camp The Sky's All Silver -- [ intro, snowballs ]


it'll be our little secret
Jan 31, 2024

Phloxpaw loves routines. She gets up at the same time in the morning every day, she grooms her fur in the same meticulous way, and she has all her favorite tasks she sticks to on a daily basis. The routine of an apprentice is simple, too. Train with your mentor, go on a patrol, do your chores. It's monotonous enough that apprentices find themselves shuffling around, making time for gossip and mischief. Today's chores have wrapped up early. Phloxpaw realizes that a small group of apprentices have congregated just outside of camp, and not wanting to be left out of some potential secrets and whispers she comes over to join them.

Her pointed paws crunch in the snow, a point of contention in the young molly's life. The more snow that gets packed into her fur, the more grooming needs to be done. Phloxpaw tries not to make a face at the thought when she joins the small group. She doesn't even notice that what they're up to. Though engaged in conversation- Phloxpaw has jumped in and is trying to follow to the best of her ability- they're taking cold chunks of the packed-in snow and rolling them across the ground to create larger balls of powder and ice.

The realization hits her- literally. One of the apprentices yells a warning, but not until the snowball has already been launched. Phloxpaw doesn't even realize the cry was a warning until the snow pelts her in the side. "Oh my StarClan!" she cries out in her exasperation "What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you know you should ask people if they want to participate before pelting them with things?!"

The apprentices were enjoying the last bit of leafbare before the snow began to melt and he watched with a fondness from a distance as they batted clumps of the cold slush back and forth at one another in pure merriment. The snow reminded him too much of things he didn't like to think about, of cold and how bright blood looked upon its surface, of going hungry and huddling for warmth in den's buried beneath a tidal wave of white. But still, it was beautiful in a way even with how wretched it was to experience in their more dire times and he couldn't help but find joy in the simplicity of observing the games. It was only when Phloxpaw cried out in upset did he realize she was even there, her approach a gentle and barely noticable sound until she spoke furiously to the apprentices who had pelted her and he rose stiffly to stand and pad over on all three legs with his head tilted up, "Hey now, it's's just a little snow." The point apprentice had a right to be angry though, if she didn't want to be covered in the cold and made wet then she was well within her right to be bothered, "She's right though, you guys shouldn't be tossing those at everyone unless they're fine with your games."
The large red tabby shifted closer to the bitterly unhappy apprentice and flicked his long plume of a tail out to her side in silent comfort, "Don't let it get to you, that'll dry quickly with a little grooming."


  • dgli8ey-d6b3093f-98da-4d4f-8bce-90336bd9abb1.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.


Unknowingly, he and Sunfreckle shared many of the same thoughts about snow. Once, it was something that had enamored him. The forest had turned into a winter wonderland in which he could bound through with his littermates. Once, he would have done exactly the same as this apprentice was doing now, He would use his oversized paws to scoop up the snow and fling it at his unsuspecting siblings and then all chaos would errupt as they would tumble together through the cold powder. Now, it was an annoyance that clung to his fur like a burr until it melted off and it was a reminder of things he would much rather forget. Snow was a symbol of death and hardship in his mind, not fun and joy like it had once been.

Young apprentices do not share the same cynicism, however, and he cannot help the way his whiskers twitch in amusement when a projectile wings its way into the air and smacks directly into Phloxpaw's side. She is quick to complain but Sunfreckle is quick to reassure and Burnstorm cannot help but wonder how he makes it look so effortless. Perhaps later, he'll ask but for now he just smiles. "My siblings and I used to play in the snow together all the time" he says with an amused huff "It won't kill you"

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably