THE STARS HAVE ALIGNED ★ missing apprentice

The freshkill pile is pitiful and she swallows as she looks away from it, she's a bit hungry after that hunting trip but she knows that when she goes home she will find plenty of food in her bowl and she can wait. The cats of SkyClan, her clanmates, could not.
She is just about to head out on patrol when the foliage around the edge of camp begins to rustle frantically and she is on edge immediately, body lowering and ears pinning back but it was no invasion by WindClan or mysterious rogue, but another daylight warrior.
The tortiseshell bursts into the camp, her eyes wide and her expression one of dismay and panic and Hazelbeam nearly jumps in surprise as she hears the molly calling out for help.
"Charlielight! What's wrong?! Are you okay?! What happened?!" The daylight warrior approaches the other, ice blue eyes wide and fearful and gently flicks her tail to the panicked she-cat's shoulder to try and calm her, "Take a deep breath..."
She turns, finds another warrior and stares before jerking her head to the side, indicating someone go find one of the lead warriors: Johnnyflame, Twitchbolt or Silversmoke - preferably any of them but that last one really. Blazestar was too sick right now, but someone needed to tend to this and she would prefer the one who despised kittypets not be the one to do it. After a moment the other housepet calms down enough to speak, still stammering and anxious but more composed, "I-I can't-I can't, please, I need Blazestar-I need someone! Two-legs took Abysspaw, I-I told him...I told him not to come out to meet me, I told him to wait for me in camp!"
Hazelbeam felt her fur bristle uneasily, the orange apprentice was always so impatient waiting for his daylight warrior mentor but she had never considered he'd run off ahead to try and meet her halfway into two-leg place alone. "Did...did you see what way they took him? Maybe we-"
Charlielight breaks into a wail, "They took him into a monster, I don't know where they went...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." It suddenly became very obvious they would be performing no miraculous rescue attempts this day, nothing like the shelter breakout she had heard stories of, the very same incident that had brought both Abysspaw and his brother Doompaw to the clan in the first place. StarClan help him, he was gone. There would be no getting him back. Hazelbeam says nothing, folds her paws around the weeping warrior and waits for someone else to come along so that she was not left alone in her helplessness.
Sent someone to find @TWITCHBOLT or @Johnnyflame or @SILVERSMOKE !
Obligatory brother tag - @DOOMPAW
( )
Monsters were dangerous. They were controlled by reckless twolegs somehow. Alice had been in a monster before, even trusting her twolegs it was rather terrifying. Her heart aches at the thought of young Abysspaw being scared. The daylight warrior briefly looks to the sky. Starclan, may those twolegs not harm that apprentice. May they find their way home somehow. If the cats on the journey could return, maybe Starclan would aid Abysspaw.

“Stars above.” she shakes her head with grief. Making her way over to support the two distressed felines. “Charlielight. Hazelbeam.” Alice curls around the two as a queen would to comfort her kits. Anxiety pools into her stomach as she thinks of the lost apprentice. “Twolegs are strange creatures that act foolishly sometimes. But many don’t mean harm. Maybe they’ll return Abysspaw when they realize they are no kittypet.” a glimmer of hope. Though, unlikely.
Doompaw has drifted away from Abysspaw in recent moons. When they’d first brought the kits to SkyClan after the shelter escape, the kits had been inseparable, nursing at Orangeblossom’s flank with her trueborn children. They’d had a bond, one forged from a tenuous memory of tortoiseshell fur and blood and cold, stiff flesh, but as they’d grown, they’d changed. Abysspaw especially has been fond of the daylight warriors, whereas Doompaw had taken to pranks with Plaguepaw and mischief with Pearlpaw. Now, as apprentices, they only see each other really when they’re bunking down for the night.

His brother is never far from Charlielight’s heels, but Doompaw does not begin to feel anxious until he hears the she-cat’s explanation. “Twolegs took Abysspaw, I told him… I told him not to come out to meet me, I told him to wait for me in camp!” He sucks in his breath. Taken by Twolegs? His claws come out before he can say anything—in his rage, he wants to batter Charlielight bloody, he wants to punish her for being so careless with his kin.

A monster?” He snarls, his heart pounding behind his chest. He’d only had one real encounter with one—and it had nearly killed him and Plaguepaw both. His fur begins to rise along his neck and shoulders. “What do you mean, we have to go get him! We have to fight the Twoleg and the monster!

Alice’s words fall on deaf ears. Doompaw only knows of Twolegs from the shelter, and the memory of that stinking place of steel and misery gives him a feeling of nausea so intense he can hardly stand it. He and his brother had escaped from Twolegs, and the birdbrain had gone traipsing right back into their old life!

  • doomguy . doomkit . doompaw
    — afab, he/him, apprentice of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Oliver
  • Sad
Reactions: dejavu

Twitchbolt was not used to being fetched as if he was some kind of authority figure- the authority figure he was, he had to remind himself. Irrationally, he still believed the golden leader would eventually come to his senses and kick him off the team, for what did he have to offer that no one else could? In a time like this, too... Blazestar too sick to carry on with his duties, he had to step up. And he would, he would, even if uncertainty shook him like a plaything and utterly refused to let go.

Panic in olive-hued eyes, Twitchbolt wasted no time in racing over, pupils flitting wildly between the sobbing form of Charlielight, the disquieted expression of Hazelbeam, the grave frown on Alice's face. Dreading looking at his apprentice, Twitchbolt eventually forced himself to, nose subtly wrinkled. Trembling, as ever, he shook his head. How could he possibly explain this? Without his own siblings, he'd... no idea what this felt like. And there was no finality to it, either...

"We can... we can't fight a monster, Doompaw," Twitchbolt said, voice thick with emotion. A shuddering sigh left him. Losing an apprentice, whenever it happened, always felt like a tree-trunk-sized blow to the chest; not knowing their fate was even worse. For a few passing moments, he could only look at his apprentice, rack his brain for what to do. Would it be best to try?

"We can- we can go to the Thunderpath. He might- he might be near there. But we can't go to Twolegplace, we... I- I can't have the same thing happening to you." Doompaw couldn't think he was giving up- and Twitchbolt wouldn't let himself, not yet. Not until he'd exhausted every eventuality. Abysspaw might have managed to escape the monster's rumbling paws, the Twolegs' tight grip; might, might. He'd only ever say might out loud, but he knew that it was impossible, really. Charlielight wouldn't be distraught over something so easily fixable.

He prayed not to find Abysspaw in StarClan one day, as Snowpath had found Daisyflight.
penned by pin ✧


Twolegplace. It was a world Johnnyflame would always have a paw in, and yet, he couldn't count the times on one paw that he'd warned his own apprentices away from the place. Over and over again he'd try to drill it into their heads how dangerous it was to ever go there without him, that aside from the many obvious dangers like dogs and monsters and thunderpaths, that the twolegs themselves were just as unpredictable as the clans.

Even a human with the best of intenions could mean the end of a cats life as a warrior- as may very well have been the case with young Abysspaw.

As he arrived to the frantic conversation of his clanmates, Johnnyflame couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated. Another blow the clan would have to suffer during already trying times- and one that could have potentially been avoided.

"Twolegs have a thing for snatching younger cats, especially when they're on their own." the tom admitted as he came to a halt beside Twitchbolt. "The 'good' news is that those twolegs usually think that the kitten is in need of help, which means there's a pretty decent chance that Abysspaw might find his way into some twolegs nest that wants to take care of him." explained the koi tomcat.

It wasn't the greatest news by any means, but at the very least it was hope that Abysspaw was still alive out there somewhere, just waiting for a chance to slip away or be rescued. On the other hand, there were some twolegs who would see a lone apprentice the same way a loose dog would- as some ragdoll to throw around or hurt.

He tried to have hope in humanity though, praying to the stars that it was one of the good ones who'd picked the younger tomcat up.

"I can head over toward the shelter tonight on my way home and talk to some of the neighborhood cats there- see if any of them saw a twoleg bringing Abysspaw in." he offered, "But I'll join that patrol of yours to the Thunderpath now if your goin'. Brightpaw! Glimmerpaw! Front and center!" he called, voice picking up as he called to his apprentices.

This would be an important lesson for them.

OOC- obligatory tags for @Glimmerpaw and @BRIGHTPAW

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There were many things that Brightpaw felt as though she had learned already, things that she didn't need to be retold by a new mentor. She didn't dislike Johnnyflame - he was a good cat and was actually a good mentor - but she didn't like being told things she already knew. He had no way of knowing she knew things and she had done this to herself, but she couldn't help the disappointment that came to her day to day as he retaught her things she knew as he taught Glimmerpaw things she needed to learn. It was a difficult predicament Brightpaw found herself in, so she stayed quiet day to day, only speaking when she was spoken to.

When she heard her name called, she expected more of the same. Learning things she already knew. so she walked over at first casually, but as she realized the gathering of cats and the frantic expression on Hazelbeam, the apprentice furrowed her brows and finished the rest of her walk over quicker. "What's going on?" She asked, looking towards Johnnyflame for but a moment before eyes glanced at the others that were there, waiting for an answer.
  • 43149711_LAdN8Y5i17B7CJB.gif
    brightkit - brightpaw - bright???
    ⋆ she/her - 12 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of skyclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
More things happening…it seems like SkyClan would never catch a break at this rate. Glimmerpaw should probably be paying more attention, as she does care about her clan, but there’s so much bad that it’s hard to watch sometimes. She wants to just ignore it and shut herself out, but she can’t. And she hates herself for it. What kind of leader would she be if she just left everyone to their own devices? She needed to be better than this…especially if she really does end up being in a high position in the clan some day like she dreams of being.

Luckily, Johnnyflame calls for her and Brightpaw, and she immediately goes from downtrodden to serious as she joins him and the other apprentice. “Present, and ready to go.” Whatever he needed from her, she was ready to provide. She waits to hear the full situation, just happy to be able to do something to help (even if it’s just to absolve herself of her guilt).​

Hunger ripped through Silversmoke's belly as he bound onto the scene, his pupils narrowed into slits and a vicious snarl tearing through the air as if Silversmoke had readied himself for combat. There were few cats the cocksure cat thought would battle with him for long, but the war against Twolegs never seemed to end. The news burned into his mind, black claws pulled at the earth as if he would somehow dig the stolen apprentice out from whatever grave the Twolegs would eventually bury him in. Abysspaw had gotten a taste of the wild, the freedom from collars and all the luxuries that being amidst friends could provide. He would be forced to change or succumb to death, either way, he would no longer be a SkyClanner through no fault of his own. Then, there is a voice of attempted reason, Silversmoke snapped his head so hard it was a StarClan miracle it did not break off. "Lie to yourself if it makes you feel better about it," he snapped towards Johnnyflame, fur bristled. Memories flashed in his eyes like strikes of lightning, each sending a ripple down the Lead Warrior's spine. "But don't lie to us. That's not what happens."

Twolegs did not help, only destroy. It had been SkyClan that saved what little vision he had left in his blue eye, it had been SkyClan that had given him purpose, it was SkyClan that helped kittens and took care of them - Twolegs had done nothing for the spotted tabby but loom over him and shriek and pull his tail with their icy hands. Searching the Thunderpath seemed like another attempt at hope and Silversmoke was cynical. One name rung in the back of his mind, and the calloused scowl of a jaded warrior softened. 'Thistleback escaped...' Abysspaw was no Thistleback. Young, impressionable, likely to give in to the promise of free food and endless toys; the apprentice likely wouldn't see how cheaply he sold his soul to gain such rewards. "We should mark the Twolegplace better than we normally do. If he can get himself out, he will at least know the way home then." Little else could be done for the poor kid, and there was a certain helplessness that left the tom's ears flat against his skull. StarClan, he hated not being able to help.

XXXXXAll of the warriors tell him different things, and his fur prickles with frustration. “I want to go too!” He says fiercely, glaring daggers first at Twitchbolt, then at Johnnyflame, and finally at Silversmoke. “He’s my brother! Isn’t no scent he knows better than mine! And he—he don’t want to be a Twoleg pet, he wants to be a SkyClan warrior just like me!” His short, shaggy fur fluffs out around his skinny frame, hiding the angles and causing his expression to become wolfish and insane.

XXXXXNone of you—none of you even care, you don’t want us here anyway!” Doompaw looks at Twitchbolt again, mutinous. He’s being unfair—a secret, tiny part of him even knows he’s being unfair—but he can’t help the rage burning in his stomach and chest. “You don’t care if he comes back or not, but I do! I’m going with Johnnyflame and you can’t stop me!” Tears burn in his green eyes, but he suppresses them with all he can muster.
