pafp The slow surrender ƚƚ sparring


Lowering your expectations
May 26, 2024

This was stupid, Houndpaw hated training. The sweat from the burning glare of the sun, the pain in her eyes from said sun. They didn’t like to train during the daylight hours for this reason, there were other reasons of course. Such as all those eyes on her, they hated being watched like that. She had created a careful image of laziness, uncaring and unmotivated.

Despite that they had still agreed to Thistlepaw’s incessant badgering, or nagging as she would aptly put it. They don’t know why he was so insistent on training all the time, it seemed like he had made it a personal mission to see Houndpaw be miserable or something. It had been like any other day, with Thistlepaw being a pain in her side over the desire to train.

Her usual threshold for dealing with it was low so she had snappily agreed to spar, hoping that wherever she won or lost the outcome would be the same. To be left alone afterwards, they had a feeling that wouldn’t be the end though, now that she’s opened the window of opportunity it would never get to completely close.

Feeling her mentor's eyes on her as she stood across from the silver and chocolate tom made her skin crawl. It caused her to stand a little straighter, stretching muscles and rolling their shoulders in anticipation. “Go on then, if you’re so eager to exhaust us both then make the first move” she called out with a sneer as she moved from where she was standing. Taking slow but thoughtful strides to move around Thistlepaw, they refused to be a stationary object for him, might as well try to put some effort into this.

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