the stars are projectors ✘ beesong

He'd never do this before, but now he is compelled to. Apologies were foolish to him once, that he would waste time coddling the feelings of others or accept his decisions were anything but wrong but he'd grown or perhaps rather he'd grown a sense of himself. While nothing dire, he had flashed his teeth at the medicine cat in a moment of panic and uncertainty and it was worth acknowledging how horrid that must have been for Beesong in the moment; paws already occupied with two nearly frozen cats practically a paw into StarClan each and the dark tom adding only grief than aid in the surge of defensive territorialness that burst inside him, splintering like the ice itself underpaw. He had waited too long to do this, preoccupied with Cicadastar, the clan, the melting river that may eventually return their camp to them; he longed for a proper nest but newleaf was here now and eventually RiverClan would be rewarded for their patience and determination. Black paws, one white mismatch, swiftly trotted along to the makeshift medicine cat den and a frown creased his brow as he examined it once more. He remembered the day Beesong had found his den back in camp, swept around it with delight at the places he could store herbs, the trickle of water filtering in to spare him the walk outside, the room for patients and his own comfort; it must be dreadful to be so removed from something you had found and molded to suit you. He could relate, somewhat, but he had not developed a growing attachment to the leader's den without it being snatched away so quick. Smokethroat snorted at the thought of it, the timing of the weather was cruel. Maybe StarClan was warning him off, but he'd pushed too far to relent to them now. Sorry StarClan.
A dark head poked into the makeshift den, single fiery eye glowing like the sun as he adjusted to the shift in darkness and he offered a hesitant and uncertain smile to the healer upon spotting him doing...something. Really, he had no idea what medicine cats did or how they knew what to do; it was a magic on its own as far as he could tell.
"Got a second, Beesong?"