camp the smile's returning to their faces // PATROLS

periwinklebreeze 20 moons demi-boy windclan lead warrior
As the boy strides forwards, the weight of what he's about to do finally hits him. Being lead warrior hadn't really felt real - leading a patrol was something he'd done once before his promotion, and he hadn't had the chance (nor need) to throw any weight around. But this? This really cements it in his mind. It's early - only the lack of dens to shade them from the suns rays waking his clanmates. Tired eyes display his lack of sleep, even as voice calls out strongly - loudly. It's strange, seeing the quiet tom all but shout to catch his clanmates attention.

" L-listen up everyone! And i d-do mean everyone, " he says, giving a glance and beckoning flick of his tail towards the kits bumbling around camp. " Todays patrols w-will b-be... a l-little different, " the longer he speaks, the more confident he sounds - though his stutter never really stops, annoying as he finds it. " Sunstar will b-be leading a d-dawn patrol to the riverclan border - to k-keep showing a strong f-f-front, if they try anything. G-g-gravelsnap, Quietpaw and... Firefang will be joining him, " he says - and if bitter motion floods his tone on one particular name, well, they can hardly blame him. Still, she's more likely to behave if there's someone of authority to suck up to - and guilt over thriftfeathers leaving has him putting the two former friends together in the hopes of... fixing things, he supposes.

He will not make his friend choose between him and another, not ever again.

Head shakes, dislodging that painful thought as he focuses once more on speaking to those around him. " B-bluepool... , " voice trails of for a moment, jaw working in silent frustration as he breathes out, starting over once he's regained control. " Bluepool, will be l-leading tonight's dusk p-patrol to our border with riverclan and th-thunderclan - m-mintshade, snakehiss, and s-silverpaw will go with her, " it's better to keep cats he trusts - respects, fears - on this patrol. Of all the clans, thunder had seemed the most open minded of sunstars rule and the changes that had followed. He can only hope they'll manage to keep that tentative peace.

" Scorchstreak - c-can you take s-slateheart and dimmingsun on p-patrol near the thunderpath? Shadowclan s-still seems rather... upset, though, so i'd b-be careful " he still remembers the mocking voices that had interrupted him and Magpiepaws friendly conversation. No matter how grateful he felt towards the tom, or how fond he'd grown of needledrift - the rest of the clan (especially that fox-dung excuse of a deputy) were certainly not held in high regards. Hopefully, Pinkpaw's strange fondness for the shadowclan apprentice (he'd forgotten their name again) will help smooth over any... confrontation.

It's hard to stay mad at kits after all.

" Mistcrawl - y-you're one of our m-most senior warriors... no one knows the t-tunnels as well as you. If you c-could lead a patrol th-through the t-tunnels to visit horseplace - make s-sure everything's alright at the barn, b-but also clean up whatever's needed th-that'd be g-g-great. You can take.... r-rattleheart and s-sootspot with you, " and their apprentice of course, but really he doesn't think he needs to say as much. It's far stranger to see any windclan warrior without their younger tag along than it is to see them with.

Head nods, and at last the boy crouches down, tired gaze finally sweeping once more over the kits gathered. " And of c-course - I h-have one more very important p-patrol to give out. Fightkit - sh-sheepkit - spotkit - g-g-g-gravekit - I'm afraid I'll be needing your help around c-camp. Y-you see, it seems like many of the d-dens in camp need fixing - but the holes are v-very sneaky - hiding from me. Y-your smaller paws c-could help - certainly, you'll be able to find the g-g-gaps I can't, " honestly, it's less about his inability and more the sheer lack of apprentices compared to their kitten swarm - truly, were it not for the new code, they'd be busy doing such tasks already. He certainly had been at their age. 'Kits' or 'paws' , really its all the same - as long as they're not leaving camp, he sees no issue with giving them something to do to help.

" Th-that's all - if you th-think you were missed, or n-need something to do f-f-feel free to come s-speak to me, " he doesn't expect anyone to actually do so - stars, he's not even sure they'll actually listen to him assign patrols - but if they do he's ready. There's always little odds and ends to do about the territory.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
Riverclan: @SUNSTAR ( @rivepaw ) @GRAVELSNAP @Firefang @Quiet paw (+ npc mentor)
Thunderclan: @Bluepool ( @FEATHERPAW ) @Mintshade @SNAKEHISS @Silverpaw.
Shadowclan: @SCORCHSTREAK ( @PINKPAW ) @slateheart @DIMMINGSUN
Horseplace: @mistcrawl @RATTLEHEART ( @downypaw ) @SOOTSPOT
Finding Holes in Den Walls (kit patrol): @/Periwinklebreeze. @Frightkit @sheepkit @gravekit @spotkit

If y/c wasn't mentioned above as being on patrol feel free to ask for a task! Kits not named are also welcome to join in the kit patrol, there were just a lot of volunteers so I rolled for names (peri is not stumbling through everyone sorry)
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Reactions: Jay

Patrols. The never-ending task that was sure to bore her to the bone. She knew they were just as nessecary, though. There was no need to allow a resurgence of patrols driving into their territory, or rouges sneaking into the moors to eat their prey- or worse- attack them from the shadows. A soft sigh left Rivepaw as Periwinklebreeze called for patrols, padding up and sitting next to her father with a tiny little blink towards him.

And, as she expected, they were awarded with their very own patrol- the worst border of all. Well, maybe not the worst. Horseplace had to be much worse, considering the... the memory of being there. She grit her teeth briefly at the thought, before nodding towards Periwinkle quietly.
༄༄ This is Periwinklebreeze’s first time assigning patrols, and the calico approaches him with an encouraging expression. How nervous must he be, she wonders—she recalls just how concerned she had been when she had first passed out patrol assignments to her clanmates. Thankfully, the younger lead warrior does not fumble his assignments, and actually does a good job spreading responsibility through the clan. A scarred brow does rise in question, however, when Mistcrawl is placed at the head of a patrol rather than Rattleheart. Her attention is quickly shifted, however, when the younger tom gives the kits a small task to assist him with. Once the tom is finished with his assignments, she considers her own patrol.

ShadowClan. The swamp-dwelling clan is not the highest on Scorchstreak’s rankings of the other clans—but Chilledstar is rational, at least. Smogmaw may be power-hungry, may be a terrible tom to speak with, but her own regret over Smogmaw’s kits drives her to show a bit more leniency toward the neighboring clan. Whatever the reason, she supposes it does not matter. It does not change her ability to patrol and mark the border. With a flat glance around the gathered cats, seeking out the cats she will be leading on patrol, Scorchstreak nods once. "Of course," she says to her fellow lead warrior before turning to make her way toward the camp’s entrance.
➴➴ Gravelsnap had once thought themself ambitious, eager to become a lead warrior of the clan they care so much for. They had felt jealous each time a new lead warrior was promoted, each time their name was not on the list. They had expected to feel angry, when Periwinklebreeze was chosen over them. But instead, they feel nothing but the spark of pride in their chest. Their black-pointed friend stands at the head of the clan today, assigning patrols with more confidence than Gravelsnap had thought possible from their friend. Why had they ever wanted to be the one doing this, they wonder… it seems horribly stressful.

When Periwinklebreeze tells them that they will be going to patrol the border with RiverClan, their nose wrinkles. A horrible clan. "RiverClan?" They ask, pale paws shifting uncomfortably against the ground. Their nerves flare, already on edge, and they look to Sunstar and his apprentice. They offer Rivepaw a flicker of their shadow-splashed tail—but carefully avoid making eye contact with Firefang. Their former friend may not be the worst offender or the staunchest follower of Sootstar, but speaking to her is still… difficult. Gravelsnap only hopes that things between them can go back to normal.

Sootspot's head tilted curiously at Periwinkle's choice of patrol for him; the Horseplace was not one of his favoured spots and being partnered with Rattleheart was surely similar to pairing up fire and dry grass. As satisfying as it was to know the other Lead Warrior would not be the one parading them about the barn, there was still a bristle of long fur until he reminded himself of where he was. The tom moved closer to Mistcrawl, hoping to be at his side before Rattleheart had even materialised, a serpentine smile upon his muzzle. "Your lead is mine to follow," he bowed his head in a show of respect, pupils briefly shooting towards the other Tunnelers before his maw tilted upwards towards the other once more.

Spotkit is happy to tumble over at the call of Periwinklebreeze, blue eyes wide at he stares with an unblinking gaze, almost too intent on listening. Maybe he'd get to lead a patrol one day! Spotkit the brave, thats what he'd be called! Or- Wait... He'd be a warrior by then, right? Spotfang the brave! He thinks that'd be the best warrior name for him out there.

And because of him being lost in thought, he ends up missing every. single. patrol. He blinks in surprise, eyebrows raising as disappointment begins to settle in his chest... Until Periwinkle crouches, addressing the kits themselves. And what do you know! His name is called to go help fix holes in camp with him! Oh, he could totally do that. And so was Frightkits (which makes him smile at this, he'll have a friend with him)! And Sheepkits, and Gravekits.

"Okaaay! I'm the best hole fixer. Did'ya know that?" he speaks idly as if it were just the factual truth, like there was no room for the statement to be false, stumbling on oddly lanky legs to rub his face against Frightkit's shoulder in a greeting. He blinks at Periwinkle and waits for his next instructions.

  • 78638605_3Hzs4nvfAIDJvhi.png
    -> spotkit
    -> amab ,, he/him ,, 5 months
    -> kitten of windclan
    -> small & oddly proportioned cinnamon tom with high white
    -> "speech, afd9f2" ,, thoughts
    -> unknown sexuality ,, single
    -> smells like windblown heather
    -> art by pin
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Sheepkit bounces over at the call of Periwinklebreeze, blue eyes sparkling are he stares up at the bigger smoke. He leans in to listen what the adult was talking about. Something about patrols? He flicks his plumed inky tail behind him as he watches Periwinklebreeze list off other cats first. Maybe he'll let me lead patrol one day! Ooo, Fun!

He listens intently to the warrior as he lists off names of clanmates. The longhaired kitten, rocks in his spot he has claimed his tail sweeping at the ground. He blinks in surprise, eyebrows rising as Periwinklebreeze addresses the kittens themselves; Frightkit, Spotkit, Gravekit and… ME?! He tilts his kitten head to the side, confused but very interested in this very very important patrol. His name was called so he could go help fix the holes in camp. He can do that! "I’m all ready to help!" He gets up onto his charcoal colored paws, bouncing on his toes in excitement. The kitten looks over at his denmates, before looking back up at the warrior waiting for instructions.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( NO WAY! REALLY?! ) SHEEPKIT : kitten of windclan
    — cismale ; HE / HIM ; currently 4 moons
    ✦ undecided / single / not actively looking / open to puppy-crushes
    — a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    — smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone


It's satisfying to see Periwinklebreeze at the head of them all, hearing his voice carry out orders. A long time coming, really - they had done a lot for this Clan, and Dimmingsun thinks this fits them just right, even if nerves threaten to overwhelm them.

He listens with intent and patience, gaze remaining supportive even as Periwinklebreeze stumbles over his words. In all that, he almost misses the fact that his name had been called too.

ShadowClan - not exactly the happiest of places, ever, but especially now. Dimmingsun doubts he will ever be able to approach that border and not think there are warriors (or exiles, rather) moving amongst the shadows, just out of sight, watching their every move. Keeping watch on that side of their territory is most important because of this however.

One big paw brushes over a tuft of his chest fur, keeping it flat and neat, before approaching Scorchstreak. "Whenever we're ready."

It is good to see the strength of his choice lying before him. Periwinklebreeze's attitude had once been a source of uncertainty for the tom. That he stumbled through each of his words, and seemed incapable of standing his ground in a fight — he had hardly trusted him as a warrior then. Now he stands within his council, and Sunstar could not be more satisfied in his choice. The patrols that his lead warrior rattle off are carefully thought out and thorough. That he should lead the patrol to RiverClan. . . sensible. Even the tunnelers have their opportunity to play to their strengths, and their kits were kept entertained with what they thought to be useful.

He flicks an ear, satisfied, and turns to the cats that will follow him: "We will depart immediately. Quietpaw, you will shadow Firefang for this patrol. Do not fall into the gorge." A mirthful gaze flickers between Quietpaw and Rivepaw, who he beckons along with a flick of his tail. "Either of you."

  • OOC.
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.


Who? Periwinklebreeze probably got his name confused with that of another apprentice. He waited for the lead warrior to correct himself, but it never happened. Quietpaw's ears flattened, and his tail kept twitching. He wasn't a new apprentice anymore, and he's totally honored to help out his clan in any way possible.

It's just that his mind wouldn't be silent. Taking a deep breath, he chanted, 'You can do this, you can do this' to himself. No words were able to escape the apprentice's mouth.
Quietpaw nodded quickly, taking Sunstar's words very seriously, and added them to the top of his mental list of what not to do. Which got longer by the second.

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ThunderClan was a complex one to have to visit. On one paw, Howlingstar was never unpleasant to run into at the border, but on the other... many of her warriors were. And even the sight of the oak forest brought back memories of being crouched in ThunderClan's camp, unable to see her father and knowing not whether she'd ever see him alive again. Perhaps a childish eil had tinted those memories into darkness, and made it all feel worse than it was- but the conflict successfully put a deeply displeased look on the burnished apprentice's face. Hardly any different from usual, though... Periwinklebreeze shouldn't take it personally.

"Let's hope we don't see that rock-head t-t-tortoiseshell one again," Featherpaw snorted to Bluepool, knowing that they probably would.
✦ penned by pin
AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE — The trembling sound of Periwinklebreeze's call drew him over, an encouraging smile on his muzzle that was nearly the perfect mirror of his sister from nearby. It had been his turn to take on such a duty only half a moon ago, and he could oddly remember that it hadn't really been the nerves that had gotten to him then. Instead it had been the sheer amount of talking, his already raspy voice ripped to shreds by the time it had all been over with. It thankfully seemed like his fellow lead warrior wouldn't have to deal with the same hassle, though his anxiety was likely to be the most harrowing part of the whole experience.

It took a short while until his name came up, Rattleheart blinking a little in surprise at the realization that he wouldn't be leading the patrol. He couldn't really fault Periwinklebreeze's argument regarding seniority, but it had admittedly been a while since he wasn't in charge of a patrol. At least that meant he wouldn't be the one technically in charge of making sure that Sootspot behaved himself, even if he was sure his general sense of duty as a lead warrior would compel him to anyways. At least he didn't hold the same disdain for the Horseplace that his fellow tunneler did, pale gaze flicking around until he could spot Downypaw and gesture her over towards his side. "Ready to go whenever you are, Mistcrawl." He didn't bother sparing Sootspot a glance, just rolling his eyes at the faux respect in the other's words. Or at least, what he expected to be faux respect.

  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    49 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    currently mentoring downypaw
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic
Downypaw doesn't quite dislike the Horseplace, but they can't say they're fond of it either. The Horseplace offered them little solace in Sunstar's war, at least not as much as it and its denizens may have for their clanmates. Their memories of it aren't bad, just...intense. Their best one is of its giant, ruddy face looming over the waking horizon as Cottonfang dragged them towards it, and the awful sense of relief that overcame them at this Twoleg-made-and-abandoned salvation. The rest is a blur of sleepless nights and restless sleep. Oh, and, they met Brightshine's...sister? It hardly matters for someone who was not and would never again be a WindClanner.

Downypaw's face settles into polite, smiling neutrality as they pad towards Rattleheart. Theirs is just another stiffened, fake face to accompany whatever ire their former mentor undeniably holds beneath his sleek facade, and the resigned, practiced dismissal their current mentor counters him with. While they've grown used to the discomfort of being trapped between the two, it's never truly gone. Mirroring Sootspot, the apprentice dips their head to the senior warrior. They hope Mistcrawl, in his near-infinite, near-elder wisdom, would spare them from Rattleheart and Sootspot's politics, or at least make them clearer to Downypaw.​

Wolfsong must’ve snuck Sunstar catmint the day the leader made that sniveling good for nothing a lead warrior. He could hardly meow put his orders without tripping on each and every word, it was pathetic it always had been. To be outranked by him of all cats made her want to vomit, she was better than him - stronger. She feels his rank was only owed to him by his loyalty to those without teeth to bite with anymore.

They’ve hated each other that feeling was always mutual since they were young apprentices, she’d always been the aggressor had always flexed her authority and superiority over him. Sparingly did she spit a kind word his way, she still remembers fighting him and the thrill when her claws cut through him. If she regrets anything more then her treachery to Sootstar (on her worst most self pitying days) then it was not seeking him out during their battles.

She doubts they will ever be anything better then enemies, she can coexist in the same spaces as him could snap her mouth shut in public but it was only a matter of time before their hatred and bitterness for the other ended in blows. Her tail lashes and she glares at the halfblind tom her only response is a grunt of affirmation. It’s the best he’ll get.

An ear swivels to the tones of Sunstar’s calming tongue, she would pad closer as he gives an order to quietpaw. She smirks "You already resemble a little shadow, you’re the perfect fit" it’s not really an insult just a observation she finds amusing. "I won’t let you fall in. Don’t need that on my conscious" she assured - she has enough on it already