FALCONPAW 🌧 he/him, apprentice of skyclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring no one
    padding after lupinepaw / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

In an effort to understand the family not in the nursery with him, Candorkit sometimes finds himself watching for dark pelts. If said dark pelt belonged to a hulking beast, it was Slate; any other size, and he would likely find one of his other siblings. Today,he finds Lupinepaw walking into camp with a bundle of flowers in her maw. Candorkit's head follows her like an owl's (this was a simile that he would not truly understand for a little while longer, but he has heard it many times!)

He doesn't really understand most of what's going on... Except that she and Falconpaw are clearly great friends! So good of friends, that Candorkit finds himself getting a bit sniffly watching them... This was the sort of friendship cats made stories about... The kind of friendship that cats slayed great beasts for...

If either of them glanced to the side, they would see a wet - eyed kit staring intensely at them. A sniff, " That's so... suh-sweeet! " he interjects loudly. " I hope someone gives me flowers some day! "

  • m7kGLl9.png

  • 78638407_YRHxSQJ8VnrQxXj.png
    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.
There’s something so endearingly tender about Lupinepaw offering her jawful of newleaf blossoms to Falconpaw for passing his warrior assessment. Tender, and—and romantic. The way the smoke-pelted she-cat’s eyes melt with warmth when Falconpaw is near her makes her think of the way Butterflytuft looks at her father. Oh, she’s so cool that she has someone padding after her already, and she’s not even a warrior yet…

Fluffykit pads to stand beside Candorkit. She’s hyper-aware of the tears glossing his green eyes, and she touches her nose to his shoulder in a show of friendship and reassurance. He remarks that he hopes someone gives him flowers someday. Fluffykit sighs dreamily. “Me, too,” she mews. “Do you think someone will give us flowers?

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 4 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

  • Love
Reactions: Floppie

there is a little voice in the back of his head that screams at him, sometimes. more times than he will admit. and, no, it's not the haunting echo of chi. it's a different one, one that's angry at him for not being angry. he can't be. he can't– not when he doesn't have a right to. his paws stop next to his little brother, lids lowered with a different swirl of emotions. not one can be pinpointed, and he himself couldn't tell anyone what he was thinking. lupinepaw got falconpaw flowers. she's happy and apologizing. he's happy and forgiving her. this was what he wanted, right? for her to be happy. for him to be happy. for them to be happy, even if it means that he isn't. wait... no. no he is happy. he's happy for them. they're clearly okay, now, and that's what he wanted. drowsypaw was happy for them. gently, he clears his throat and licks over condorkit's head.

"im... i'm sure that you will both get flowers. hey, how about i go get you flowers, little brother? and fluffykit, too. yes. y-yeah. i will take uh... a warrior and g-go get you some flowers. y-yeah. i'll be back b-before you even know it, okay?"

with a gentle nudge to his little brother, he turned away and walked off. i'm fine. everything's fine. they're fine. and i'm happy for them.

As a general rule Flora kept an ear out for gossip and rumours, there was something appealing about it to her. Beyond that, it was a good indicator of what the dynamics of SkyClan were this week. One of those strands of rumours she had heard was about Lupinepaw, about how she had been quieter and more standoffish as of late. The daylight warrior wouldn't lie and say that she cared enough to follow up on that considering she had never spoken to Lupinepaw but she cared enough to notice this very public display of affection and congratulations between herself and Falconpaw.

She stops by the two kits as she tries to decipher what exactly was going on in front of her, she didn’t know either apprentice well enough to pick up on little details about their behaviour but something felt a little off to her. While rumours and gossip was her wheelhouse she was not getting involved in whatever was happening there, her ear flicked as she listened to Candorkit and Fluffykit muse over receiving flowers. Her curiosity skyrockets at Drowsypaw’s reaction to the whole thing, everything about this just seemed off to her. Maybe it would be beneficial to keep her ear near the more gossipy SkyClanners in the future, just to see if someone around here knew more about what was going on.

She smiled at the kits, watching Drowsypaw leave the situation with scrutiny, debating if she should offer to go get flowers with him. “You could always give each other flowers if you both want them!” she purred playfully as she turned to give them her full attention, throwing one final side glance at the couple. If the kits somehow mysteriously found some stray flowers left near the nursery for them to investigate the next morning then that would be a weird coincidence or it could be because of Drowsypaw. Not because Flora stopped during her journey to camp from the Twolegplace, that would be ridiculous.

Fluffykit's presence reminds him that Lupinepaw isn't the only one with real good friends... He has good friends too. All of SkyClan were his good friends! He wipes his face with a paw and gives his friend Fluffykit a smile and a nod. " Yeah! Someday... " he mews. " I hope mine are blue "

Drowsypaw surprised him then, but it's a good surprise! The kind that makes him purr and his tail curl contentedly around his paws. " Really? " Candorkit exclaims, and he stands straighter as he does so. His siblings were the best ever! " Right now? " the calm curl of his tail is not an excited flicking back and forth. How... for-tu-i-tous! How...nice. Nice was an okay word, this time.

You could always give each other flowers if you both want them! says a warrior he can't remember the name of. Flo... flower? Was her name flower, giving them amazing flower wisdom? " Your-rika! You are soo right! " he exclaims, as if her idea was like a light of the end of the tunnel; completely brilliant and unable to be thought up by mind but hers " Let's all get each other flowers! " he tells Fluffykit, lowering his voice because he realizes he might be totally interrupting Lupinepaw and Falconpaw's amazing friendship moment...

He turns on a whim, ready to dash after his brother — before promptly crumpling in defeat upon realizing that, " Aww, but we can't go anywhere! "

  • m7kGLl9.png

  • 78638407_YRHxSQJ8VnrQxXj.png
    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.