the space between the stars and sky // returning + kit intro


sootspritespark & 37 moons & demi-girl & she/they & skyclan queen

An all too familiar figure darts across the border, three little shapes following behind her like the good little ducklings they are. The queen has changed - where she was once unreasonably round, the weight has fallen off, shed like sheeps wool, leaving her only slightly more rotund than most. milk-scent lingers heavily upon her coat, mixing with the usual dog-and-twoleg scent until it nearly downs out the lingering remnants of skyclan. The feel of leaves and needles beneath her paws, the sound of birdsong and insects rustling, the scent of crisp pine and oak and all the other wonderful trees and plants - all of it screams home in a way that her twolegs nest simply could not.

She doesn't stop moving, only pausing to herd along her brood to their new home, until at last they push past the barrier. Yellow eyes all but gleam as heads turn, and she grins - a sharp, smug thing, like the cat who got the canary. "This, my little ducklings, is Skyclan - your new home," she says, a lofty introduction spoken much too loud to simply be for the three sets of eyes and ears she has brought with her. "Skyclan, these are Littlekit, Fennelkit, and Thistlekit - my children," She is proud - and really, who could blame her? Skyclan has gained three new members today.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: @Thistlekit. @FENNELKIT @LITTLEKIT
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and notably round molly with ink black curls and a white-speckled belly. she wears a bowtie collar with a bright white and lemon yellow plaid pattern, and always seems to be smiling. beyond the normal clan-scent, she smells heavily of milk-scent, dog, and twoleg.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ffff99]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
The lights of his eyes shined brightly, wonder swirling within moon-shaped optics taking in the sight before him. His brow crinkled, turning to stare at his mother with unperturbed curiosity towards their … home.

Littlekit pawed at the ground with paws too soft for the harsh terrain, but he didn’t mind. His small body shifted closer to his mother at the sound of his name being called. Standing alongside the rest of his siblings to peer up at strangers. His expression remained indifferent saves for the twitch of his ear, interest making itself known.

He didn’t offer any words, merely watching the odd sight, creepy as it was with his helm only slightly tilted, optics wide and unapologetic.

thought speech
florescence gives way to something splendid, serendipitous — bulk of cotton fluff ivory dancing idly across the pale blue sky. cobalt eyes never leave the heavens as fennelkit toddles after his mother ; the child is not built for this travel, but he does it anyway. hind limbs ache like a thousand garden ant stings ( or, he could only imagine. ), pacing his awkward hop with a steady, lax grin, front - sitting fangs protruding from the expanse of mousy brown maw. like littlekit, his paws are too new for this rough terrain, too used to the fuzzy ground of their twoleg’s nest. this was skyclan, their mother says. their new home, she says. fennelkit can only blink widely, slowly, the same close - lipped smile giving little of what he’d truly comprehended away.

" new… home? " the child mimics, wondrous eyes full of blown pupil and glittering slivers of too - blue. his head tips, tilts to a heavy hang to the side, a jut at the back of his neck singing sure discomfort — but fennelkit instead hovers quietly aside his brother for a moment, the strangest mimic of a sit to keep the little bundle of pain at the end of his spine from alighting. his brain turns, sleepy eyes turning heavy - bagged up towards sootspritespark, ” are there.. twoleg.. out heeere? “ a slow lean forward, expression never changing despite the lilt of curiosity in his tone.

  • i.
  • 。゚゚・。・゚゚。
    ゚。 FENNELKIT −−−−−
    ⠀⠀howdy, neighbor.
    he / him. . charmingly curled fawn mitted longhair with cobalt eyes. strings unravel ; marionetted boy, all placated smiles and heavy, bashful eyes. in youth he is of downy, dove - colored fur — color tauntingly similar to the rustling overgrowth of tall grass rippling lazily through the moors where his true father lies. each cream brown strand curls sleek into glossy, well kept rings of shaded almost - mocha flowing loose and wispy around cherubically rounded cheeks. almond shaped luminaries settle into an electrifying cobalt as he ages, curtained gentle by baby pink lids heavy with fur. towering, tufted ears settle neatly atop the curve of his skull, bunny nose framed handsomely by long, curling whiskers. his maw settles forever into a lazing, half - lidded smile, a single forth - sitting fang jutting stark against pale lips. puppeteered child, from kithood his gait will be jutting and hare - like, condition borne from his lack of tail and awkwardly settled hips.

    ︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑ three moons, sootspritespark xx houndthistle & mason. smells like raw meat & playdough.
    ︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑ manx syndrome, lives with chronic pain. rolls by post for severity.
    penned by antlers

  • "speech"
  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — fullbody by merc!<3

Sootspritespark is an interesting creature, one that Orangeblossom hardly knows well. The curly-furred queen has been missing for some time now, though all of SkyClan knows it's been because she'd kitted and kept her kits carefully in their twoleg nest for now. It doesn't bother her; Alice had apparently done the same when Orangeblossom herself was born.

The sunkissed deputy rises with a small hiss on the inhale, ache in her leg overwhelming for a moment, but she shakes it off even as nerves squeeze her stomach tight.

"Congratulations." She meows to the queen, and pads over to the quartet with her head and tail held aloft. She does not mention the heavy limp present today, though she never does. At a respectable distance she crouches, bringing herself to the kits' eye level or thereabouts, her own crinkling at the corners with a small grimace of pain that's soon replaced by a cordial friendliness. "No twolegs here. Just SkyClan. I'm Orangeblossom."

Kits? More kits, in times like this?

Fireflypaw finds his gaze wandering sightlessly to the three little bundles at Sootsprite's paws, bulky form tense with mixed emotions as he scents the air for any odd smells of illness. What he finds instead is milk-scent and three healthy kits, and he lets out a sigh of relief as he realizes they didn't carry the illness that had been spreading.

"I would like it if I could give them all a proper checkup later, if that is alright with you, Sootspritespark?" He asks sheepishly, scratching behind his ear idly for a moment before a flustered expression takes over his face. Oh, my! How rude of him not to introduce himself. Brushing down the wild fur of his chest, Fireflypaw leans down into a hunched position to talk to the small kits. "My name's Fireflypaw. I'm the medicine cat apprentice; sort of like a healer, y'know? So, if 'yer ever feelin' down, or just plain sick, just call for me. I'll keep 'ye safe."

Big words for someone who let Tallulahwing die. He thinks to himself bitterly, his smile remaining on his face. ​
Dogskip watches with a blank expression as more kits arrive in camp. He feels a sickening feeling mixed with irritation rise inside of him. Sickening for the knowledge that these kits are not safe here with such a dangerous illness going around, and irritation because well..... Kits. He hopes these three aren't as irritating as the others who are now apprentices.

He wonders if it's unfair to think this way. They're so young, not even half a cycle old yet. He's always been easily irritated as well.

Regardless, he will continue to.... Do his best in their presence.

"Welcome to Skyclan." He says. "You'll like it here, I'm sure." He adds in an effort to be friendly.

His mind wanders back to the sickness, and ultimately, that is what makes him wish Sootspritespark had kept them home. Despite all of his annoyances and foul attitudes, he worries. He worries a lot.​

Even in its new form, the nursery doesn't seem to ever stay empty for long, does it?

It should be great news, the welcoming of more kits into the clan - a carrying of SkyClan's ways into further generations, a future forged to thrive. Something like that, Greeneyes thinks.

However, he can only watch with wary eyes as Sootspritespark makes her return with three small kits toddling behind her. Because sickness lingers; looms over the camp as it awaits to strike at SkyClan once more with shuddering breaths and limp forms. If the damage it causes to the pine forest's warriors is to be feared, what harm the sickness could do to these kits must be that of what nightmares are made of.

He can only pray to the stars that the fallen tree they will soon take shelter under will keep them safe from its uncured battle, can only hope the tree won't make way for another loss.

But still, he manages to smile at the daylight warrior - at the trio that keeps close to her as Sootspritespark makes their presence known in the forms of Little, Fennel, and Thistle.

"Welcome back," he greets Sootspritespark with a small nod after moving to stand beside Fireflypaw. He listens as the medicine cat introduces himself - ears twitching at his friend's offer to give the kits a checkup later. They seem healthy from what Greeneyes can tell, but his friend will be able to make sure they are.

"Welcome to SkyClan, amigos!" Greeneyes opts to chirp at the little ones next, "I'm Greeneyes, one of the warriors around here! We keep you safe too, just not with the medicine kind of stuff like Fireflypaw over here --" He lightly nudges his friend's side as he speaks, a smile on his face as he listens to others' own introductions.

Though he worries about what's to come, Greeneyes can only hope the kits will adjust to the new home they now find themselves in - that they'll one day grow into strong SkyClanners. They deserve to have such a wish come to fruition, despite what lingers in the air upon their arrival.


There was a lot for Johnny to unpack in those few simple seconds. Children coming into the clan and the return of a clanmate had him wanting to offer both a grin and big 'welcome home', but with Tallulahwings death still hanging over them all, accompanied by Dawnglares announcement that there was no cure to the illness that had struck her, he found himself wary to do so, feeling as if it'd be a lie to act as if everything were fine. And then there was the pressure of Slate and -moreso- Silversmoke that seemed to constantly hang in the air whenever Johnny caught sight of another Daylight warrior. These kits and Sootspritespark, they had returned to Skyclan during a rough period, and their kittypet blood would do them no favors.

And then, there was Thistlekit.

He tried not to react to it, but the name had come so unexpectedly that the sheer moment of stillness that overcame him from where he stood beside Orangeblossom would have been enough of a giveaway for those perceptive enough.

All of it was swept aside in favor of his usual welcoming smile though, the bobtail happy to see new faces despite everything else. This was life, after all. Cats came and went, they lived and they died, and new ones went on in their place. If he tried to turn away every cat that came along in the face of hardship, Skyclan would eventually cease to exist.

Besides, trying to send them away in order to *save* them would only farther push the divide that kittypets thought they were 'better' than clan cats, even if Johnny thought it was stupid not to use *every* advantage they had as clan- which included their twolegs.

"Welcome back Sootspritespark." he greeted while Orangeblossom assured the kits there were no humans in the forest. "You've got a lovely family. How'd they handle the journey over?" he asked, looking fondly at the bundles of fur and wondering what it must be like to make the journey from twoleg place and into the forest at their age. Had they been scared? Excited?

For a brief, brief moment, he envisions a gaggle of kits following him into the forest, but he never lets it take root, shoving it aside to a place less painful and confusing.


thistlekit & 02 moons & trans. fem nonbinary & they/she & skyclan kit

Thistlekit does not understand the flickers of uncertainty and sadness that cross the faces of the grownups before them - not, they are to excited by the prospect of meeting new cats to really care. "Hello!" they chirp out easily, wide green eyes fluttering. Where littlekit is silent and fennelkit slow, thistlekit is more than eager to go go go, ball of energy that they are. The curly furred child all but rocks upon their paws beaming - "Why are there no twolegs? And what's a- a healer? Oh, I'm thistlekit, that's me," they add quickly, because even though their mother has introduced them, it's only polite.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a pinkish grey kitten with splashes of white across their frame. their fur is just as curly as their mothers, and they have a deer-like nub for a tail. they wear a purple color.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#fff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Sootspritespark had been adamant that she did not want to kit in camp, and Blazestar had respected her wishes. She’s close to her housefolk, and she wanted their comforts and assistance if something went wrong. He could not fault her for that. He’s pleased when the curly-furred black molly makes an appearance again, tiny kits toddling after her. A smile graces his muzzle—one that wavers, as Johnnyflame’s does, when Sootspritespark introduces one of them as Thistlekit. A familiar ache weighs in his chest, one he does not think will ever truly go away. “Welcome back,” he purrs to the queen, blue eyes sweeping over the children she blesses the Clan with.

They are cute, plump-boddies and curly-furred like their mother, though two of them look distinctly different from the first one. Littlekit, he’s called, is the quietest one. Fennelkit asks, expression blank but voice lilting childishly, if there are Twolegs here. Orangeblossom answers him, and Blazestar chuckles. “We’re all just cats here,” he confirms lightly, turning to look at Thistlekit, who introduces himself politely. “A healer is a cat who helps you when you get hurt,” he says. “We call them ‘medicine cats’ here.

He supposes he should introduce himself to the kits, so he says, “I’m Blazestar, the leader of SkyClan. It’s nice to meet you all. Welcome to your new home.” He smiles, a purr rumbling in his chest.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
Ew! Theres new babies that are brought to the clan, and from where Pearl plays with a mossball, her face slightly falls. That- That means... Actually, she doesn't even know why she feels sad about it. She wanted the den to HERSELF, she already had to share with Cinderkit and the others. A small grumble escapes her as she picks the mossball, making her way over to the gathered cats.

She eyes the kittens, sizes them up. They're younger than me. She only huffs slightly to herself, a bit of relief flowing through her bones. "Hi." her voice is somewhat cross as she drops the mossball. "Are you guys living here now? I'm Pearlkit. L-Luh-Leader of the kittens, yeah. I'll be an apprentice next moon." she wants to make sure they KNOW it! I'll be one with Doompaw and then we can take over the forest. She slightly nudges the mossball towards them, feeling oh so generous. "You guys can play with this. The other queens have feh-feathers, too." she slightly raises a metaphorical eyebrow as she listens to all of them and lets it play in her mind. "Why do you move like that? And you- Whys your fur so curly? It's- weird. How do you get it like that? Did your Mama make it like that?" borne from sheer curiosity, she does not realize the potential callousness of her words as she addresses Fennelkit first and then Thistlekit. She turns to Littlekit, trying to find something to ask about only to find nothing because he doesn't speak. She follows his gaze, trying to find what was so interesting- Pearlkit finds nothing.

  • pearlkit.png
    -> pearlkit
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 3 months
    -> kitten at skyclan ,, found abandoned
    -> tiny chocolate tortie/fawn chimera with low white & blue eyes
    -> “speech, a7c7e7
    -> bisexual ,, too young [ single ]
    -> smells like milk & soft flowers
    -> image by oliver
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Littlekit blinked, watching strangers welcome them, some looking bitter, but otherwise nice enough. He dragged fiery blue optics from one cat to the other as they introduced themselves, finding their names oddly cool, although he’d much rather have a name like theirs than a reminder that he was still a kit if that wasn’t already obvious enough because of his small size, dwarfed by everyone that made his skin crawl, nearly wanting to ask if they could return home, but he hated how snuffy it was.

He shifted, expression curious, but stale. New home? He gazed up at Blazestar, willowy tail flickering with a bob of his head, turning to his siblings with a tilt of his helm until they landed on another, close in size. “You ask stupid questions.” He replied rather bluntly, nose scrunching up. He didn’t bother commenting on why she considered herself a leader when she was barely the size of—Littlekit side-eyeing Blazestar, claiming to be the leader.

The black-and-white tom peered down at the moss ball, blinking languidly. Play? He wondered if they were like those hard balls their twolegs had given them. He totaled forward, tapping at the soft texture with a scrunch of his brow, fiery blue optics narrowing. “Oh.” He muttered.
thought speech