the stars lean down to kiss you & pigeonsong

Jan 5, 2023

.°☀ I'll believe it all


The thought just kept replaying over and over again. A chest ached from the amount of sprinting done but there was no way they could slow down. Hot breath nicked at the back of their legs, a lowly growl vibrating through the walls and into their ears. Hands reached out to grab the cream tabby and white figure as they streamlined through the brush. Then there was metal walls around them, slamming down with a force and shaking the world around them. Fear started to prickle at their chest and made breathing all that much harder. Green hues looked around in panic, for a way out, but the metal surrounded all sides of them and they cowards back against the corner of two plates. Those hands reaching, claw like fingers strolling across the ground towards them.

No! No!

Bananasplash woke with a start, having been thrashing about in her new nest in the warriors' den. Moss laid strewn about from her violent movements and the young warrior gave a few heavy breaths. It felt like they had ran from the camp to the moonstone and back without stopping. Looking to their clanmates, she got to her paws quickly and rushed from the den in fear. Bananaplash wanted to go home. Back to her bed in the twoleg den, but that wasn't an option anymore.

Bursting through the entrance of the warriors' den she sat down outside of it to take in the crisp morning air. It was still night time and the stars twinkled above as the moon hung in the sky like a kitten lulled to sleep by its mother. The pale tabby warrior felt her chest heave as the remains of her dream filtered through and she lowered her head slightly with a soft sigh once she calmed down enough to actually breathe. That was the worst dream she had ever had and it made her feel even worse about the whole thing.

She felt so alone.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 14 moons, crushing on Quillstrike, Pigeonsong and Chrysalis
    — skyclan warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — quick witted, sweetheart with a bleeding heart, optimistic

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Pigeonsong awakes, startled at the sound of a struggle. He blinks the sleep from his dull gaze and looks around the den warily, catching just a glimpse of Bananasong as she makes way out of the den. Her breaths had been heavy, and he's suddenly very anxious for her. As quietly as he can, the tom would stretch out his limbs, standing tall and glimpsing her form just outside.

The air was cold and the camp was quietly as he began to move forward. His vision was still bleary with sleep and he stopped for a moment, noticing her breaths still coming in harsh gasps.

"Hey, Nana." The tom would whisper, keeping back far enough that his whisper wouldn't startle her. Now that she was aware of his presence, he'd exit the den and sit beside her.

"I get them too sometimes, when I'd get them as a kit, my dad wouldn't let my mother comfort me." The tom muses, letting out a sad chuckle as he settles beside her, just near enough that their pelts were almost touching but not quite.

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Paws found their way over a pair of ears as Bananasplash tried to calm her ragged breaths, and looked up suddenly at the sound of her nickname. Standing in the entrance to the warriors' den is Pigeonsong, his tabby coat almost white beneath the moonlight and she blinked a few times. Quickly, she pawed at her cheeks and sniffled slightly to try to quall the idea that she had been rattled or upset or anything like that. He didn't deserve to see her break down like that, to deal with her emotional crying all the time.

The sandy tabby tomcat then settled down beside her with words of what she assumed was meant to be comfort, but it was really saddening to hear. Who didn't let their kit be comforted? Kits didn't know anything better than their mother, and it was cruel to hear that a nightmare swayed that. The sad chuckle from the tom also didn't help the guilt she felt tugging at her chest.

"Oh Pige," She murmured softly and reached out her tabby-colored paw to place it over his own, "I'm sorry about your dad. What sorta cat doesn't let their kit have comfort?" There was a small shake of her head at the idea before she sighed through her nose and looked out at the camp for amoment, removing her paw, "Alice use to comfort us when we where really little- but when I was six months old is when my twolegs came for Cloudberrythorn and I,"

Bananasplash felt her lower lip quiver and she wiped at her eye with a paw, "but I haven't had a nightmare in moons..," She looked down at her own paws quietly then her shoulders started to shake slightly. She could feel herself start to crumble, start to decay, and she wasn't sure if it was because Pigeonsong had so much comfort for her or what.

Green hues looked to the sandy tabby as tears rolled down the sides of her cheeks, "It was so scary," Her voice cracked and she took in a shaky breath, "I thought we where all going to be there forever," Bananasplash moved her gaze away from him towards the camp once more as if she couldn't bear to look at him and cry at the same time, "That we would all meet the same fate," Those walls haunt my dreams, haunt my waking life She thought to herself as she couldn't bring herself to speak out loud her true feelings.

Then she moved silently, shifting her weight to one side and pressing up against Pigeonsongs' side, "I didn't think I'd see Cloudberrythorn again, or Blazestar or Orangeblossom or my mom or-" She swallowed harshly and lowered her head, "Or you," It was true, she didn't think she'd get to show Pigeonsong the tree house, or hear him again or see his silly tabby face. Then again, the thought of never seeing Skyclan or the outside world had crossed her mind a few times. She could be in Starclan right then, with Daisyflight and the others that have passed on. Though that was pushed away instantly, she didn't want to think about that.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 14 moons, crushing on Quillstrike, Pigeonsong and Chrysalis
    — skyclan warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — quick witted, sweetheart with a bleeding heart, optimistic

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
"What sorta cat doesn't let their kit have comfort."

That was a good question and he had an answer but this wasn't about him. This was about her, the cat he'd found himself caring more and more about while she'd been gone, until he thought he'd never want to leave his nest again. Even Spiderpaw had noticed his change in demeanor and he didn't feel that she even cared.
Her paw reaches out and settles on his own and suddenly he doesn't feel so alone, things feel okay even when they're not.

The return of their clanmates should've been joyous but it was clear to the tom that these cats had imperceptible scars.
"It's okay, I don't live for him. I live for the clan now, for my friends and myself." For you. He leaves that part out. Now was not the time to burden her with more feelings when she was clearly overwhelmed already.

He notices sees her falling into herself and his heart pounds so fast he fears she might hear it. Pigeonsong had made it worse, he knew he did and he suddenly felt sullen along with her more than he had before.
Before he can focus too much on himself, she locks eyes with him and he freezes, holding her gaze as he describes living through horrors he had only barely glimpsed.

"I'm so sorry we didn't get there sooner."
Empty words, he knew, she should never have had to suffer this. Nobody deserved this but especially not someone so pure, so bright that they might eclipse night itself.

He begins to move closer but she's faster, sealing the gap between them.
"I'm here, Nana." He'd mew quietly, resting his head against her neck. "We're here for you, me, your brother, our clan." He wants to cry, he'd no idea seeing her so upset could influence him so much but he doesn't move. Purring soothingly against her, not wanting her to feel alone or scared.
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.°☀ I'll believe it all

The feeling of being abandoned was strong within Bananasplash and she wanted to believe Pigeonsong. To believe that the clan was there for her, that her sister was there for her and the like. He rested his head against her neck and started to purr to try to comfort her. She does apperciate it, she truly did but she couldn't help the words that left her lips, "What am I now? I was always a daylight I just a normal warrior now? Will I have to change my name?" The questions poured out of her as her thoughts came out verbally. She trusted the other tomcat enough to let him know what she was truly thinking.

"I miss my twolegs...I miss my bed," She spoke softly the next part and burrowed her muzzle into the others' tabbys shoulder with a soft sniffle. She wouldn't get to see her favorite toy again, eat her treats she loved nor be cuddled by the female twoleg again. What about Cloudberry? How did he feel about all of this? Was he struggling as much as she was? She didn't know but she should definitely ask him sometime.

Bananasplash gave a heavy sigh and decided to grow silent as she pressed herself into Pigeonsong. Relishing in his warm scent and purring comfort for just a moment as she just quietly cried into his fur. Letting herself be vulnerable, letting herself feel her feelings instead of masking them like she usually did. She was so grateful to Pigeonsong, "Thank you...for everything,"


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 14 moons, crushing on Quillstrike, Pigeonsong and Chrysalis
    — skyclan warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — quick witted, sweetheart with a bleeding heart, optimistic

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Just a warrior? She was so much more than that to him. It escaped him why he couldn't simply tell her as much. The last thing he wanted to do was add to this maelstrom but some selfish part of him tells the tom that it would be comforting for her to know. Maybe just this once it would be okay for him to share his truest feelings with another. Fear holds him back though and he freezes as she burrows into his fur.
He settles a paw over her, holding her close.

"I miss my twolegs...I miss my bed,"
There was that voice he feared that he might not hear ever again and he lays his head on top of her own, tears streaming down his face.

"I missed you so much." He admits, she was his only close friend. He'd been so scared that he might never hear her voice again, never go on lighthearted adventures with her into territories previously unknown by him. How foolish he had been to not say something sooner. Liar, selfish, he needn't burden her with his own feelings. What she was going through was leagues more important but he felt something forcing him forward.

"I was so s-scared I'd never see you again and I realized..." The tom cuts off, holding her close and just savoring the moment in case he ruined it. "I can't imagine my life without you. You're always on my mind and you drive me to try and be a better cat. You're always just so happy and positive and I feel like I don't deserve that light you cast upon me. It's weird but I really enjoy how light you make me feel when we're together." Starclan what a mess, he shouldn't be saying this now.

  • Love
Reactions: Honeysplash

.°☀ I'll believe it all

A sandy tabby paw is placed over her paler cream one, and all she could do was stare at it. A head rests on her own, and Pigeonsong stated that he missed her so much. He did? She thought only her family would've missed her and Termitepaw of course- but him? They where friends, he was one of her best friends, and she leaned into his touch softly with a sniffle. It made the realization she could've faced the same fate as Daisyflight and never hear his voice again or anything like that.

Then he called her the light of his life.

Bananasplash found herself pulling away from Pigeonsong to look him in the face, and there was a sorrowful look to her dark green gaze. She was glad she had such a big impact on him- that he tried to be a better cat because of her yet she could feel her heart crack slightly. Earlier that day, while the moon was setting, Quillstrike had pulled her aside to talk to her. He too confessed she mattered so much to him and she had confessed she loved him- but she loved Pigeonsong too.

He accepted her kittypet heritage without a bat of an eye. He had met her twolegs, seen her old home, and she'd trust him with her life if it came down to it. How could she choose? She didn't want to choose! Her heart ached painfully and she put a paw to her own chest with a thick swallow. New found tears welled in her gaze, and she shook her head quickly, "Pigeonsong-my dear sweet Pigeonsong," She murmured with a crack to her voice.

"I-I don't know what to say," She said softly and couldn't look him in the eye anymore, pulling her paw away from the other she blinked tears away, "I care about you too, you mean so much to me but- but Quillstrike-," She stammered with a twitch of her ear and she shook her head slightly.

"You're my best friend, Pige, and I woulnd't trade you for the world," Trying to lessen the blow, to let him know she wanted him in her lfie still even if she was promised to someone else, "Quillstrike asked me to be his mate earlier today- just before bed," Bananasplash had to refrain from flinching at her own words and she pulled away further before getting up onto her paws. "I-I need some time and-," She lowered her head and gave a sorrowful look towards Pigeonsong- then slipped into the warriors den wihtout another word.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 14 moons, crushing on Quillstrike, Pigeonsong and Chrysalis
    — skyclan warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — quick witted, sweetheart with a bleeding heart, optimistic

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
"Pigeonsong-my dear sweet Pigeonsong,"
The thought that this might happen had crossed his mind and he was ready for what was coming next. He wasn't sure what he'd intended when he'd begun speaking but he was sure that it had been foolish of him to do so now. How kind she was to begin so gently.

Her paw retreats from his but he holds fast, keeping her gaze when she wants but leaving when she pulls it away.
"I care about you too, you mean so much to me but- but Quillstrike-,"
He knew that she cared about him and it warmed his heart to hear it, even now as sadness trickled through her mew and throughout himself as her voice seemed to fail her briefly.

"You're my best friend, Pige, and I woulnd't trade you for the world,"

These words, although severing are also heartening and he finds himself just glad to know someone who could be so kind, especially when he'd been so discourteous. He listens, not interrupting and allowing her words to be ingrained in his memory.

"Quillstrike asked me to be his mate earlier today- just before bed,"

"I understand." The words are solemn but he doesn't feel the heartbreak he was expecting. He was still her friend and he knew that alone was a great privilege and one that he wouldn't squander for the sake of his own longing. "I'm sorry to have sprung that on you. I'm glad we're friends." He'd mew sincerely after her as she disappears back into the den, leaving him alone in the starry morning. His heart ached and there were small pangs of jealousy but he loved her enough to be glad for her to find her own happiness, content to be apart of her life just as they had been before.

Friendship was a beautiful thing.
With that thought, he'd make way for the camp entrance, planning to go on one of his morning hunts, just as he usually would. This time just a bit earlier.
  • Crying
Reactions: wolfie