twolegplace THE SMELL OF SMOKE FROM RUSTING GUNS / shelter patrol

Dusk falls, and while the forest behind them begins to awaken with songs and flavors of the night, the Twolegplace ahead of them seems muted in comparison. Amber lights flash like the eyes of the cats themselves, slicing darkness like claws through flesh. Tallulahwing's steps are brisk; the torbie at the head of the patrol has a steely expression, her tail low and her ears pricked for any nuance in the soundscape around them.

"Stay alert," she murmurs to her companions. Blazestar had chosen her to collect daylight warriors capable of handling a mission like this, and she believes she's chosen well. Grizzlyridge, a full Clan warrior without a Twoleg nest, steps beside her -- she finds herself worrying about a forest cat in such a place, but she allows herself to trust in his skills.

"Twolegplace isn't safe, just like the forest isn't, if you don't know what you're doing or where you're going," she murmurs quietly to those trailing her. She gives an especially wary look to Grizzlyridge. "Most dogs should be tied up or in their nests since it's dark, but you never know what you'll find on the streets."

She lifts her tail, a signal to halt. Tallulahwing tastes the air and grimaces. "Not nearly as nice as the forest, hmm? But we're getting close. What does that smell like on the wind to y'all?" A beastly smell, stinking of fear and misery and waste, is thick on the air.

They're close.

// patrol members: @grizzlyridge @MOMOWHISKER @bluejay @WYRM @Bananasplash @Sweetybee


The shelter was a miserable place, and she remembered it well. She would not soon forget its smell, the very essence of abandonment and misery. When it reached her nose once more, she scrunched her nose and turned her head away for a moment. Such an awful place, for both cats and dogs. She wouldn't wish any beast be sent there, locked away with twolegs as their only saving grace.

It was a long trip, but they had nearly reached their destination. She missed the smell of the pine forest, it wasn't as offensive as the twolegplace. How did these creatures live like this? Why did they have to destroy the land to make their dens? She couldn't understand them. She didn't even understand her own twoleg. She wondered if he was just weird.

She heeds Tallulahwings warnings, ones she also knows. She's seen dogs on the loose at night, harassing anything that catches their fancy. She's also seen them scared and cowering, lost and alone until a twoleg comes to pick them up. She's even seen a fox, once. Even twolegs who wander the streets at night could be dangerous. It seemed the ones with ill intentions came out at night.

Coming to a halt beside Tallulahwing, she has to answer her honestly. "Where freedom goes to die."

Morbid, yes. But true. Some cats had been there for moons when she and Fish had arrived. If you weren't attractive to a twoleg.....You had almost no hope, it seemed.
  • Love
Reactions: Honeysplash

.°☀ I'll believe it all

The trip to twolegplace was a tense one, and also the first time out on a mission as a full-fledge warrior. Green eyes looked around at the buildings as they trailed along in the shroud of night. This was the second home of young Bananasplash, the twolegplace that is, but she couldn't say she had ever been to the shelter. She has been to the vet before to get needles poked into her skin for something or other but that was about it and that was when she was a kitten. Other than that, she never had much experience outside of her twoleg home and the forest beyond the fence.

White paws trailed behind the torbie as they moved across pavement and then lifted their head into the air to sniff it as well. It was a rancid stench, one of fear, dogs and muck. The tawny cat looked at Tallulahwing as she spoke about dogs and what not, before looking to Sweetybee as she informed them that this is where freedom goes to die. The statement made chills roll across her body and fur prickled slightly in response. Freedom goes to die? That couldn't be right!

Banansplash though didn't speak up about anything and simply looked to her patrol members for answers. They had to be close right? She hoped so, the shelter seemed like a daunting place filled with sorrow and fear. Were the others' afraid? She couldn't place Quillstrike on being afraid of anything, but Howlpaw was young, Twitchbolt was nervous and Ashenclaw was well Ashenclaw. Slate wouldn't be scared either, right? She didn't think the black tomcat could be afraid of anything really.

Shifting on her paws, the young warrior glanced at Tallulahwing for a moment before padding forward with her nose to the ground slightly, "We gotta be real close," She confirmed quietly, almost like she was afraid to startle the beast of the twolegplace.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

There were consequences for staying out so late. For a rogue, that meant coming across scavenging foxes or stray mutts. For a clan cat, that meant suspicion. For a kittypet like him, that meant endless fussing from parent and owner alike and a chance that he may not be allowed out for a time. To trade one's freedom in defense of another was an uncomfortable thought, Momo had to remind himself that he had a choice to stay with his Twolegs, those trapped within the shelter did not. His sparkly collar glinting against the glow of the street lamps, the Daylight Warrior was in quiet reverie as he passed each new sight, surprised at how different everything looked in the dark. Tallulahwing's warnings were acknowledged with a flick of the ear and a dreamy nod, but blue eyes seldom settled on his patrolmates for the journey. His heart fluttered as if anticipating a threat around every corner, but when it never came, all he could do was appreciate sights that a diurnal schedule rarely allowed him to see. A flash of torbie fur in the corner of his vision caused the oriental's head to whip around, coming to a halt and almost bumping into the cat in front of him.

A hastily apologetic look was offered should the other notice before he looked past the feline towards Tallulahwing. What did they smell? He angled his head toward her, confused but complacent, and inhaled through their nose. There were the SkyClanners, each distinctive. There was something else the longer they analysed it, nostrils flaring. "Oh that is...." Ghastly. Momowhisker cleared his throat to hide his gag and, after grimacing, forced a smile upon his maw as he looked back up towards his peers. Sweetybee's words were hurtful, though their meaning was the same as Bananasplash's - it meant they were getting close. The very sentiment caused the blood to pump to his ears: for the first time, he considered what it meant to come face to face with a nightmare. 'For SkyClan... For SkyClan...' He repeated over and over again, shuffling forwards to the point where he was only a mouse length behind the patrol leader. "It all smells so confusing... I knew we were going in blind, but to lack our noses as well is..." Vigorously, he shook his head. "It's fine, it'll be fine. Can we continue?" 'Before I change my mind.'

He had avoided this place with intention, with choice. It hovered heavily above his head, the memories, the cost. Being in SkyClan is the foundation of his life– and the cost of it had been the previous. Memories carry on the wind, bury themselves into his skin. The nub of his tail flicks, and though Grizzlyridge does not acknowledge the wariness that Tallaluh graces him with, his old scars ache at the mention of dogs. Did she know of his past? How he had wound himself into the forest, beneath Rain's careful judgement before the clans came to be? He looks at her, but does not question her. Does not share what he remembers of this place. They're old wounds, and not ones he would reopen for the sake of an argument.

Instead, his head ducks into a nod. He follows along in wary, if peaceful silence. They remark in confusion, concern. The older warrior's teeth bare slightly; he mutters, "Dog." He had been lucky to never see this place himself. His twolegs had picked him before his eyes were even open, and he had remained within their care until the wild took over. Never had he seen the inside of a place such as this. But if they're telling the truth, if they are close and their journey nears its should not be such a surprise that this place of death would share its home with dogs. "There will be dogs there? What if they are not locked up?"

  • ooc:
  • GRIZZLYRIDGE. world-weary warrior of skyclan.
    ──── uses he - him - his, may accept they - them - theirs.
    ──── about four years old.  a former pine group member.
    ──── homoromantic homosexual, but this may develop.

    a large, broad-shouldered highlander cat with lightly tufted curled ears and large paws made larger by extra toes. a solid seal point with only a small white marking on his muzzle and deep blue eyes.
  • "speech"
Sweetybee's intonation sends a shiver down Tallulahwing's spine. "Where freedom goes to die." The torbie gives the other femme a sympathetic look. "Have you been in here before?" She simply cannot imagine the indignity. Her housefolk had taken her from the Horseplace, yes, but it'd been painless and without much fight. Tallulahwing had known the Twoleg, had seen her around the farm her whole life. It seems many cats had been here first, in this prison of stinking dog dirt and terror.

Tallulahwing gives first young Bananasplash, then Momowhisker a nod. "You're right 'bout that, Momo. We'll have to be right careful, not being able to use our sense of smell." She grimaces as another wave of stench hits her scent glands. "You're right. Shouldn't waste any time."

Grizzlyridge is the only cat on this excursion who does not share a nest with housefolk. His muttered, "There will be dogs there? What if they are not locked up?" causes Tallulahwing to brush her flank gently against his, a show of support more than anything else. "They're locked up, right as rain," she assures him. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say Twolegs come to look at the dogs as much as they do the cats... though I couldn't quite imagine why." She wrinkles her nose bridge.

After what seems like a moon of walking, the patrol comes to a nest that on the outside looks like any other Twoleg den. Well, more or less -- it's a bit sterile, a bit stringent, but Tallulahwing couldn't tell you why. She tastes the air again and shudders. "This has to be it," she says with disgust. The torbie slinks cautiously toward the side of the nest. "We should split up. This is a big nest, and we'll be able to gather more information if we do." She licks her chops decisively. Blazestar had put her in charge, so she decides to make a quick choice. "Grizz, Sweety, with me. Momo, take Banana, Bluejay, and Wyrm to the other side of the nest."

She turns to look at Momowhisker, her yellow eyes flashing in the gloom. "Be careful. Y'all listen to him now, you hear? This is very dangerous, as I'm sure you can imagine. We are here to get information and leave -- remember what Blazestar says!"

With that, she gives her sectioned patrol a tail signal, an indication to follow her around to the left side of the building.


Sweetybee nodded. "Yes, I've been in there before. It's an awful place..." She said. She never thought she'd be back, that's for sure.

"I can't say how guarded it is at night, though... Like the others, I was kept in a cage." She continued.

It was demoralizing how they were on display for twolegs to pick out and toss aside at a whim. They were nothing more than playthings to them. Such a mindset made her a hypocrite, she knew... But she believed this opinion as well as the fact that not every twoleg is terrible could coexist.

"The dogs are kept in a separate area than cats, at least. Though.... They're still incredibly loud through the walls." She said. Those dogs just do not shut up!! What are they yelling about!!

They..... Were probably just as scared as some cats were, probably.

This place sucks.

When Tallulahwing split the group, she nodded. She looked to her clanmates one last time before turning to follow her.

"Stay safe, everyone." She'd tell them.

Anxiety gnawed at her relentlessly. Things could go so wrong... But she had to stay strong, stay composed. She was trusted to go on this mission, and she refused to fail.

He had been hoping for reassurance from Tallulahwing, or maybe a way to trick his nose into making sense of all of the new smells burning his nostrils. For once, being agreed with made Momo's ears droop with realisation - they really were getting into dangerous territory, weren't they? Long limbs tensed at the mention of dogs, quickly affirmed by Sweetybee that they were kept away from their feline friends. That was a relief at least, but it didn't stop the obvious twoleg threat that lingered behind every potential door. He gave a nod at Tallulahwing's direction before his eyes grow exponentially wide. "Me?!" A blue-striped paw was pointed towards their own chest, their tail lashing at the sudden burst of adrenaline filling their body. Why was he leading the patrol? He'd never led a patrol before. Circumstance after circumstance ran through his head and he forced a smile back upon his pointed muzzle. He could do this. "I mean, of course! Um... Banana, at my flank. Wyrm... do wormy things like um... be a good center companion, yes. Do worms do that? Never mind, um... Bluejay, keep watch at the back." It struck him as he spoke that he had no plan.

Before he was forced to reassess every decision that led him up to this point, Momowhisker darted around the side of the building, gesturing with his tail for his gang to get into the positions he recommended. The words 'stay safe' rang in the back of his ears as a permanent reminder that any one of them could be caught, though with their shiny collars, it was perhaps only Grizzlyridge that was truly in any danger. Momo breathed a sigh of relief knowing that the Highlander wasn't his responsibility. Pressed to the side of the building, the point's gentle breath tickled the weeds growing through cracks in the stone pavement as he stopped before them every few seconds. He thought back to his own Twolegnest, how he never had to meow to be let in because they always left a window in the garden open for him to slip into each night. It would be the same routine once this patrol was over, but.... he wondered.... Left and right the cat's head scouted, whiskers touching the wall as if trying to find an entrance big enough for a cat to fit through. There was no such luck, then, the lynx point decided to look up.
Oh, the misery. A mixed bag of feelings bores down on Wyrm about as heavily as they ever could. Twolegplace was little to fear, in his humble opinion, the atmosphere was unique in a way that set it apart from his typical sundown runs. He usually returned to his own home sooner than this, slipping out from under the trees without so much as a word of goodbye – unnecessary, he thinks. But here his side is warmed by the presence of others, the sun sinks low into the ground. Tallulah acts more a clan cat than he'd ever thought a house cat could be.

His flickering, wide - eyed looks are not subtle. And it doesn't help that Sweetybee decides to be all ominous like that. "Sheesh, someone's been, uh, putting some crazy stuff in your head..." he meows with a nervous chuckle, ears pricking at the noises that he knew, but were suddenly actually sorta scary. Thanks, Sweetybee. "It can't be that bad." At least, he doesn't think so. It's not like he's ever been, but he's met a few who have been, and clearly they'd lived to tell the tale. He doesn't even sound like he believes himself, though.

"I guess where freedom goes to die smells like a lot 'f cats," he comments, blinking strangely at Grizzlyridge. He could say something like, this says a lot about society, or something, but perhaps the message is lost amongst majority kittypet's. "And, uh," Dog. Well, Grizzlyridge finishes the thought for him.

He frowns at the idea of splitting up. "Huh? Uh... I think Sweetybee's too scared to be splitting up like that," he says with a pout, totally putting words in his mouth, but could you blame him? He could be warm in his nest right now, and instead he's doing questionable... heist things. Unsurprisingly, what he says means nothing in the end. And he doesn't mean that in a sad, pouty way. He's kind of untrustworthy, so. He turns to glance at Momowhisker, designated leader of their platoon, or whatever.

Enthusiasm is good. Hopefully? Maybe? Maybe not. Wyrm blinks like Momo has just sprouted wings. ""Center companion?"" What the fuck does that mean? Maybe that he has to stay with Momo and can't just hang around back until he has a chance to sneak away. Damn. Less than enthused, he picks up the pace so that he can keep beside Momo. Scouting... spying... was this what the clan cats called it? Momo just looked lost. His silvery gaze follows the points blue one, and– "Oh shit!" A bright and shiny convenient window. That was what they wanted, right? And they weren't a bout to be jumped by rabid guard dogs or something?​
Keep watch at the back, that's what she's commanded to do- and she does it without much complaint, her hesitance shown in the way she keeps her head high and swiveling constantly. Like a hovering parent, she makes sure to count the heads of her clanmates before Wyrm shouts out his obscenities. "What?" She squawks, fur fluffed up and back arched like an angry hedgehog; though she's quick to realize he's looking upwards at what seems to be a window. "Oh! Let's hope it's open. I would hate to jump right into the clear wall.." She mumbles, tail waving behind her as she waits for one of her groupmates to react. How would they go about this? The talk of dogs doesn't necessarily bother her- she's got one at her twoleg's home, after all. It was big, slobbery- and constantly bothered her with poking and prodding. A quick swat normally made it skitter away. Would these dogs be the same? Probably now. "Oh, dang.. You sure you can reach that, Momo?"

.°☀ I'll believe it all

At the order from Momowhisker, the young warrior followed along at the flank of the patrol and watched as the point cat sniffed around for a place small enough for a cat to slip through. Bananasplash also poked around a little bit before following the warriors' gaze upwards towards what appeared to be a window- or well what Bluejay called a 'clear wall'. Green eyes brighten slightly and she looked to the patrol for a moment with a smile, "I can get up there!" She boasted. She done it a hundred times before at home, what could make this any different?

Without waiting for a reply, the tawny and white cat bunched up her muscles and leapt upwards for the window- finding it had a screen. Perfect! She found purchase with her claws sticking into the mesh of the screen, ripping it slightly but she managed to get a good look into the window. Though then the screen didn't hold her weight fully and she dropped to the ground, landing on her feet with the screen dangling from the window as it was now beant.



There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Tallulahwing flicked her ear in exasperation at Momowhisker's immediate balking at leading his half of the group around the nest. She ensures the larger half of the patrol's tail tips disappear before she turns to Sweetybee and Grizzlyridge. "Come on along then, y'all."

This side of the shelter is darker, with fewer windows. Tallulahwing's fur begins to prickle with discomfort. The scent of dog is stronger on this side -- perhaps they've located the section where the Twolegs keep the hounds. "I hope that means Momowhisker and the others got lucky and found some cats," she says in a hushed voice to her companions.

Her ears flare upright. There's a clattering sound -- something breaking, or falling -- and it seems to be coming from where their patrol is. Tallulahwing gives Grizzlyridge and Sweetybee a look of dismay. "Oh, rats! How'd they screw up already!"

// the next character on momowhisker's half of the patrol can leap up to the window and talk to a shelter cat !!!

He is tense as he follows her around the bend. Be it the scent that pervades the air, or the memories of a long-ago chase, leading him away from the metal and stone that made this building, tension has wound around the warrior like a snake. He is not like the others. It has been too long since he was here in any true capacity. Too long since he had known anything about the wildness outside of their trees. A hunt would satisfy him, but here, Grizzlyridge was not the hunter. A wounded bit of prey, an easy catch. There is a clattering of noise and he shrinks suddenly, the breadth and bulk of squeezed down towards the dirt. Brave and steady as he may be, in this moment his heart is pounding. "They're drawing attention to themselves," he hisses in quiet concern, but maybe he should not have worried.

It's not them the twolegs come for.

The desperate baying of startled dogs nearly drowns out the opening of a door. A quick, thunderous sound that lets the noise of the shelter filter out into the stench-filled air. Despair and chaos choke him, and he is too late to realize the implications of that. A twoleg. Bright and massive, looming too closely over where he had stood. "Scatter!" Grizz snaps to the patrol, and the twoleg


  • ooc:
  • GRIZZLYRIDGE. world-weary warrior of skyclan.
    ──── uses he - him - his, may accept they - them - theirs.
    ──── about four years old.  a former pine group member.
    ──── homoromantic homosexual, but this may develop.

    a large, broad-shouldered highlander cat with lightly tufted curled ears and large paws made larger by extra toes. a solid seal point with only a small white marking on his muzzle and deep blue eyes.
  • "speech"
  • Wow
Reactions: mercibun

"I sure hope so...." She whispered. Perhaps it was better for Momowhisker to find the cats rather than the dogs.... She couldn't imagine how he'd react to a bunch of excited, possibly angry dogs.

She wasn't a master of stealth herself exactly, but upon hearing the clattering sound from the other patrol, she felt a small twinge of irritation. They needed to be quiet!!! She wouldn't remain frustrated, things happen. Hell, her own sister was the loudest person she knew and never really cared for sneaking. But Badgerstrike wasn't here now, not here to make things alright. It was up to her, she felt.

She tensed at the baying of hounds and yapping of smaller dogs and various other tones of barking that told her the variety of canines in the shelter. Thank goodness they were all locked up. But what did come out of the shelter was a twoleg. Looking right at Grizzlyridge. She knew to scatter, but she worried for the warrior.

"Grizzlyridge, run!!" She shouted at him, her own legs tensed to sprint at the first sign of danger should the twoleg look to her.

It was a stroke of luck that all the gazes of his clanmates settled upon the window in unison, and a validated feeling fueled the point's ego for just a moment. 'See? I can lead, I can... totally lead....'. Then, the chance the window wasn't open was mentioned, and Momo had to swallow a lump in his throat. If it wasn't open today, they'd just have to wait for a time when it was. He acknowledged Bluejay's question with a shuffle of blue paws and a cocksure grin. "Of course! My Twoleg's window is much higher than that. Much... much higher." Momo looked away with a nod and a nervous chuckle, his tail swaying in a serpentine manner. It seemed he had no choice, he was the designated leader and now, these cats were looking to him to delve headfirst into the unknown. I can get up there! The Oriental turned his head quickly, whispering an urgent, "No wait, wait—" She didnt' wait. He watched with equal parts horror and appreciation at the other Daylight Warrior's initiative, eyes wide and focused as she scaled the side of the shelter. She reached the window and his heart leaped for joy.

Then, Bananasplash fell, backed by a cacophony of screeching metal that sounded like claws drawing on glass to his sensitive ears. Every muscle in the point's body simultaneously screamed at him to run, instead, he froze like a statue and stared aghast at the bent window screen. His mouth was arid and when words finally came out, they were scattered. "You... oh my StarClan you broke a window you broke a window oh StarClan..." An excessive desire to cradle his head between his paws overcame the patrol leader as he flattened his ears but, against all odds, he was able to remain standing. "Ok, that's ok. We're ok. Just..." He shuffled to a free space below the open pane and wriggled his haunches as he entered a crouch. Three pairs of eyes were on him (perhaps more if they'd gotten unwanted attention), he couldn't back out now even if his instincts threatened such defeatism. "Watch my back, please?" He made pathetic puppy-dog eyes towards Banana, hoping that would be enough for her not to abandon him in his folly. A deep breath in, a deep breath out. Momowhisker leaped and ran a few paces up the side of the building before pulling himself up to the window.

It felt like a miracle when his paws found ground to rest on, thin and uncomfortable, but level all the same. A sigh of relief escaped him too soon. Crouched in the space between freedom and captivity, his eyes quickly adjusted to the new light of the shelter and settled upon the wall of cages. Again, his words caught in his mouth and he almost fell back until he remembered his place and caught himself. He knew what captivity was, its shackle revealing itself in a gilded collar and comfortable figure, but this was on a level that made his stomach churn. He was house-born, smothered but never unloved, he recognised collars and bows of cats who had once said the same. Momo didn't hear the commotion on the other side of the shelter over his own racing thoughts. "Hello?" Cats of all shapes and sizes littered the cages, some turning to glare at him, others too despondent to give him the time of day. Desperately he scanned for SkyClanners, as much as he wanted to help them all, that wasn't his job today. He was supposed to be a scout, not a hero. "Are there any cats from SkyClan in here? SkyClan, anyone? Um... please meow!"

Butterflytuft had been finding it harder and harder to keep up hope. Her clanmates and even some of the kinder kittypets within these walls have tried to keep up spirits, promising help would come. But every day that passes is a day longer without her clan, without Blazestar, without her other siblings, without Dandelionwish. Some cats are taken and return different, smelling unlike they had before. Other leave and don’t return at all. She spends most days huddled against Daisyflight, despondently nibbling on the tasteless pellets that are placed in their den and hiding whenever twolegs entered the room, guarded by her ferocious mother.

Tonight is no different. With ears flat against her head, she lays in the corner tucked beneath the calico’s tail. However, a scuffle from outside catches her attention. The skittish girl lifts her head, ears twitching and wide eyes shifting back and forth to try and discern the source. Only heartbeats later, the mesh window on one side pops off and clatters against the wall while paws skitter across the smooth floor. Butterflytuft’s pelt bristles and black claws slide out to grip the metal beneath her. She wants to ask who’s there, or ask her mother what’s happening, but as usual her throat is dry and her jaws are clamped tightly shut with fear. It’s only when she hears a familiar voice calling from the window that she relaxes slightly. The tiny she-cat slides toward the front of her den and peeks out the best she can manage, blinking yellow eyes towards the cats. “It’s….it’s our clanmates!” She mews in disbelief, voice hushed yet audible enough for everyone to hear. Relief washes over her and her fur lies flat once more. They came!
the chocolate runt would perk his ears up to the racket. not that racket was unusual, rather, this sound was way different. like the ceiling itself was shattering and it made him want to cover his ears, but it was quickly over.

Then the cat that was in the room, through the broken window, was searching for Skyclanners. The words from slate would run through his head, that should be ever get out run to the forest and find them.

"Slate! They're here! The Skyclan you were talking about!" he said, his voice squealing. See, someone came for them, and they had nothing to worry about anymore.

His olive green eyes were bright and hopeful. he would shift the blue bow on his neck in hopes it would make him look good enough to come with them.

//I hope you don't mind the ping @SLATE

The crash alerted him to the scene, but the sound of frantic yowling and hissing kept him moving more quickly. The man didn't know what to make of the glass littering the ground until he saw the rush of movement as several cats scattered and ran frantic from his approach.
A jacket was removed to use as an impromptu glove and he advanced on the cats as they scattered, throwing the fabric forward to the large point cat seemingly paralyzed with fear; it cloaks the tom in darkness before hands descend to grab, to scruff through the thick clothe. He rolled it to swaddled the spitting and thrashing feline, to keep those sharp claws at bay and with no ability to do anything further about the vanishing cats in the distance he turns to walk back into the building with only the one feline still in his grasp.
His voice rises, his words booming but illegible to the cats still looming in the distance; he seems to be calling for help. The heavy sound of many footsteps beat against the hard ground, echoing a warning through the stone monolith of a building.

//Out with @grizzlyridge
That's what they wanted, right? An easy opening for... investigative purposes, and stuff. Mission accomplished. Let someone else peek inside. Wyrm was content to stay and be "lookout". He casts a glance to Momowhisker, wondering if their newly-declared leader will be the one to take the leap. Unfortunately, no it isn't.

The noise makes any fur along his spine not already frayed join the rest of the club, flinching at the rattle of twoleg-stuff. He hears the barking of dogs within the walls, and suddenly he remembers something very cool and important he left somewhere else that he should probably go check on right about now. Wyrm is essentially a statue, frozen with the world's most unconvincing grin on his face as he watches Momo enters, despite it all. Vaguely, he thinks he can hear the mews of others inside. Were they familiar meows, at the least? He doesn't really care right now.

And, screaming – twoleg screaming. The tom's head whips around wildly to find the sound. He didn't believe all twolegs were bad – he got free food all day, every day, what's not to love? But the voice rising was a sign of alarm, they could anger just as cats did, couldn't they? Unconsciously, a paw comes up to fiddle with his own collar, the thing that keeps him safe from capture. A twoleg already has him, so why capture him twice over?

He still fiddles, keeps fiddling. Practically the only thing keeping him from bailing was a freeze response, and some idiotic nagging in his head tells him to check on the others. They were the real warriors, right? ...They could hold their own. He finds that he doesn't care quite enough to call to Momo, not when his mouth had other plans, or whatever. (To do nothing)​

.°☀ I'll believe it all

A hot shame burned through her pelt as she picked herself up from the ground and looked down at the wet cement below. Suppose she should've thought better of that, thought it through more. Bananasplash then looked up at Momowhisker as he seemed rather rattled about the broken window and she shuffled her paws a bit but had no words to respond with. Then he called out into the window for someone, anyone, to answer him and she perked up her ears at the sound of Butterflytufts' voice. They where alive!


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png