the sky's the limit ☀︎ return from skyclan

He was tired, his flank still hurt from being clawed so severely and the subsequent chase after that SkyClan tom had opened it right back up again so he was, for once, in a rare irritable mood. Sunfreckle trotted back into camp with a hobble and a half-limp, paws aching and expression sour. They had won and that's all that truly mattered but now they had to deal with this mess with SkyClan and as he had told Orangeblossom-he was not making any decisions without defering to their leader and the clan itself. He was one cat, unlike that fool who thought he spoke for the clans. The red tabby rolled his eyes, leaning briefly into Rabbitnose before taking a breath and coming to a stop once past the bramble walls with a sense of relief that it was all over and most the clan was going to be fine. A glance at the medicine cat den told him Berryheart would be terribly busy and he still felt sick to his stomach at the sight of the black tabby leader bleeding out across the sandy shore of the riverside, but ThunderClan perservered.
"Someone...get Howlingstar for me." He turned, looking for the first cat he could see to go about locating the leader; he hadn't been here and he had no idea where she might be.

-Takes place the same day of winning Sunningrocks and before the current meeting!
-Tagging @Rabbitnose but feel free to post before him!
-Calling out for someone to fetch @HOWLINGSTAR !
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Although tired and bloodied Silverlightning's head pops up at the sound of Sunfreckle returning to camp, ears angled at the request to gather Howlingstar herself. Hopefully the repaired molly would be able to move comfortably after losing a life during the battle. Her was unsure of how starclan's prowess worked. A soft huff leaves his maw as he stands to full height. Curious as to what transpired after the lead warrior and Rabbitnose gave chase after the lone skyclanner. However, he assumed he would learn more after fetching her. "Certainly." He murmurs with a curt nod of his head, turning about on his paws to gather their leader. After several strides to clear the distance of camp he located the dark furred tabby, greeting her with a respectful nod. "Howlingstar. Sunfreckle has returned and requests your presence." He voices and turns his shoulder to her, offering it to lean on should she need it.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
Howlingstar had been in the medicine cat's den alongside many of the more wounded ThunderClanners. Berryheart made sure to treat the rest of her wounds, and her throat still felt raw despite StarClan healing the hole that had been there. She lifts her head as Silverlightning approaches her and tells her that Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose have returned from chasing off the SkyClanner that leapt into battle alongside RiverClan. She nods and shakily gets to her paws. She hesitates as she sees him offer his shoulder, the pride in her almost not letting her accept the help. But she quickly shakes away the feeling and accepts that right now, she is injured, and she needs help. "Thank you," She huffs as she leans into the warrior. With his aid, she makes it across camp at a limp before coming to a stop in front of her lead warrior. "He's gone?" She inquires, still leaning on the silver warrior's shoulder.
Though her apprentice ceremony looms closer with every moment, Duskkit is not quite there. And, confined to camp, she has been helpless in the face of everything. Held back from a fight she swears she could have done well in, and stuck fretting after her family in their strange, uncomfortable grief that she could not understand, it has made her...antsy. And when Sunfreckle comes back, something clearly bothering him, the feeling only compounds. "Sunfreckle?" That is all she can get out before Howlingstar has returned, the sight of her frail body making Duskkit's gut twist into one big knot.

She doesn't know much about death yet, but it seems she would be a quick learner.

Accepting that there was very little she could contribute to this conversation, the dark kitten turns away for only a few short moments, returning with water-soaked moss to offer the entire group before pressing herself to their leader's front leg– a youthful mimicry of supporting her weight alongside Silverlightning.

  • ooc: retro to apprenticeship, ofc
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. she - her.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of her father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of her tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"

Silverlightning appears and he nods a quiet thanks as the other moves to go and fetch the black tabby. He waits, resisting the overwhelming urge to sit and steps forward so the walk for the black tabby is not quite so far away once he realizes she was still in the medicine cat's den; a brief flicker of a glance is given to her neck before he forces his gaze away.
" may want to speak to Blazestar as soon as you're able." He starts, cautiously worded and uncertain; he still didn't fully understand it. If it was all a trick then why bother? He and Rabbitnose were outnumbered so they could've very easily jumped them. It was why he hadn't pressed and had only lingered long enough at a distance to ensure they went back to their side of the border.
"We chased the tom to the border, but another SkyClanner attacked us on our territory before we could get him. I thought it was a full scale surprise attack but more SkyClanners arrived to pin the two down and stop them. Apparently, this cat who came to fight with RiverClan did so without Blazestar's consent. They exiled him for his defiance assumedly...I told them to hold him until further discussion but...who is to say if they did." It might've been pretty lies just to let the tom go but again he couldn't do anything about that.
His gaze swept over to Dusk-kit and he offered a soft smile at the young tom, so big already, it felt like just the other day Little Wolf had just had him and his sister and soon they'd be apprentices. How time flew. His focus drew back to the leader leaning onto Silverlightning.

”If Blazestar holds any respect for ThunderClan…” Blizzard Fang begins from nearby, silent up until this moment, ”He will do as asked and hold this cat.“ Blizzard Fang isn’t overly ecstatic about SkyClan, he doesn’t hate them but their friendship was over since Morningpaw’s death... The masked Tom isn’t certain he likes SkyClan’s radical acception of kitty pets, in no offense to Sunfreckle who stands fox-lengths away. Regardless Blazestar seems like a Tom with his head on his shoulders, he will do what is right. He eyes Howlingstar, and by nature Silverlightning, to see what she’d do. He doesn’t mean to question her strength, but in her condition how will she get to speak with him any time soon?
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silverlightning listens quietly as Sunfreckle explains what happened after chasing the fleeing skyclanner. Piecing together information to a story that didn't quite make sense. A steady sigh leaves the male, straightening himself Silver shakes his head. What a mess. "If I may, Howlingstar." He begins, lowering his gaze to the black tabby leaning against his side. "Should you go, I suggest taking two or three warriors to accompany you on your journey." Should this whole thing be some kind of farce, then at the very least she would have some form of protection. They could not afford to lose her a second time. That riverclanner's merciless bite was too much already.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

The urgent return of Sunfreckle and his demand to speak with Howlingstar, eventually lures Flycatcher over. The deputy hangs back to hear what he has to say, his expression unreadable as he listens. He had been aware of a SkyClan scent at the battle but it had not been strong and as far as he could tell it seemed only one SkyClan cat had been present. "I'd wager they were telling the truth about that tom coming to fight of his own volition and being exiled for his troubles," Flycatcher mused. "I did detect SkyClan scent at the battle and I did spot one cat I vaguely recognised from patrols, whose name, unfortunately, escapes me. But I saw no more SkyClanners at the battle." Whether that was a good thing or not remained to be seen. It was probably better for ThunderClan at least, rather than RiverClan who had recently allied with them after helping drive WindClan out of their camp.

Flycatcher turned to look at Howlingstar. "Depending on how urgently you wish to speak with them, I could go in your stead if you'd prefer?" Flycatcher offered politely. He didn't really know Blazestar as well as Howlingstar did, but he believed he had a good grasp on the kind of cat the SkyClan leader was based on patrols and gatherings
Raccoonstripe's haunted gaze focuses as Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose blunder their way back into camp. The tabby stands, ignoring the stinging of wounds still raw, his jaw set grimly. Had Blazestar sent a single cat to fight RiverClan's battles? It seems unlikely to him; if the kittypet Clan had wanted to help their so-called allies, he imagines they'd have been there full-force.

He listens to Sunfreckle recounting the tale with an incredulous flick of an ear. "Sounds like this kittypet can't keep a handle on his Clan," he mutters. "What's new." He shoots Flycatcher and then Howlingstar a glance. "I don't know if kittypets are even capable of deceiving true warriors, but it never hurts to be cautious."


Moonpaw was tired, her first real battle and it had exhausted her more emotionally than physically. They had won, but her grandmother had lost a life as a result, blood had been spilled across those rocks they now owned and she wasn't sure she could stomach hunting on them just yet so she hoped Raccoonstripe would not force her to do so anytime soon; as if trying to telepathically send the suggestion to him she stares hard at her mentor as she moves to follow.
Her shoulder was still bloodied, she'd tried grooming it as best she could before going to bother Berryheart but she had been distracted by the sudden arrival of Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose back into camp. They had chased that horrid SkyClan tom she fought with and her tortie point paws carried her over to listen in on what happened; had he been punished? Did her father know what he tried to do. The apprentice found herself frowning intently as her ears swiveled about, catching the tailend of the discussion before turning to Howlingstar with narrowed blue eyes, "I-! I want to go with you! I want to see Blazestar! I want to ask-I-" She turned, showed her shoulder and bit back the obvious distress in her voice, "That tom tried to brand me with a mark like a blazing star flower...."
He had failed, thankfully, but now that she knew he was apparently told not to join RiverClan in this fight and did so anyways it was readily apparent he had taken his anger at his exile by Blazestar out on her. Just another failing of her father, another reminder of what he'd chosen instead of his kits...
Howlingstar levels her lead warrior with a look, ears pressing forward with interest. When Sunfreckle reveals that the SkyClanner had actually been acting on his own accord and against Blazestar's orders, her eyes grow wide with surprise. For a moment, she even feels relief. SkyClan has not treated them as an enemy, just as she'd never want to treat them as such. Still, there is confusion swimming in her gaze and she looks to her warriors and deputy to hear what they have to say. She nods along slightly, appearing thoughtful albeit a bit stressed. Flycatcher even offers to go instead of her, but she shakes her head, huffing, "I need to hear what Blazestar says myself. Tensions are high, and he knows me better, anyway." He's practically family. "That being said, I'm in no shape to speak with him now, and I'm sure SkyClan is dealing with enough after exiling a warrior..."

When Moonpaw and Raccoonstripe appear, she first glances to her son with a furrowed brow to hear what he says before her granddaughter draws her attention, her voice wavering with distress. What she hears sends the hairs on her spine standing. "What?" She asks, turning her head sharply towards Moonpaw to look at her shoulder. Sure enough, there were scars cut into lines, as if trying to create five points; it's no wound of a swiping paw, but the deliberate mark of purposeful paws. Fury swells up within her. The Blazing Star. Five points. It's practically a symbol of the five leaders, bearing the name star in their name. Did this SkyClanner purposely try to brand a ThunderClan apprentice? With a growl in her voice, Howlingstar turns sharpened eyes towards Flycatcher, "I want a dawn patrol sent there tomorrow to let Blazestar know I wish to speak with him in exactly one quarter-moon, at sunhigh."

// the patrol doesn't actually have to be rped out, just wanted it said for flavor B)