the stars aligned and I hate you // windclan patrol


Oct 23, 2022

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
This was rather strange wasn't it? Rune never lead a patrol before in Windclan, back home he was usually the one to follow a patrol for protection, and certainly never lead one. Did Duskfire trust him that much to lead a patrol to their 'enemies' of Riverclan? Must be and it made heat flushed through his chest at the thought. Maybe he would have a place here after all. The cat of shadowly black and pristine snow shook out his short coat for a moment before looking back towards the cats that had gone along with him. "Make sure to mark the borders, Duskfires orders," He reminded them with a light smile across his dual colored maw.

Riverclan. A place covered in so much reeds and willow branches he was sure they must get lost sometimes. Rune had only seen bits and pieces of the forest beyond the moorland, and it eased great curiousity from him. What was Skyclan like? Thunderclan? Shadowclan he already sort of knew due to the feast they had held there, and Riverclan as they shared a border with them. Rune had had a few interactions with the water cats before and they seemed to very- alright? Windclan didn't like them, but he held no personal grudge against it.
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honeypaw had been out near the border in search of anything that caught her eye. perhaps a gift for chamomile? he had just given her the prettiest feathers she had ever seen, it was only the nice thing to do to return the favor.

amidst her search, a new scent overcame her senses. it stuck out almost jarringly against the fishy smell she had gotten so used to in these past moons. the golden apprentice raised her head to catch it again, ever curious about it's origin. honey followed right up to the border neighboring with windclan. when had she strayed so far from camp? she never thought of herself as a fast moving cat, but had she seriously spaced out long enough to make it this far?

as she gazed across the border, blue eyes caught sight of the bicolored tom, a patrol in tow. she watched curiously for a moment as she chewed her cheek contemplating a greeting. she didn't know much about the moor dwelling cats, only that they weren't on the best terms with them. honeypaw hadn't a clue why, and this one didn't seem so bad, so what harm would come from a simple hello?

"hi!" she called out towards the one who seemed to be leading this patrol, a friendly smile on her face "you're from windclan right?" she added on soon after, hopeful that talking to this cat would cure her curiosity. at least until something else caught her attention.

The shadow falls over and behind Honeypaw, peering out across the swarm of moorland cats with narrowed and cautious eyes but a seeking sunset gaze. One swift glance tells him that the silver molly is not with this patrol and he quickly loses interest in it. While the young apprentice exchanges questions and pleasantries he remains stalwart and staring in silence as a quiet challenge to the WindClanners to mind their place. It was no secret not a clan alive was fond of them, ShadowClan had surely died alongside Briarstar and the corpse they were dragging around had made ties with the rabbit-eating queen of the moors; but Pitchstar's wildly unpredictable nature aside, WindClan had no support to fall on. If they picked a fight they'd lose, he wondered if they knew how badly.
Smokethroat would not begrudge an apprentice their chance at seeing another clan or the excitement of a border patrol, so while he disapproved of being so friendly to WindClan he kept his tongue and let Honeypaw take the reigns on socializing here. His presence was merely a hushed threat in the event they decided to be rude to the child, he would remember faces, he would remember names, and they had best pray they never saw him on a proper battlefield.
Outwardly he just nodded once in affirmation, orange gaze listing lazily up to the cooling sky misted white; leaf-bare was coming.


WindClan. Strangers. Crappiepaw doesn’t recognize a single one of them, and they doubt Honeypaw does, either. But she’s quick to greet them, cheery and welcoming, and Crappiepaw’s maw twists into a scowl. They can’t fault her for being friendly, they suppose, but shouldn’t every RiverClan cat be wary around WindClan members? They’re all conniving and untrustworthy.

Smokethroat says nothing to the other patrol, so the thin tortoiseshell doesn’t speak up either, except to ask a hushed question. "Are we supposed to speak to them?" He steps closer to Smokethroat, squinting toward the strange cats. The look is general disdain on their face should be enough proof of their feelings toward the other clan’s warriors.


Frostpaw wasn't a big fan of Windclan, after all, they promoted a cat that had harmed their leader during a time of peace and have apparently caused many issues so seeing them on the border wasn't always the most pleasant sight to see but letting a soft sigh she came to step near Crappiepaw, Honeypaw having already greeted the stranger at the border while Smokethroat stayed quiet. With a slight flick of her tail she settled down while her curled ear flicked in a calm motion. "Interact at your own will Crappiepaw" she stated a bit smoothly, her bi-colored eyes glued onto the other with a look of distrust dancing in them. All they were doing was checking the border but, this was not a face she has yet seen among the normal patrolling members, odd.

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
The apperance of Riverclan cats wasn't a surprise, and in fact it was expected though he didn't think they're be so many young ones amongst their group. Did they have mentors with them or where they just all following Smokethroat? The cat of pristine white and deep smoke raised his feathery white tail in greeting, "Do not fret, we are just marking the borders for now," He assured them with a nod of his head in confirmation. Rune didn't want to cause a war, didn't want to fight in battle, but Riverclan wasn't exactly their friend either from what he recalled. They just needed to do their job then things could resume as normal.
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