
Bluepool had decided to give Featherpaw a break this morning. Kid had been working hard lately, nearly running herself ragged trying to get caught back up to where she was. He deserved to sleep in every once in a while, Bluepool decided. As long as it didn't become a habit. She would wake him later, if he had not already on his own by the time she got back from her dawn run. This left her with a new problem, however. She had not run alone in quite some time. Before there was Featherpaw, there was Periwinklebreeze and during the brief time in between the two, a clanmate had always agreed to accompany her.

Why moor-runners did not join her every morning, she is uncertain. Didn't they want to be in the best shape possible? Didn't they love running as much as she did? When she runs, she feels light, free. She feels like nothing could ever catch her as she sails across the gently rolling hills. There's nothing in the world quite like it, and she is hopes she had instilled that love upon her apprentice but for now...

"Hey! You! Yeah, you!" she calls to one of the few cats already awake that had not been assigned to a dawn patrol yet. "You wanna come running with me?" she asks, eyes alight and a wide grin imposed on her jaws.


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    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win

It is not at all unlike Dimmingsun to be awake in the early hours of the morning, when the sun is barely grazing over the top of the horizon and casting long shadows over the moorlands, despite how slowly he tends to take these said morning hours. Unfurling from his dip that acts as his nest, stretching out all his limbs to get rid of any soreness, going over each inch of fur with his tongue to look presentable... needless to say, he is not amongst the best warriors to send on the dawn patrol. Dimmingsun much prefers being idle while watching the rest of the world come alive. There's peace in these hours that doesn't stay for long, so it has to be appreciated.

That being said, the life of a WindClanner leaves little room for such pleasantries. Dimmingsun hardly wants o be known as a lazy bum who doesn't want to take care of his duties - so it's only natural he perks up at the first invitation to do something. Not hunting, not patrolling, but rather a chance to fly over the heathers. Better than nothing, huh?

"Who, me?" Dimmingsun points a paw at himself, humor lining his facial features. "Well, since you asked so nicely..."

The case of Bluepool is a curious one. Dimmingsun could only imagine what it all feels like - he knows Bluepool is content living in Sootstar's shadow, but now that's gone. Sometimes he wonders if her ties to Sootstar ever cast doubts in others' mind, but in Dimmingsun's mind, they don't need to know Bluepool too well to understand her undying loyalty to her Clan. As far as he's concerned, she's very much a beloved Clanmate.

"Just a run will do, yeah? I doubt making this a race would be too thrilling for you. You'd win before it began."