the spark in my bonfire heart | grooming and gossiping

Sharing tongues was one of those quintessential parts of clan life. A moment to groom and clean, as well as to share the odd bit of gossip if one was so inclined.

Howlfire didn't really care for gossiping that much. She might have occasionally joined in but preferred to keep her conversations to the more serious, real life subjects or to simply listen and chime in with her own opinion when the mood striked her - which in Howlfire's case was more often than not.

Howlfire had been curled up grooming one of her young clanmates, when a topic of conversation caught her attention, and her ear flicked as she listened more closely. The cats in question had been discussing Blazestar. Howlfire was used to her father being the topic of such conversations, with choices he had made in the past being a frequent conversational starter, with clanmates either agreeing or disagreeing on what was said. This time the topic seemed to be more on the personal side - specifically his love life. Howlfire heard one cat make a remark about the time Blazestar spent with Bobbie, giggling if they thought something was blossoming there. Howlfire raised a brow. Something there? Howlfire had definitely seen the two spending some time together and could recall the older queen's reaction when they had returned from the battle with WindClan. Was there something there Howlfire wondered. Had she not noticed or was she just subconsciously ignoring it because she couldn't imagine her father loving any other cat but her mother. "I'm not sure what you're trying to imply," Howlfire mused, giving the cat who had first spoken a quizzical glance. "They're friends. What sort of friend would they be if they didn't care for each other like that?"

⭒✧ The wash of information that accompanied the sharing of tongues was one of Chalk's favourite parts about it. After moons grooming with only twolegs for company in the Learningplace it made the tom feel civilised to be able to listen in to his clanmates. Typically he'd follow up any strand of conversation that promised a good story or new revelation but today the topic fell into a territory he had less interest in. The whispers, so frequently sparking into laughter, about Blazestar and Bobbie were hard to ignore though.

It's not that relationships weren't worth investigating- no, often they presented the most enticing puzzles- but hearing speculation about a cat he knew felt off. Chalk marinated in that conclusion as the gossiping continued, trying to untangle the sensation to better understand it. It wasn't the romantic subject matter, nor behind-the-back aspect. The possibility of misinformation perhaps? A creased ear was the only mar on his introspection induced inertia.

Howlfire's voice spilt into his mind. As the daughter of the gossipee it must be an even stranger situation to navigate. What's more, she seemed to be unable to confirm the rumours. Not wanting to leave the warrior alone in sowing reasonable doubt, the fawn tom took in a weary breath. "Even if there's evidence for it, conjectures on internal affairs might not be wise." Ever formal, the tightness of Chalk's suggestion likely wasn't noticed.
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Sparrowpaw was always happy to share tongues with others, content and happy to share such proximity. It was warm and comfortable. They worked on Howlfire's fur just as she worked on theirs, their eyes closed and a quiet tune of a hum in their throat.

The tabby didn't immediately stop when she did, more focused on the task at hand than the surrounding conversation. Even so, when the young warrior stopped, so too did they, ear twitching and head raising. Friends? Who? They were quiet as they listened. Bobbie and Blazestar.

"I don't think I've noticed anything strange," they added quietly. "I don't think there's any harm in being close with friends. Love can be platonic too." They were plenty happy to snuggle close with others should they let them. It didn't necessarily mean they had to be in love with them.

